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Control Charts

What is control chart?

A control chart is the graphical representation of the collected information
The information may be related to measured quality characteristics or judged
quality characteristics of samples
It detects variation in processing and warns if there is any departure from the
specified tolerance limits
It helps to find out the natural capability of a production process which
permits better decisions on engineering tolerances and better comparisons
between alternative designs and alternative production process
The control charts which are commonly used are:
Control charts for measurable quality characteristics ( control chart for variables).
It includes X chart and R chart.
Control charts for fraction defective (P-chart).
Control charts for number of defects per unit (C-chart)
The control chart for variables are useful for controlling fully automatic
The control chart for attributes are useful in disclosing erratic fluctuation in
the quality of inspection, which results in improvement in inspection.
Nominal Value - Central Line
Target managers would like the process to achieve
Control Limits (UCL, LCL)
Based on the sampling distribution of the quality characteristics measured value
A sample statistic that falls between the UCL and the LCL indicates that the
process is exhibiting common causes of variation (Natural variation)
A sample statistic that falls outside the control limits indicates that the process
is exhibiting assignable causes of variation
How Control Charts Work



Control Charts



1 2 3
Control Charts



1 2 3
Control Charts



Assignable causes

1 2 3

Control Charts
Normal Curve
Control Chart Patterns
Chance Pattern of Variation
Average X

Extreme Variation
Average X

Indication of Trend
Average X

Average X

Erratic Fluctuation
Average X

R charts
A range chart is used to monitor process variability
Range in a set of data = smallest measurement in the sample subtracted
from the largest measurement in the sample
If any of the data fall outside the control limits, the process variability is
not in control

Values for D3 and D4

Constants that provide 3 standard deviations (3 sigma) limits for a given
sample size
Change as a function of the sample SIZE
The spread between the control limits narrows as the sample size
 This change is a consequence of having more information on which to base as
estimate for the process range
The management of Darshan group is concerned about
the production of a special metal screw used by several of
the company’s largest customers. The diameter of the
screw is critical to customers. Data from the samples
appear in the accompanying table. The sample size is 4. Is
the process in statistical control?
Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4

1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027

2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024 0.5020

Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027

2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024 0.5020

3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023

4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015

Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027

2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024 0.5020

3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023

4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015

Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027

0.5027 - 0.5009 = 0.0018

2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024 0.5020

3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023

4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015

Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027
0.5027 - 0.5009 = 0.0018
2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024 0.5020

3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023

4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015

Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027
0.0018 0.5018
0.5027 - 0.5009 = 0.0018
2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024
(0.5014 + 0.5022 +
0.5009 + 0.5027)/4 = 0.5018
3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023

4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015

Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027
0.0018 0.5018
0.5027 - 0.5009 = 0.0018
2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024
(0.5014 + 0.5022 +
0.5009 + 0.5027)/4 = 0.5018
3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023

4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015

Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027
0.0018 0.5018
2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024 0.5020
0.0021 0.5027
3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023
0.0017 0.5026
4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015
0.0026 0.5020
Special Metal Screw

Sample Sample
Number 1 2 3 4
Range Mean
1 0.5014 0.5022 0.5009 0.5027
0.0018 0.5018
2 0.5021 0.5041 0.5024 0.5020
0.0021 0.5027
3 0.5018 0.5026 0.5035 0.5023
0.0017 0.5026
4 0.5008 0.5034 0.5024 0.5015
0.0026 0.5020
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
R - Charts R = 0.0021

Control Chart Factors
Factor for UCL Factor for Factor
Size of and LCL for LCL for UCL for
Sample x-Charts R-Charts R-Charts
(n) (A2) (D3) (D4)

2 1.880 0 3.267
3 1.023 0 2.575
4 0.729 0 2.282
5 0.577 0 2.115
6 0.483 0 2.004
7 0.419 0.076 1.924
Control Chart Factors
Factor for UCL Factor for Factor
Size of and LCL for LCL for UCL for
Sample x-Charts R-Charts R-Charts
(n) (A2) (D3) (D4)

2 1.880 0 3.267
3 1.023 0 2.575
4 0.729 0 2.282
5 0.577 0 2.115
6 0.483 0 2.004
7 0.419 0.076 1.924
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
R - Charts R = 0.0021 D4 = 2.282
D3 = 0

Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
R - Charts R = 0.0021 D4 = 2.282
D3 = 0

UCLR = 2.282 (0.0021) = 0.00479 in.
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
R - Charts R = 0.0021 D4 = 2.282
D3 = 0

UCLR = 2.282 (0.0021) = 0.00479 in.
LCLR = 0 (0.0021) = 0 in.
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
R - Charts R = 0.0021 D4 = 2.282
D3 = 0

UCLR = 2.282 (0.0021) = 0.00479 in.
LCLR = 0 (0.0021) = 0 in.
Range Chart -
Special Metal Screw
0.005 UCLR = 0.00479

Range (in.)


R = 0.0021

LCLR = 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample number
Range Chart -
Special Metal Screw
0.005 UCLR = 0.00479

Range (in.)


R = 0.0021

LCLR = 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample number
X-bar Chart
Used to measure the mean
When the assignable causes of process variability have been identified and the
process variability is in statistical control you construct an x-chart to control
the process average
The ‘mean of the means’ is the central line of the chart and either the average
of past sample means or a target value set for the process
A2 is the constant to provide 3-sigma limits for the sample mean
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
x - Charts R = 0.0021
x = 0.5027

UCLx = x + A2R
LCLx = x - A2R
Control Chart Factors
Factor for UCL Factor for Factor
Size of and LCL for LCL for UCL for
Sample x-Charts R-Charts R-Charts
(n) (A2) (D3) (D4)

2 1.880 0 3.267
3 1.023 0 2.575
4 0.729 0 2.282
5 0.577 0 2.115
6 0.483 0 2.004
7 0.419 0.076 1.924
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
x - Charts R = 0.0021 A2 = 0.729
x = 0.5027

UCLx = x + A2R
LCLx = x - A2R
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
x - Charts R = 0.0021 A2 = 0.729
x = 0.5027

UCLx = x + A2R
LCLx = x - A2R
UCLx = 0.5027 + 0.729 (0.0021) = 0.5042 in.
Control Charts - Special Metal Screw
x - Charts R = 0.0021 A2 = 0.729
x = 0.5027

UCLx = x + A2R
LCLx = x - A2R
UCLx = 0.5027 + 0.729 (0.0021) = 0.5042 in.
LCLx = 0.5027 - 0.729 (0.0021) = 0.5012 in.
x Chart -
Special Metal Screw
UCLx = 0.5042
Average (in.)

x = 0.5027


LCLx = 0.5012

1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample number
x Chart -
Special Metal Screw
UCLx = 0.5042
Average (in.)

x = 0.5027


LCLx = 0.5012

1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample number
igure 7.10
x Chart -
Special Metal Screw
UCLx = 0.5042
Average (in.)

x = 0.5027


LCLx = 0.5012

1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample number
x Chart -
Special Metal Screw
UCLx = 0.5042
Average (in.)

x = 0.5027
Measure the process
0.5020 · Find the assignable cause
· Eliminate the problem
LCL = 0.5012

Repeat the cycle
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample number
Limitation of X Chart and R Chart
It is use measurable quantity
Cost of measurements and maintaining is high
Separate Set of control Chart is required for each Quality Characteristics of a
Product (if 20 then 20 separate chart)
Use of control chart should be economically justify: measurement cost, cost of
experts ,cost of troubleshooting etc
Control Charts for Attributes
Attributes are discrete events; yes/no, pass/fail
Use P-Charts for quality characteristics that are discrete and involve yes/no or
good/bad decisions
Number of broken eggs in a carton
Number of leaking beer in a box of 12
Use C-Charts for discrete defects when there can be more than one defect per
Number of flaws or stains in a carpet sample cut from a production run
Number of complaints per customer at a hotel
Also called the percent defective chart
Uses the proportion of defective items in a sample as the sample statistic.
P-chart can be used when it is possible to distinguish between defective and
non defective items and to state the number of defectives as a percentage of
the whole.
C -Chart
Also called the number of defective per sample area.
It applies to the no. of nonconformities in sample of constant size
C=no. of nonconformities in each sample.
The CL of this chart are based on poisson distribution.
The operation manager of booking services department of Shivam bank is
concerned about the number of wrong customer account numbers recorded by
bank staff. Each week a random sample of 2500 deposits is taken, and the
number of incorrect account number is recorded. The result for past 12 weeks
are shown in the following table. Is the booking process out of statistical
Sample Number Wrong Account Sample Number Wrong Account
Number Number
1 15 7 24

