BSBMKG507 (Presentation) Task2

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The Street


Sarina Janjaeng 47794
Pajera Kosiriwalanon 42938
Pansa Pakkan 48624
The Street University Clothing is
a social enterprise operating in a
challenging environment for youth
at risk from a variety of factors
including substance abuse, family
issues and education and
employment opportunities. That
aims to equip young people with
the skills and practical experience
required to start their own small
business ventures.
Market trends to promote products and services
Marketing trends are very important in
the development of current plans and
give marketers the opportunity to learn
new things and new knowledge.
Especially, social media has a great
influence on the promotion of products
and services in the future. There are
many marketing trends in online
shopping that are interesting such as;

->Content Marketing Distribution on

social media
->Hashtags related to brands, products,
and services
->Live video marketing
Challenge for marketers is to
connect with customers through the
internet in real time and create
opportunities that work with all
social media. However, it is a good
opportunity to get more customers

Digital and take over the market with that

product or service. Nowadays, we
are able to easily get information

marketing about products or services. That is,

brands must keep an eye on online
social networks in order to

affecting publicize for customers.vThey can

easily use various social media
tools such as
or an interactive chat box.
New strategies

   Consumer behavior research is the scientific study of the

processes consumers use to select, secure, use and dispose
of products and services that satisfy their needs. Firms can
satisfy those needs only to the extent that they understand
their customers.
   Starting with “What one buys”, consumers normally look
for pieces of clothing that might highlight their physical
features. This is valid for men and women. Yet, among men,
this concerning is even more evident, for, while 68,1% of
them assert that they look for pieces of clothing that might
highlight those features, only 60,8% of women do that.
• Slide bullet text
•Multicultural environment
•Traditional learning opportunities, creative, performance workshop
•Strong distribution network, Strong Brand Portfolio
•Different prices in new markets
•Supported by government funding
•Positioning and unique sales proposals
•no dedicated marketing team
•New technology developed by competitors or market destroyers
PESTLE analysis Economic
Economic forces play a very special
Social programs are increasing role in the business environment.
being out sourced by It was mainly because recession had
governments who offer funding led to a decline in people’s purchasing
to organisations to deliver power
support and assistance to at risk
Technologically the world is
undergoing a revolution in digital
Socially, potential buyers of
technology and the internet of
street university clothing would things, this has had an impact on
be digitally savvy and be how social enterprises market and
frequent users of social media sell their products and services
Street Uni Clothing competes to keep the
donors catches the eye and makes them an
ongoing supporter, not a single supporter.
Including finding volunteers to continue
the mission of the organization in the
Street University has cultivated important skills in young and
underprivileged people. Teaching them skills is one thing that
will help them earn a living in the future.
A brand of fashion product in cloth and fashion industry that has
continued development brand through designs, materials,
production, image and marketing. Due to increasing number of
fashion market.
Thank you

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