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Project ???
1. A project is a planned series of related activities for
achieving a specific objective with a clear beginning
and end.
2. A project is a planned series of related activities for
achieving a specific business objective with a clear
beginning and end.
3. IS Projects -
a. Development of New IS
b. Enhancing existing IS
c. Replacing or upgrading
Project Management
 Application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to
achieve specific targets within specified budget and time
 PM for IS deals with 5 major variables:-
 Scope
 Time
 Cost
 Quality &
 Risk
Importance of Project Management
 High failure rate.
 Fails to work properly.
 Fails to provide any benefit from the
Investment --- fails to solve the problem for
which it was intended.
 So, IS projects should be carefully managed
Process Of Project Management
Five phases of Project Management -
 Initiating/Defining.

 Planning.

 Executing.

 Controlling.

 Closing.
Initiating/Defining :-

 State the problem(s)/goal(s).

 Identify the objectives.
 Secure resources
 Explore costs/benefit
Planning :-
 Identify and sequence activities.
 Identify the “Critical Path”.
 Commonly used technique is Gantt Chart
 Estimate time and resources needed for
 Write a detailed project plan.
Executing :-
 Commit Resources to specific tasks
 Add additional resources/personnel if
 Initiate project work.
Controlling :-
 Establish reporting obligations.
 Create reporting tools.
 Varience Report, Staus Report, Resource
Allocation Report.
 Compare actual progress with baseline.
 Initiate control interventions if necessary.
Closing :-
 Install all deliverables.
 Finalise all obligations/commitments.
 Meet with stakeholders.
 Release project resources.
 Document the project.
 Issue final report.
Establishing the Business Value
of Information System
 Information Systems Costs and Benefits :-
 Tangible Benefits-
• Increased Sales Volume
• Lower Operational Costs
• Reduced Work Force
• Lower Computer Expenses
 Intangible Benefits :-
• Efficient Customer Service.
• Improved Organisational Planning
• More Timely Information
• Improved Decission Making
Capital Budgeting for IS
 The principal Capital Budgeting Models are :-
 The Pay Back Method.
 The Accounting rate of return on investment.
 The Net Present Value.
 The Internal Rate of Return.
Managing Project Risk
 Dimensions of Project Risk :-
 Project Size.
 Project Structure.
 Experience with technology
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