Lesson 5 - PPT Thug

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The Hate U Give

Opening scene – Ten-point program

• Why do you think they need to know these rules?
• Have your parents taught you the same rules?
• If no, why do you think you weren’t taught these rules?
Opening scene – Ten-point program
• Why do you think they need to know these rules?
 Because this way they are prepared when they encounter a police officer. They have
more chances of ‘surviving’ this encounter if they stick to these rules.

• Have your parents taught you the same rules?

 Own answer.

• If no, why do you think you weren’t taught these rules?

 Own answer.
Khalil’s death scene
• Re-enact this scene according to your opinion and your point of
 How would you react if you were Starr?
 How would you react if you were Khalil?
 How would you react if you were the police officer?
Kitchen scene
• What does Starr mean with ‘It’s not so complicated to me.’?
• Why does he think and act this way being a police officer of
Kitchen scene
• What does Starr mean with ‘It’s not so complicated to me.’?
 She doesn’t find it complicating because she thinks there is no
difference between black people and white people. Everyone should
be treated the same and equal.
• Why do you think he thinks and acts this way being a police
officer of colour?
 Own answer.
The Hill We Climb – Amanda Gorman
Questions first watching
• Who is Amanda Gorman?
• Who else did you see in the video?
• Why did she write this poem? For what occasion?
Questions first watching
• Who is Amanda Gorman?
 Amanda Gorman is the author of this poem. She celebrates the fact
that things are changing regarding race in the US and that she is able
to recite this for the current president. It means a lot for the black
• Who else did you see in the video?
 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are they, why are they so
important?  Joe Biden is current president of the US. Kamala Harris
is the vice-president. She is the first female of colour as the vice-
Questions first watching
• Why did she write this poem? For what occasion?
 She wrote this for the inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden. She is the
youngest female to have ever made such a statement at such an
important historic moment. With her poem she reflects on the
country’s difficult past (slavery, segregation) and how they are
currently tackling the issue of police brutality. There still is a long way
to go, but progress is being made. The murder of George Floyd led to
the mass protests in the US which stand against police injustice. This
news had spread the world followed by demonstrations against racism.
The Hill We Climb – Amanda Gorman
Questions second watching
• What is the general message?
• Explain the title.
Questions second watching
• What is the general message?
 In ‘The Hill We Climb’, Amanda focuses on themes of the future and the
past, as well as hope. The past is about the atrocious circumstances that
black people have experienced in times of slavery and segregation. Her
idea of the future is a united US where racism and inequality have no
place. Her theme of hope goes hand in hand with the theme of future:
minority groups should never give up fighting for their rights.
• Explain the title.
 To get through this dark period. It symbolises the hill that the US is
currently climbing – a rough path to racial equality – and how
Americans still have a long way ahead of them. The progress is not an
easy one: a triumph requires defeat.
We: the American people, and more broadly the citizens of
1 When day comes we ask ourselves,
the contemporary world
2 where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
Shade: dark moments in our recent history
3 The loss we carry,

4 a sea we must wade. Belly of the beast: The horrors that black people have
5 We've braved the belly of the beast, endured in the past

6 We've learned that quiet isn't always peace, 6-9: everything from economic and racial injustice to the
Coronavirus and the more recent unrest in the United
7 and the norms and notions
States in the years of the Trump administration.
8 of what just is

9 isn't always just-ice. Just-ice: echo of ‘just is’ (not just ice)

10 And yet the dawn is ours

11 before we knew it.

12 Somehow we do it.

13 Somehow we've weathered and witnessed

14 a nation that isn't broken, 14-15: This simple phrase is at the heart of Gorman’s
poem. The country, she says, hasn’t failed or broken, it
15 but simply unfinished.
is simply still on its way to its full potential. (link w/
16 We the successors of a country and a time current police injustice)
17where a skinny Black girl 17-20: reference to Amanda Gorman’s life

18 descended from slaves and raised by a single mother

19 can dream of becoming president

20 only to find herself reciting for one.

to wade waden, door water gaan
to brave trotseren
the belly of the beast het hol van de leeuw, groot gevaar

a notion een begrip

justice gerechtigheid
to weather doorstaan
a successor een opvolger
to descend from sb afstammen van iemand
to recite opzeggen, voordragen
inauguration inauguratie, inhuldiging

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