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(Democracy based on Pancasila

and the 1945 State Constitution)

(1). Etimologically, the word (2). Abraham Lincoln, the

democracy comes from two former president of the
Greek words, “demos” and United States,stated that:
“kratein”. “democracy is a
Kratos/kratein (power/rule) government of the people,
by the people, and for the

The Definitions of Democracy
Democracy means power to the people or people power
(dari rakyat dan untuk rakyat)

▪ Democracy has various terms, such as constitutional democracy, guided

democracy (Demokrasi terpimpin), parliamentary democracy (demokrasi
parlementer) and Pancasila democracy (demokrasi pancasila)
▪ Democracy emerged after the Second World War and until now democracy
has been the basis for state administration in countries of the world
▪ Probably, for the first time in history, democracy is claimed as the proper
ideal description of all systems of political and social organizations advocated
by influential proponents

Three Traditions of
Democratic Political Thoughts
Classical Aristotelian Medieval theory Contemporary doctrine

Democracy is a form Basically applying “roman low” and The concept of

of government or a the concept of “popular sovereignty” “republican” is seen as
government by all place “a foundation for the exercise “…the most genuinely
citizens who meet of power, leaving the supreme power popular form of
the citizenship in the hands of the people” or a government”, or as a
requirements foundation where the highest power pure form of people’s
is in the hands of the people government

The Democratic Values According
to Hendry B. Mayo
in “Introduction to Democratic
Theory” Book:
A Democratic political system is a political system in which public
policies are made on a majority basis, by representatives subject to
effective popular control at periodic elections which are conducted on
the principle of political equality and under conditions of political

The Democratic Values According to Hendry B. Mayo
in “Introduction to Democratic Theory” Book:

(1) (2) (3)

(institutionalized (peaceful change in a Guarantee justice:

changing society): achieve justice
peaceful settlement
relates to social through democracy,
of conflict): conflict
changes that occur in namely relative justice
resolution through
society, whether in the long term
dialogue, population or
discussion, and technology.
without coercion
The Democratic Values According to Hendry B. Mayo
in “Introduction to Democratic Theory” Book:

(4) (5) (6)

Hold regular leader minimum of coercion Recognize and

elections normalize diversity:
diversity, open society
and democracy as a
way of life

Thoughts about Democracy in Indonesia

A country has special characteristics in the exercise of

sovereignty or democracy
▪ It is determined by:
a. The country’s history
b. The culture
c. The outlook and purpose of life

The Democracy in Indonesia
The democracy in Indonesia
animates the state
government system
(1). Indonesia is a country based
The democracy on law (rechtsstaat)
in Indonesia is a Indonesian
democracy that (2). Constitutional system:
Democracy is
a government system based on
is based on based on the 1945 constitusional system (basic
Pancasila State Constitution law) (Sistem konstitusional:
sistem pemerintahan
berdasarkan sistem konstitusi
(hukum dasar)


Indonesia as a democratic country
or a country that is sovereign of
the people

Constitutional Democracy

Indonesian Democracy is a constitutional

democracy, apart from the formulated
values and norms in the 1945 State
Constitution, Indonesian constitution also
limits government power and guarantee
citizens’ rights
Place your screenshot here

Article 1 paragraph (2) in the 1945

State Constitution: Sovereignty is in
the hands of the people and is
exercised according to the 1945 State

Pancasila Democracy

Pancasila Democracy,
in a broad definition, is
sovereignty or the highest power
Place your screenshot here
is in the hands of the people,
which in its implementation is
imbued with the values of

Pancasila Democracy

Pancasila Pancasila As an option for

Democratic Democratic the pattern of state
principles have life, democratic
practice runs in
accordance with been ideally system is
the development formulated, while considered
dynamics of at the empirical important and
Indonesian state level they acceptable to many
life experience ups and countries as the
downs reason to achieve
the goal of state
life, namely welfare
and justice
The goal of democracy are
welfare and justice
Explore the historical,
sociological and political
sources of democracy that
originate from Pancasila

The Democratic Values Sourced from
democracy in Indonesia villages (kearifan
lokal, adat istiadat, nilai dan norma)

Democracy, which was formulated

as the government of the people
and for the people, was a new
phenomenon in Indonesia when it
Place your screenshot here became independent. To date, the
democratic values have developed
to some extent in the culture of the
archipelago and is practiced in, at
least, the smallest political units,
such as village.
The Democratic Values
Sourced from Islam

The democratic values sourced from

Islam come from its theological roots.
The essence of the Islamic belief is the
recognition of one and only God
(monotheism/tawhid :
Place your screenshot here
monoteisme atau tauhid). In this belief,
God is the only definite being that is
sheer relative (nisbi). Consequently, all
forms of social activities that create
absolute power are considered contrary
to the spirit of tawhid or monotheism.

The Democratic Values
Sourced from the West

The western society (European) has a long

democratic root. The most important area of
democratic growth in Greece is Athens, which
is often referred to as an example of the
implementation of participatory democracy
Place your screenshot here
in city-state around the 5th century BC.
Afterwards, a similar governance practice
emerged in Rome (Italy), namely republican
government system. The model of democratic
governance of Athens and Venice had been in
decline since the fall of the Roman Empire
around the 11th century AD then disappeared
in the late “Middle Ages”.

The Dynamics of the Implementation of
Democracy in Indonesia

(1) (2)

The Republic of The Republic of

Indonesia I 1945-1959 Indonesia II 1959-1965
(Constitutional Guided democracy
democracy era) era/demokrasi

The Dynamics of the Implementation of
Democracy in Indonesia

(3) (2)

The Republic of
The Republic of Indonesia IV
Indonesia III 1998 – now
1965-1998 (Reformation
democracy era)

Urgency of Pancasila Democracy

No The Pillars of Pancasila Democracy

1 Democracy based on the belief in one and only God
2 Democracy with intelligence
3 Democracy with people’s sovereignty
4 Democracy with the rule of Law
5 Democracy with considerations of power
6 Democracy with human rights
7 Democracy with an independent court
8 Democracy with regional autonomy
9 Democracy with prosperity
10 Democracy that is fair
Why is a democratic life

▪ In essence, a country can be

called democratic, if the
people in that government
have the opportunity to:
▪ Participate in decision
▪ Have equal position before
the law
▪ Have fair distribution of
income 22
The Implementation of the Democratic Values
by State Institutions:
▪ A responsible government
▪ A representative council elected from free and secret
general elections to represent the groups and interests
of the people
▪ A political organization that connects leaders and their
people (satu partai dan multipartai)
▪ Freedom of speech for the press and mass media
▪ A free judicial system to guarantee human rights

▪ Explain the pros and cons of the

regional head general election which is
planned to be held in December 2020 in
the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic!
What do you think about it from a
Place your screenshot here
democratic point of view?

▪ If you are agree, give an explanation!

▪ If you are disagree, give an



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