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Font- Serif Colour palette- white &

Easier to read, pink

looks more More feminine, looks
professional classy as it is minimal
and not too much

Doesn’t include
barcode on the
front page – hidden
on back for a more
professional look

Three cover lines

Gives the audience
an idea of what is
inside and Picture takes
encourages them to up all of the
buy & read it page and is a
close up
Masthead Includes the
Font- sans serif barcode on the
front cover
Colour palette- Dateline &
black, white, priceline
red and yellow

Picture takes up
Minimal and simple, not
majority of the page
much writing
Doesn’t have cover lines- Headshot
doesn’t give away the
contents may interest
people to buy it
With this type of magazine it
Black & white picture
probably has regular buyers
that already know what to
associated with more
expect inside serious news
Looks like its for
an older target
Central image is a
Sans serif font close up of his
Less serious face
4 cover lines- glimpse
of content inside to Masthead in serif font
persuade the reader to Associated with more
buy serious content

White, red and

black colour Dateline &
palette Priceline

Sans serif font Central image-

takes up half the

large font to
help it
stand out Layout- half
images, half text


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