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That worry us
• Sensitivity depends on personality. But
fortunately or unfortunately, your quality of
work that is based on your sensitivity does not
require high personality standards when you
are studying Architrcture
Details, Details and Details!!!
• Whatever you do, do not underestimate
details!! Architects are those types of people
concerned with the whole as much as the
Time Management
• You might not feel the weight of the demand,
but trust me, YOU WILL BE SHORT OF TIME if
you don’t treat it well. We, students of
Architecture and Professionals alike claim not
to have time. But that is just a trash talk!
There is plenty of time, but you just have to
know where to find it and how to use it
Lovers, Love! Haters, Hate!
• Don’t go with the flow!! Study the flow,
analyze it and find your own path. Don’t just
love or hate, agree or disagree, do or
discard…..bla bla bla or bla bla bla…….KNOW
The Glass
• An empty glass has more to hold than full
glass or even a half-full glass. If you admit that
you don’t know, then you are half way to
knowing it!
Compass and Anchor
• A boat keeps it course while on a journey
using a compass. A boat docks to the shipyard
with a string and its anchor. Find your compass
and find your anchor, in campus as well as in

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