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SSU 1023

Basics of Anthropology &

Pioneers in Socio-
cultural thoughts
This week…

Pioneers in Socio-cultural thoughts

 Lewis Henry Morgan
 Edward B. Tylor
 Auguste Comte
 Karl Marx
 Herbert Spencer
 Emile Durkheim
 Max Weber
 In the 19th century the discipline
of Anthropology was formally
 Founding fathers:
 Edward Burnett Tylor – University
Reader at Oxford, 1884
 Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1881) –
lawyer turned ethnographer
 Anthropology was intended to be a
true science that applied natural
sciences methodology to the study
of human society
 Progression of human
evolutionary/unilinear – barbarism
to savagery to civilisation
Auguste Comte (1798-1857)

 Coined the term “sociology” (1838)

 Latin socius (companion, associate) +
Greek logia (study) = sociology
 Sought to create a science of society
that could explain laws of the social
world – apply rigorous scientific
methods to study society
 His own sociological scheme was
typical of the 19th century; he
believed all human life had passed
through the same distinct historical
stages and that, if one could grasp
this progress, one could prescribe
the remedies for social ills.
Comte’s was suspicious of individuality, believed
in the redemptive qualities of society.
According to Comte, progress is a result of social
order. Supported order, hierarchy, spirituality,
social supremacy over the individual.

What is Social order?

Social structures/institutions/practices which
directly or indirectly control individual behaviour
Comte & Positivism

Comte’s vision for sociology was influenced by

Positivism: science should be concerned only with
observable entities that are known directly to
 Society operates under its own laws
A positivist approach to sociology believes in the
production of knowledge about society based on
empirical evidence drawn from observation,
comparison and experimentation
Karl Marx (1818-1883)

Witnessed the inequalities

that resulted from the
growth of factories and
industrial production
Analysed and criticised
industrial capitalism
Most of his work
concentrated on economic
issues – connects
economic problems to
social institutions
Marx: Theory of class & class conflict

Class = “any aggregate of persons who perform the

same function in the organisation of production”
Class is not determined by occupation or income
but by the position an individual occupies and the
function performed in the process of production

Two carpenters.
One shop owner, the other his paid worker.
Do they belong to the same class?
Marx: Theory of class & class conflict

Marx’s ideas contrast sharply with those of

Thought of society as an area where different
groups struggle and compete for survival and
improved livelihood, and generated social
For Marx, “The history of all hitherto existing
society is the history of class struggles” (The
Communist Manifesto)
Marx: Alienation

ALIENATION: refers to feelings of indifference and

hostility not only to work, but to the overall
framework of industrial production within capitalist
Speculated that the development of modern industry
would reduce many people’s work to dull,
uninteresting tasks
Division of labour alienates human being from their
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

Unlike Comte, who used the

term “progress”, Spencer
used “evolution”: because
“progress” carries an
anthropocentric meaning
Argued that man does best
when not artificially interfered
with  the best government
is one that governs least

How is this different from

Comte’s opinion?
1859: Darwin publishes The Origin of Species,
which Spencer adopted and praised
Spencer coined the term “survival of the fittest”
(1864): the conquest of one people over another has
been the conquest of the social over the anti-social,
the more adapted over the least adapted
Spencer was a firm believer in the scientific study of
“There can be no complete acceptance of sociology so long as the
belief in a social order not conforming to natural laws
 Comte (social) vs Spencer (individual)
 Society is merely a vehicle for the advancement of a
individual’s purposes

“There is no way of coming at a true theory of society,

but by inquiring into the nature of its component
individuals – Every phenomenon exhibited by an
aggregation of men originates in some quality
of man himself”
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
Is regarded as the first real
practitioner in the science of
Also the first Professor of
Sociology (Sorbonne)
Major theories:
 Social Facts
 Social Solidarity
 Mechanical
 Organic
 Anomie
 Etc etc….(Suicide, Theory of religion,
Morality, Crime & Punishment)
Durkheim: Social Facts

Social fact = an external social power that controls

people’s behaviour
Examples of social facts:
 The state of the economy
 Family and religious observances
 Public morality
First principle of sociology: “study social facts as things” 
means, social life could be analysed as rigorously as objects or
events in nature
“Things” = empirical phenomena, not concept
The study of social facts – instead of studying individuals,
sociology should examine aspects of social life that shape our
actions as individuals
Durkheim: Social Solidarity
Two types of solidarity:

Mechanical solidarity
 Traditional cultures with low division of labour are characterised by
mechanical solidarity
 Communities are uniformed: Most members of society are involved in
similar occupations, have similar values
 Bound together by common experience and shared beliefs

Organic solidarity
 Division of labour, specialisation of tasks and individualism would lead
to organic solidarity
 Society is held together by economic interdependence
 Relationships of economic reciprocity and mutual dependency would
replace shared beliefs in creating social consensus
Durkheim: Anomie
Organic solidarity is a product of the industrial era
An optimistic view: Specialisation would strengthen social
solidarity (Functionalism!)

However, Durkheim was also aware of the potential harmful

 Social solidarity could be disrupted if change occurred too rapidly. ???
 Sense of normlessness = Anomie
In modern societies, traditional norms and standards are
undermined without being replaced by new ones.
Anomie exists when there are no clear standards to guide
behaviour in social life.
Durkheim: when anomie occurs, people feel disoriented and
 linked anomie to suicide (crime and deviance…to be discussed later in the
Max Weber (1864-1920)

Major theories:
 Study of social action
 Rationalization
 Bureaucracy
 Sociology of religion
Weber: Study of Social Action

Sociologists should focus on social action, not

Human motivation/ideas were the forces behind
change – ideas, values and beliefs had the power to
bring about transformation
As opposed to Marx and Durkheim, who believed
that structures existed external to or independent of
Weber: Rationalization

With the emergence of modern society, people were moving

away from traditional beliefs (superstition, religion,
custom)  (social action!)
Instead, people were increasingly engaging in
rationalization that took into account efficiency and future
Rationalization: the organization of social and economic life
according to principles of efficiency and on the basis of
technical knowledge
 Development of science
 Development of modern technology
 Development of bureaucracy
According to Weber, evidence of trend towards
 Industrial Revolution
 Rise of capitalism
Capitalism is not dominated by class conflict as Marx
believed, but by the rise of science and bureaucracy
(the only way of organising large numbers of people

Is there a drawback to rationalization?

Weber: Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy = a means by
which a government rule
Weber was fearful of the
potentially suffocating and
dehumanizing effects of
bureaucracy and its
implication for the fate of
A highly bureaucratic
social order = “iron
cage” in which people are
Weber: sociology of religion

Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Weber noticed that Protestants possessed more
wealth than other religious groups, notably Catholics
is there any connection between
Protestantism and the spirit of capitalism?
Weber was also interested in the other religion of
the world. Whether Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam
etc. hindered or facilitated the development of
capitalism. ????

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