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Statistical Quality Control

What is SQC?
Statistical quality control (SQC) is the term used to
describe the set of statistical tools used by quality
It can be divided into three broad categories
Descriptive Statistics :
It is used to describe quality characteristics and relationships.
Included are statistics such as the mean, standard deviation,
the range, and a measure of the distribution of data.
Statistical Process Control (SPC):
It involves inspecting a random sample of the output from a
process and deciding whether the process is producing products
with characteristics that fall within a predetermined range. SPC
answers the question of whether the process is functioning
properly or not.

Acceptance Sampling :
It is the process of randomly inspecting a sample of goods and
deciding whether to accept the entire lot based on the results.
Acceptance sampling determines whether a batch of goods should
be accepted or rejected.
All three of these statistical quality control categories are
helpful in measuring and evaluating the quality of
products or services.
statistical process control (SPC) tools are used most
frequently because they identify quality problems during
the production process.
The quality control tools we will be learning about do not
only measure the value of a quality characteristic. They
also help us identify a change or variation in some quality
characteristic of the product or process.
SQC was pioneered by Walter A. Shewhart at Bell
Laboratories in the early 1920s.
Shewhart developed the control chart in 1924 and the
concept of a state of statistical control.
Shewhart consulted with Colonel Leslie E. Simon in the
application of control charts to munitions manufacture at
the Army's Picatinney Arsenal in 1934.
W. Edwards Deming invited Shewhart to speak at the Graduate
School of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and served as the
editor of Shewhart's book Statistical Method from the Viewpoint
of Quality Control (1939) which was the result of that lecture.
Deming was an important architect of the quality control short
courses that trained American industry in the new techniques
during WWII.
Deming traveled to Japan during the Allied Occupation and met
with the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers(JUSE)in an
effort to introduce SQC methods to Japanese industry
Variation in the production process leads to quality
defects and lack of product consistency.
No two items are exactly alike.
Some sort of variations in the two items is bound to be
there. In fact it is an integral part of any manufacturing
This difference in characteristics is known as variation.
This variation may be due to substandard quality of raw
material, carelessness on the part of operator, fault in
machinery system etc.
Types of Variation
Variation due to chance causes/common causes
Variation occurred due to chance.
This variation is not due to defect in machine, raw material
or any other factors.
Behave in “random manner”.
Negligible but Inevitable
The process is said to be under the state of statistical
Variation due to assignable causes
Difference in quality of raw material
Difference in machines
Difference in operators
Difference of time
Descriptive Statistic
It is used to describe quality characteristics and
Important descriptive statistic measure are:
Arithmetic Mean - measure of central tendency
Range - difference between largest/smallest observations in
a set of data
Standard Deviation - measures the amount of data
dispersion around mean
Arithmetic Mean
To compute the mean we simply sum all the observations and
divide by the total no. of observations.
It is the difference between the largest and smallest
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is a measure of dispersion of a curve.
It measures the extent to which these values are scattered
around the central mean.
Calculate mean and standard deviation
Cell mid-points Cell boundaries frequency
385 8
390 10
395 15
400 17
405 8
A machine shop produces steel pins. The width of 100 pins was
checked after machining and data was recorded as follows:
Width in mm Frequency
9.50-9.51 6
9.52-9.53 2
9.54-9.55 20
9.56-9.57 32
9.58-9.59 22
9.60-9.61 8
9.62-9.63 6
9.64-9.65 4

a) Find the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and variance

b) what percentage of the pins manufactured has width of 9.52 to
Weekly Assignment
Explain Statistical Quality Control in brief.
The mean and the standard deviation of a sample of 100
observations was calculated as 40 and 5.1 respectively.
While comparing with the original data it was found that
by mistake a figure of 40 was miscopied as 50 for one
observation. Calculate the correct mean and standard
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the following
distribution which shows the result of distribution of the resistance
of 500 units of certain electrical product.
Resistance (ohms) Frequency
2.7-2.9 2
3.0-3.2 16
3.3-3.5 46
3.6-3.8 88
3.9-4.1 138
4.2-4.4 113
4.5-4.7 71
4.8-5.0 22
5.1-5.3 4
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