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Boutique Build Australia (BBA)

Assessment Task 2:

• Founded in 2013 as boutique building company

• Specializes in the design and build of high-

quality designer homes for Sydney
Mission, Vision Statement
• Mission: to achieve the highest position for our
clients and to deliver a client experience that is
second to none in the industry

• Vision: to establish, within three years, the BBA

brand — the highest ethical standards with best-
in-breed performance for clients.
Organization’s Values
• integrity
• client-focus
• active encouragement of excellence, innovation
and continuous improvement teamwork
• recognition of the diversity and expertise of BBA
employees and agents.
Strategic Directions
• engaging with customers and clients

• building goodwill and reputation for integrity

• supporting innovative thinking, management

and leadership skills.
Management Responsibilities
• Bob Sales- Operation Manager

• Jane Smith- Marketing Manager

• Deborah Terns- Human Resource Manager

• Amar Singh- Customer Service Manager

Objective, Performance Measures, Tasks
Objective, Performance Measures, Tasks
Action and Implementation Plan
Action and Implementation Plan
Relevant Legislation
• Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)
• Estate Agents Act 1980
• Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
• Dangerous Goods Act 1985
• AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational Health and
safety management systems-
• General guidelines on principles
Leadership Style
• Conceptual:
Conceptual skills allow a leader to visualize the
entire organization and work with ideas and the
relationships between abstract concepts.
• Participative:
Participative leadership is a managerial style that
invites input from employees on all company
Leadership Style
• Behavioral:
It includes the behavior of the leader at particular
situation that how he or she reacts on this.
• Delegating:
Delegate leadership, is a type of leadership style in
which leaders are hands-off and allow group
members to make the decisions
Leadership Style
• Directive:
The directive style has the primary objective of
immediate compliance from employees
• Authoritative:
An authoritarian leadership style is exemplified
when a leader dictates policies and procedures,
decides what goals are to be achieved, and directs
and controls all activities without any meaningful
participation by the subordinates (Goetsch. and
Davis, 2014).

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