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‘’A person who is actively searching for employment is
unable to find work’’

“The state of being unemployed”
About 110 million
people out of 200
million were
employed before
In 2019, it
decreased to
• In 2020, it raised from
4.10% to 4.40%

• Due to pandemic,
thousands of people
lost their jobs
In 2021, it is estimated to
increase up to 5.11% OR
even go AS HIGH AS
8.76% by the end of this
Issues caused by unemployment in the society:


Unemployment cuts down

people income leaving them
hopeless and penniless
Physical and Mental Heath:

Unemployment impacts on a
person’s health like causing Ache,
Laziness, Stress, Depression, Suicidal
thoughts etc.
Harmful for Children:

• Unemployment of parents affects

children’s moral development

• It will affect the future of the children

because of the poor education
caused by the lack of money

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