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Scriptures: John 12:20-43
John Eldredge

"see precious little of it"

1. Declaration of two worlds
- To experience the fullness of faith promised in
the Scriptures we must recognize the reality of
two very different worlds.

Why did Jesus taught with parables?

- To communicate spiritual truth that

cannot be understood by those with a
calloused heart. Those consumed with the
things of this world will never see the truth
of Christ's Kingdom.
2. Rejection of truth
Satan conceals, individuals
choose, …

God closes the door of

After hearing a voice from heaven and
seeing miraculous signs, God close the
opportunity to receive Christ by blinding
eyes and hardening hearts. This divine act
of judgment prevents the rebellious soul
from being converted and experiencing the
healing power of God (John 12: 39-41).
3. Description of traps

1. Lack of instruction.
2. The lure of the world.
3. The loss of identity
“The one who loves his life must lose it,
and the one who hates his life in this
world will keep it for eternal life.“

John 12:25
"thorns of the world"

consisting of worries of the age and the

pleasure of wealth that choke out the
word of God.
Many believed but did not confess
Christ as Lord because, "they loved
the praise of men more than
praise of God" (John12:42-43).

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