2 12 8 7

3 19 9 10

4 2 10 17

5 19 11 15

6 4 12 3
Control Charts
for Attributes
Shivam Bank

UCLp = p + zp
LCLp = p – zp

p = p (1 – p)/n
Number Account
15 n = 2500
Total defectives
19 p=
4 Total observations
Sample Wrong
Number Account Number
1 15
2 12
3 19
4 2 n = 2500
5 19
6 4
7 24 147
8 7 p=
9 10 12(2500)
10 17
11 15
12 3
Total 147
Sample Wrong
Number Account Number
1 15
2 12
3 19
4 2 n = 2500
5 19
6 4
7 24
8 7 p = 0.0049
9 10
10 17
11 15
12 3
Total 147
Sample Wrong
Number Account Number
1 15
0.006 n = 2500
2 12
3 19
0.0076 p = 0.0049
4 2
5 19
6 4
7 24
Control Charts
for Attributes
Shivam Bank
n = 2500 p = 0.0049

UCLp = p + zp
LCLp = p – zp

p = p (1 – p )/n
Control Charts
for Attributes
Shivam Bank
n = 2500 p = 0.0049

UCLp = p + zp
LCLp = p – zp

p = 0.0049(1 – 0.0049)/2500
Control Charts
for Attributes
Shivam Bank
n = 2500 p = 0.0049

UCLp = p + zp
LCLp = p – zp

p = 0.0014
Control Charts
for Attributes
Shivam Bank
n = 2500 p = 0.0049
UCLp = 0.0049 + 3(0.0014)
LCLp = 0.0049 – 3(0.0014)

p = 0.0014
Control Charts
for Attributes
Shivam Bank
n = 2500 p = 0.0049
UCLp = 0.0091
LCLp = 0.0007

p = 0.0014
Wrong Account Numbers
Wrong Account Numbers
Wrong Account Numbers

· Measure the process

· Find the assignable cause
· Eliminate the problem
· Repeat the cycle
Control Charts
for Attributes

The Banglamukhi Paper Company produces paper for the
newspaper industry. As a final step in the process, the
paper passes through a machine that measures various
product quality characteristics. When the paper
production process is in control, it averages 20 defects
per roll.

a) Set up a control chart for the number of defects per

roll. For this, use two sigma control limits

b) five rolls had the following number of defects: 16, 21,

17, 22 and 24 respectively. The sixth roll, using pulp from
a different supplier, had 5 defects. Is the paper production
process in control?
Control Charts
Banglamukhi Paper
for Attributes

c = 20 z=2

UCLc = c + z c

LCLc = c – z c
Control Charts
Banglamukhi Paper
for Attributes
c = 20 z=2

UCLc = 20 + 2 20

LCLc = 20 – 2 20
Control Charts
for Attributes
Banglamukhi Paper
c = 20 z=2

UCLc = 28.94

LCLc = 11.06
Control Charts
Banglamukhi Paper
for Attributes
Control Charts
Banglamukhi Paper
for Attributes
Banglamukh Paper Control Charts
for Attributes
· Measure the process
· Find the assignable cause
· Incorporate the problem
· Repeat the cycle
Process Capability
Evaluating the ability of a production process to meet or exceed preset
specifications. This is called process capability
Product specifications, often called tolerances, are preset ranges of acceptable
quality characteristics, such as product dimensions.
Two parts of process capability
Measure the variability of the output of a process
Compare that variability with a proposed specification or product tolerance.
If the Cp of a process is greater than 1, it is taken to indicate that the
process is ‘capable’, and a Cp of less than 1 indicates that the process is
not ‘capable’, assuming that the distribution is normal.
Improved process capability means less need for inspection, lower
warranty costs, fewer complaints about service, and higher productivity.
For process control purposes, it means narrower control limits
Measuring Process Capability
To produce an acceptable product, the process must be capable and in control
before production begins.
Process Capability Ratio
There is a possibility that the process mean may shift over a period of
time, in either direction, i.e., towards the USL or the LSL. This may result
in more defective items then the expected. This shift of the process mean
is called the off-centering of the process.
Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours
Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

