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Marketing For Managers

Pricing & Strategies

What Is a Price?

Price is the amount of money charged for a

product or service, or the sum of all the values
that customers exchange for the benefits of
having or using the product or service.

What Is a Price?

Considerations in Setting Price

Price Floor
No Profit below this price

Price Ceiling
No Demand above this price
Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing
& Cost-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing uses the buyers’ perceptions of

value rather than the seller’s cost.
• Value-based pricing is customer driven.
• Cost-based pricing is product driven.

Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing

Everyday low
pricing (EDLP)
involves charging
a constant
everyday low
price with few or
no temporary
price discounts.
Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing

High-low pricing involves charging higher prices

on an everyday basis but running frequent
promotions to lower prices temporarily on
selected items.

Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing

Value-added pricing attaches value-added

features and services to differentiate the
companies offers and thus their higher prices.

Major Pricing Strategies
Cost-Based Pricing

Cost-based pricing sets prices based on the

costs for producing, distributing, and selling
the product plus a fair rate of return for effort
and risk.

Major Pricing Strategies
Competition-based pricing

based pricing is
setting prices
based on
costs, prices,
and market
New Product Pricing Strategies

Market-skimming Pricing

Market-skimming pricing strategy sets high initial prices to

“skim” revenue layers from the market.

• Product quality and image must support the price.

• Buyers must want the product at the price.

New Product Pricing Strategies
Market-penetration Pricing

pricing involves
setting a low price
for a new product in
order to attract a
large number of
buyers and a large
market share.

Price Adjustment Strategies

Discount and Segmented

allowance pricing pricing

Psychological Promotional
pricing pricing

Geographic Dynamic International

pricing pricing pricing

Price Adjustment Strategies
Discount and Allowance Pricing

Discount and allowance pricing reduces

prices to reward customer responses such
as making volume purchases, paying early,
or promoting the product.

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Price Adjustment Strategies
Segmented Pricing
Segmented pricing
involves selling a
product or service
at two or more
prices, where the
difference in
prices is not
based on
differences in

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Price Adjustment Strategies
Psychological Pricing

Psychological pricing considers the

psychology of prices and not simply the
economics; the price is used to say
something about the product.

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Price Adjustment Strategies
Promotional Pricing

Promotional pricing is
temporarily pricing
products below the list
price, and sometimes
even below cost, to
increase short-run

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Price Adjustment Strategies
Geographical Pricing

Geographical pricing is used for

customers in different parts of the country or
the world.

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Price Adjustment Strategies
Dynamic and Internet Pricing

Dynamic pricing
involves adjusting
prices continually to
meet the
characteristics and
needs of individual
customers and
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 11-14
Price Adjustment Strategies
International Pricing

International pricing
sets prices in a specific
country based on many

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 11-15

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