Some Interesting Information About Emotions

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Some interesting

information about emotions

Prepared by Serdyuk Irina

The wheel of emotions
Emotions are neutral

Joy means I get something I care about.

Sadness means I lose something I care about.
Emotions function to guide us to
survive and thrive
Emotions focus our attention and motivate
us toward a specific course of action. Each
emotion has a purpose.
Emotions are contagious
Feelings spread between people l
ike a virus, even if we’re not payi
ng attention to emotions

A study by Facebook and Cornell

University found that emotional
contagion even happens on social
media. We are deeply wired.
Never forget
Emotions last even longer than
memory. Many people can
remember how the emotionally felt
during a certain situation, even if
the finer details are hazy.
Aging with Grace

The botox makes their

face stiff, and limits the
many tiny emotional
changes in the face.
People are actually
attracted to animated,
emotional people, and
botox takes that away.
Listening to Radiohead

In fact, it’s very mentally healthy to

be sad sometimes. Being able to
cope and process sadness is much
better than pushing your negative
emotions down deep.
With open arms

Positive body language is easier to

fake and control than negative body
Feel the Rainbow

Different colors can trigger different

emotional responses, so people should keep
that in mind when picking a paint color for
their room.

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