Future Time Expressions by Myradova Gulshat Group No: ND 104

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Future time expressions

By Myradova Gulshat
group No: ND 104
Future time expressions

• The most common tenses we use in English

to talk about the future are will and be going
to, but there are aslo other expressions we
can use to talk about our future plans and

To express desires about plans we have for the future, we

may use will and be going to; but there are also other
possibilities, there are some useful expressions we are going
to know in this presentation, to talk about ambitions and
future plans.
To talk about our future plans and ambitions, we can
use the following phrases:

1. Be planning + infinitive with to:

I’m planning to retire early.
2. Be hoping + infinitive with to:
re hoping to spend a year travel
3. Be looking forward to + verb + ing:
I’m planning to going on holiday
4. Would like + infinitive with to:
I’d like to live abroad.
5. Be thinking of + verb + ing:
I’m thinking of doing a
degree in history of art.
• We can also use a pronoun or a noun after Be
looking forward to. For example:

I’m looking forward to it.

m looking forward to my holida

• We can also use I want and I’d love to talk about
future plan and ambitions. For example:

d love to travel around the worl

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