U. Spec - L Spec
Cp =
Process Capability Ratio
Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

1200 – 800
Cp =
Process Capability Ratio
Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

Cp = 1.39

Process Capability Ratio

Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours Cp = 1.39
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

Indicates if the process mean has shifted
Capability away from the design target
If the Cpk >1.00, then the process is capable of meeting design
If Cpk < 1.00, then the process mean has moved closer to one of the upper
or lower design specifications, and it will generate defects
Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours Cp = 1.39
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

Cpk = Minimum of x – Lower specification

3s ,
Upper specification – x
Capability 3s
Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours Cp = 1.39
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

Cpk = Minimum of 900 – 800

3(48) ,
1200 – 900
Capability 3(48)
Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours Cp = 1.39
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

Cpk = Minimum of [ 0.69, 2.08 ]

Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours Cp = 1.39
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

Cpk = 0.69

Process Capability
Lightbulb Production
Upper specification = 1200 hours
Lower specification = 800 hours
Average life = 900 hours s = 48 hours

Cpk = 0.69 Cp = 1.39

Process Process
Capability Capability
Index Ratio
A certain product is given 100% inspection as it is manufactured and resulted
data are summarized by the hour. In the following table, 16 hours of data are
recorded. Calculate the control limit using 3-sigma control limits and indicate the
values that are out of control.
Hour No. of units inspected No. of defective units Fraction defective
1 48 5 0.104
2 36 5 0.139
3 50 0 0.000
4 47 5 0.106
5 48 0 0.000
6 54 3 0.0555
7 50 0 0.000
8 42 1 0.0239
9 32 5 0.156
10 40 2 0.050
11 47 2 0.0425
12 47 4 0.085
13 46 1 0.0217
14 46 0 0.000
15 48 3 0.0625
16 39 0 0.00
Total 720 36
Following are the inspection results of magnets for nineteen observation
Week No. No of magnets inspected No. of defective magnets Fraction defective
1 724 48 0.066
2 763 83 0.109
3 748 70 0.094
4 748 85 0.114
5 724 45 0.062
6 727 56 0.077
7 726 48 0.066
8 719 67 0.093
9 759 37 0.049
10 745 52 0.070
11 736 47 0.064
12 739 50 0.068
13 723 47 0.065
14 748 57 0.076
15 770 51 0.066
16 756 71 0.094
17 719 53 0.074
18 757 34 0.045
19 760 29 0.038

Calculate the average fraction defective and 3 sigma control limits,

construct the control chart and state whether the process is in statistical control.
The following table gives the number of missing rivets noted at aircraft final inspection:
Air plane no. No. of rivets Air plane no. No. of rivets Air plane no. No. of rivets
missing missing missing

1 8 10 12 19 11

2 16 11 23 20 9

3 14 12 16 21 10

4 19 13 9 22 22

5 11 14 25 23 7

6 15 15 15 24 28

7 8 16 9 25 9

8 11 17 9

9 21 18 14

Find C compute trial control limits, and plot control chart for C’.
what values of C’ would you suggest for the subsequent period?
The number of weekly customer complaints are monitored at a large hotel using a c-chart. Complaints
have been recorded over the past twenty weeks. Develop three-sigma control limits using the
following data:

Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
No of
t 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 3
In a capability study of a lathe used in turning a shaft of diameter
of 23.75+0.1 mm a sample of 6 consecutive pieces was taken each
day for 8 days. The diameter of these shafts are as given below:
1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day 8th day
23.77 23.80 23.77 23.79 23.75 23.78 23.76 23.76
23.80 23.78 23.78 23.76 23.78 23.76 23.78 23.79
23.78 23.76 23.77 23.79 23.78 23.73 23.75 23.77
23.73 23.70 23.77 23.74 23.77 23.76 23.76 23.72
23.76 23.81 23.80 23.82 23.76 23.74 23.81 23.78
23.75 23.77 23.74 23.76 23.79 23.78 23.80 23.78

Construct the X chart and R chart and find out the process capability for the machine
Weekly Assignment
Define X-chart, R-chart, P-chart and C-chart with the area of application
Differentiate between variable chart and attribute chart
Thank You

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