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Vickram Cuttaree
The World Bank

St. Petersburg ± May 24, 2008


° is the process that enables both

parties to a contract
° to meet their respective obligations
° in order to deliver the objectives
required from the PPP agreement.




° ith the appointment of project

manager and team
° ith development of project¶s
outputs, benchmarks and risk
° ith an understanding that things
ill change don the road
















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° What happens after contract expires?

± Service continues?
± By hom?
° Transfer of assets
± In the case of NADEX: concessionaire ill
rene rolling-stock and value of total assets at
end of concession is not negligible
± Is the City prepared to takeover?
± Does the City have capacity?
° inal project assessment
± Deliverables and outputs
± Employee transfers
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° What happens before contract termination?

° Decisions should take into consideration the all
stakeholders of the Public-Private Partnership
± VfM/Affordability for Government/City
± Availability/Quality/Affordability of service for users
± Profit/return for the private party
° Win-in situation ith no losers
± Importance of respecting contracts: attitude toards
contract ith private partner ill have an important
impact on perceive risks and attractiveness/cost of
subsequent projects
± Contract renegotiations: good preparation minimizes risk
of re-negotiations but it can be justified and does happen
± Dispute resolution mechanism should be put in place
and be satisfactory for both the public and private


° Expect the unexpected during

implementation phase
± Who does hat?
± Ho?
± By hen?
± Example: hat happens if increasing costs
means concessionaire is enable to operate
NADEX under current agreement?
° Institution¶s priorities and relative
importance of risks ill shift and change
± Revisit and reconsider on regular basis
± Ensure appropriate risk transfer throughout

° Each PPP is unique

± Construction vs. operations
° WHSD and Orlovski mainly about construction
° NADEX¶s operation is a key determinant of success
± Length of contract
± lo of funds beteen public and private
sector (availability payments, concession fees,
° All require periodic monitoring
± What: level of performance
± Ho: quality control
± If: consequences
± Who: self, institution, independent party




° Implications on service delivery

° Ho variations of PPP agreement are going to be
± Who should approve variation in agreement
± What type of variation ill be considered (change in
schedule for NADEX, maintenance program, etc 
± Ho to assess the impact on users, VfM, affordability
° inancial administration
± Keep records and accounts
° Importance of preparing and updating regularly a
management plan and manual

° PPP projects can be very much impacted by ne

las and regulations governing the sector
° While it is understood that Government/City must
keep control over future policies
± Impact on current operators should be assessed (ne
road, ne tariffs for metro, etc 
± Solution might involve compensating the private
operator from missing revenue
° Quality of regulation and clarity of policies ill
reassure the private sector and ultimately benefit
the project, sector and City
± Risk that city perceived risk could increase
± uture projects ill likely attract less interest or ill be
more expensive for the City







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Vickram Cuttaree
The World Bank

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