Machine Element I: BY Berihu T. and Mebrahtom.G

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Machine Element I

Berihu T. and Mebrahtom.G

10/9/2017 1
1. Introduction

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1.1 Machine Element
۩ Machine element refers to an elementary component of a machine.
۩ Machine elements are basic mechanical parts and features used as the
building blocks of most machines.
۩ All the machines are made up of elements or parts and units. Each
element is a separate part of the machine and it may have to be designed
separately and in assembly. Each element in turn can be a complete part
or made up of several small pieces which are joined together by riveting,
welding etc. Several machine elements are assembled together to form
what we call as complete machine, which performs various applications.

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Classification of Machines Elements

• The machines elements are classified into two main types: general purpose elements
and special purpose elements. These have been described below:
• 1) General purpose elements: The elements which are common to various types of
machines serving different applications are called general purpose elements. Examples
of these elements are nuts, bolts, keys, axles, shafts, couplings, bearings etc.
• 2) Special purpose elements: The elements that are used only in the specific type of
machine are called as special purpose elements. For instance piston and connecting
rods are used in the engines and compressors, while blades are used in the turbines and
blowers. Some other examples are cam shafts, push roads, crankshaft, cylinder etc.

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Types of General Purpose Elements

The general purpose elements, which are common in all types of machines, are
classified into two types: fasteners and elements of rotary motion drive.
• 1) Fasteners: The fasteners are the machine elements that connect or join various parts
of the machine. The joints can be of permanent type or temporary type.
The permanent joints are the ones that cannot be separated or disassembled into
individual elements without destroying or damaging them (e.g. welded joints, riveted
joints etc.)
The temporary joints are the ones in which the individual elements of the assembly
can be separated easily without destroying or damaging them. The joints obtained by
nut and bolt, and the cotter joints are common and widely used examples of the
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• 2) Elements of rotary motion drive: These are the elements that help
transmit the motion or power to or from the machines. For example
belt connected to the motor and pump helps running the pump. The
gear box helps transmit the motion and power from the engine to the
wheels of the vehicles. Other examples of elements of the rotary
motion drive are rope, chain, gear, worm drives, shafts, axles,
couplings, bearings etc.

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Examples of Machine Elements:
Structural Elements Mechanical elements

֎Couplings ♪ Belt, Chain, Cable drives
֎Bearings ♪ Clutch
֎Fasteners ♪ Brake
֎Keys, Splines and Cotter pin ♪ Gear train
֎Seals ♪ Cam and follower systems
֎Shafts ♪ Linkage
♪ Simple machine
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Examples of Machine Elements:

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The knowledge of machine design and their elements helps the designers:

• To select proper materials and best suited shapes,

• To calculate the dimensions based on the loads on machines and
strength of the material,
• Specify the manufacturing process for the manufacture of the designed
component of the machine or the whole machine.

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1.2 Engineering materials and properties
Engineering materials
1. Metals
2. Ceramics
3. Composites
4. Polymers and elastomers
5. Natural materials (wood)
6. Foams

Families of engineering materials

 Various engineering materials are shown below taken from Ashby’s material selection handbook

 The taxonomy of the kingdom of materials and their attribute
Computer-based selection software stores data in a hierarchical Structure as:

Selection of Materials for Engineering Purposes
1. Availability of the materials,
2. Suitability of the materials for the working conditions in service, and
3. The cost of the materials.
 strategy for materials selection
The main steps are:
1. Translating
2. Screening
3. Ranking
4. Seeking information

Mechanical and physical properties of materials
Mechanical properties physical properties
 Strength
 Stiffness
 Elasticity
 Ductility
 Brittleness
 Malleability
 Toughness
 Machinability
 Resilience
 Creep
 Fatigue
 Hardness
The mechanical properties of the materials are those which are associated with the
ability to Resist mechanical forces and loads.
Attribute limits and material indices

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1.3 Safety factor
 Safety factor is defined, in general, as the ratio of the maximum stress
to the working stress or design stress.
 Mathematically: -

• In case of ductile materials

• In case of brittle materials

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Factors considered while selecting factor of safety

• Uncertainties' of the design analysis due various simplifying

 • Errors in manufacturing and assembling
 • Unknown vibrations, accidental impact loads
  • Extreme service environmental conditions
• The effect of the failure of single component in the entire
  system / machine
•  The level of risk and hazards that may result due to failure, etc

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Define machine element in your own words.
2.List four examples of machine elements.
3.Explain three mechanical properties of materials.
4. Explain design factor of safety & Write down two factors while
selecting factor of safety.
Home work
Show that the material indices of a beam subjected to tension and
bending loading is and Where E is modulus of elasticity and is the
density of the material.

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