Speed Detection of Moving Vehicle Using Speed Cameras Seminar Review 1 by Aniket Wadhe-1

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Bhujbal Knowledge City

MET Institute of Engineering


“Speed detection of moving vehicle using speed camera”

Presented By
Aniket R. Wadhe

Guided by
Prof. R. S. Jain

AY 2020-21
Bhujbal Knowledge City
MET Institute of Engineering
Outline of Presentation

• Introduction

• Literature Review

• Methedology

• References
Bhujbal Knowledge City
MET Institute of Engineering
• The accident rate is increasing very speedily in today's fast moving world, one of the main
reasons for this being over-speed of vehicles. Speed detection of moving vehicle using speed
cameras is one of the major steps taken towards this issue so as to bring down the rate of
accidents and enhance road safety

• Speed cameras are recommended under use to reduce road casualties. Since these cameras
save lives of road users the speed camera is also known as" safety cameras".

• What is a Speed Camera?

A speed camera is an automated ticketing machine that includes
a camera mounted invariably behind road signs or trees. It can be extremely handy to monitor
the vehicles as it is not practical for the policemen to be everywhere to enforce the speed laws.

• Speed camera uses the basic principle of Doppler Effect and RADAR technologies
Bhujbal Knowledge City
MET Institute of Engineering
Literature Review
Author Publication Title of Paper Parameters Outcome
Ms. Bhagyashri International Journal of Moving Vehicle Detection Speed Detection The accuracy of the system
Makwana Engineering Research & and Speed Measurement in The speed of the vehicle in each frame proposed in the speed
Prof. PraveshKumar Technology (IJERT) Video Sequence is calculated using the position of the measurement is comparable
Goel vehicle in each frame, so the next step is to the actual speed of the
to find the spots Bounding, and the moving vehicles. The best
centre of gravity. results are obtained in
shrinking algorithm.

Arash Gholami Rad, International Journal of Vehicle speed detection in Video and image processing has been Vehicle detection and speed
Abbas Dehghani and the Physical Sciences video image sequences used for traffic surveillance, analysis recognition is an important
Mohamed Rehan Karim using CVS method and monitoring of traffic mission in ITS. There are
conditions in many cities and urban three steps to realize such
areas. This paper aims to present processing, namely,
another approach to estimate the background subtraction,
vehicles velocity. object
extraction and speed
Bhujbal Knowledge City
MET Institute of Engineering
Doppler Effect: the principle of this effect is well known in the study of sound. It is known that if the source of
sound, emitting a note of frequency 'v' is move with a constant velocity 'V' relative to an observers, it is found that
the observers p Perceives a sound having the frequency v' which differs from 'v', being greater or smaller
according to the source is move towards or away from observers. This phenomenon in sound was first explained
by Doppler and hence the name Doppler effect. But Fizeau showed that the same effect on light. Thus if the source
of light is moving with a wavelength observed in the Spectroscope slightly different from the original wavelength.

Figure: The Doppler Effect

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MET Institute of Engineering
Bhujbal Knowledge City
MET Institute of Engineering
• References
• Speed Detection Camera System using Image Processing Techniques on Video Streams; Osman Ibrahim, Hazem El
Gendy, and Ahmed M. El Shafee, Member, IEEE; International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.
3, No. 6, December 2011.

• Moving Vehicle Detection and Speed Measurement in Video Sequence; Ms. Bhagyashri Makwana, Prof. Pravesh
Kumar Goel; International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)Vol. 2 Issue 10, October – 2013

• Vehicle speed detection in video image sequences using CVS method; Arash Gholami Rad, Abbas Dehghani and
Mohamed Rehan Karim; International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 5(17), pp. 2555-2563, 18 December,
Bhujbal Knowledge City
MET Institute of Engineering


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