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BY :
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 1
A Harsono
 Defined helping relationship
 Describe purposes of the helping relationship

 Differentiate between therapeutic Relationship

(helping relationship) with social

 Describe characteristic of helping relationship

 Describe to development of skill in communication /

interpersonal skill
 Describe therapeutic use of self

 Describe personal quality of nurse

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 2

A Harsono
The Interrelationship between
Communication and Nursing Process

Communication as a component of therapy

Communication essential to effective use

of the nursing process

Establish the Helping Relationship

= Therapeutic Relationship
= Nurse ~ Client Relationship
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 3
A Harsono
The Helping Relationship (H-R)

 The H-R sets the climate for the participants

to move toward common goal, which arise
from human needs.
 When a nurse – client are involved in a H-R,
the nurse assist its the client to achieve goals.
 The nurse is the helper and the client is the
person being helped.

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 4

A Harsono
Goal of a Helping Relationship Between
Nurse - Client

 Determined cooperatively and defined in term

of the client’s needs.
 Increase independence for the person, greater
feelings of worth, and improved physical
(Taylor, Lillis & LeMone , 1989)

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 5

A Harsono
Goal of a Helping Relationship (Cont’)

Directed toward the patient’s


 Self realization, Self acceptance, and an increased genuine

self respect
 A Clear sense of personal identity and an improve level of
personal integration
 An ability to form an intimate, interdependent, interpersonal
relationship with a capacity to give and receive love
 Improve functioning and increased ability to satisfy needs
and achieve realistic personal goal
(Stuart & Laraia, 1998)
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 6
A Harsono
Three Basic Characteristic of Helping

 Dynamic : Both nurse and client are active participants.

 Purposeful and time limited : There are specific goals.
 The person providing the assistance in a helping relationship
assumes the dominant role.

In the helping relationship

the communication process follows the sequence of

the nursing process.
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 7
A Harsono
Helping Relationship v.s Social
Helping Relationship Social Relationship
 It occurs for a specific  It occurs spontaneously.
purpose with a specific
person.  Information sharing is
 Characterized by an more likely to be similar
unequal sharing in quantity and type.
 Built on need of both
 Built on client’s needs participants.

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 8

A Harsono
Factors Affecting The Helping Relationship

 Specific objectives
 Comfortable environment

 Privacy

 Confidentiality

 Client Focus

 Use of nursing observation

 Optimal pacing

 Providing personal space

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 9

A Harsono
Developing Skills in Communication

Using effective
communication techniques *)
Interpersonal skills
Avoiding ineffective technique

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 10

A Harsono
Interpersonal Skills

Warmth and friendliness

Competence Consideration of client
(Taylor, Lillis, LeMone, 1989)
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 11
A Harsono
Therapeutic Use of Self
Developing self awareness
Developing trust
Avoiding stereotypes
Becoming nonjudgmental
(chitty, 1997)

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 12

A Harsono
Personal Quality of Nurse

Analisis Diri Perawat

 Self Awareness & Pengungkapan Diri
 Clarification of value

 Feeling Exploration

 Nurses as role model

 Altruism

 Ethic & Responsibility

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 13

A Harsono
Awareness of Self

Using Johari Window to Increasing Self


Who am I ???

Dua aspek ‘Self’

1. Kesadaran diri
2. Pengungkapan diri
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 14
A Harsono
Using ‘Joharry Window’ to Increasing Self

Quadrant I Quadrant II
Known to self & Others Known Only to Others
(Daerah Buta)
(Daerah terbuka / bebas)

Quadrant IV
Quadrant III Known neither to Self nor
Known Only to self To Others
(Daerah Tertutup / Rahasia / Pribadi)
(Daerah Gelap / Tidak dikenal)

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 15

A Harsono
Cara Menumbuhkan / Meningkatkan
Kesadaran Diri

 Dialog dengan diri sendiri

 Mendengarkan
 Mengurangi daerah buta
 Amatilah diri anda dari pandangan yg
berbeda / dari sumber yg berbeda)
 Memperluas daerah terbuka
(DeVito, JA, 1997)

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 16

A Harsono
Pengungkapan Diri
Hakekat Pengungkapan Diri

 Jenis komunikasi dimana kita mengungkapkan

informasi tentang diri kita sendiri yg biasa kita
 Pengungkapan hal-hal yg menyangkut diri kita yg
tidak disadari
 Pengungkapan hal-hal yg sebelumnya tidak diketahui
org lain

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 17

A Harsono
Pengungkapan Diri (Cont’)

 Pengungkapan informasi tentang diri kita :

pikiran, perasaan, dan perilaku.
 Pengungkapan informasi yang biasa dan
secara aktif disembunyikan
 Melibatkan minimal 1 oang
(DeVito, JA, 1997)

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 18

A Harsono
Clarification of Value
• Value system
• Value Clarification Process

Exploration Of Feeling

Serving as Role Model


Ethic & Responsibility

Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 19
A Harsono
Communication Patterns
Self Awareness
Direction :
1. Beri Tanda B jika Benar atau S jika Salah
pada setiap pernyataan yg sesuai dengan
2. Yakinkan jawaban anda dan buat 2
kesimpulan tentang pola / kebiasaan
komunikasi anda.
3. Minta pendapat teman yg mengetahui
pola komunikasi anda
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 20
A Harsono
Communication Patterns Self
1. Saya selalu mendengar apa yang saya
2. Saya jarang menginteruspsi orang lain
3. Saya penuh perhatian terhadap apa yang
dikatakan orang lain
4. Saya selalu mempertahankan kontak
mata dg lawan bicara saya
5. Saya selalu dapat mengatakan jk
seseorang marah.
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 21
A Harsono
Communication Patterns Self
6. Saya biasa menginterupsi seseorang untuk
melakukan klarifikasi
7. Orang sering bicara kepada saya ttg personal
8. Saya mengalami perubahan besar jk seseorang
menjadi sangat emosional
9. Jk saya tdk mampu menyelesaikan masalah teman
dg sgt baik, saya merasa tdk nyaman.
10. Saya merasa nyaman berbicara dg orang yg lebih
tua atau lbh muda dr pd seusia.
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 22
A Harsono
Communication as Therapy ~ By Tri 23
A Harsono

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