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I like to talk with older people, time ago I was part of veterans and
baby boomer club, and they share me a lot of experiences that they
had in their life. Much of those experiences help me.
I think fit with all ideas, only the point than I don’t like too much is
when the people criticize me, but I can listen to them.
I like to talk with people from other countries, I think so is the best way
to learn about their culture.
I like talking to younger people, because I´m a Young person; In my opinion
they like using technological gadgets and they always want to have the last
release for example smartwatches, Smartphones, Ipads etc.
We prefer to do everything electronically, for example order food by apps,
pay with apps like paypal or pay the bills electronically.
We see it more convenient to make money through social networks than to
go to work.
Also we prefer to watch platforms like youtube or netflix rather than

For me is more difficult talking to older people than younger people, because I think
older people has more knowledge than me but I like to talk with them because I can
learn from them, on the other way I also like to talk with younger people for example
with my cousin or nephew because I learn new things that I didn’t know.

About people from another country is really interesting because they have other culture
and I like to talk with this kind of people to know of their country for example if their
country has a famous touristic place I like them showing me pictures but also there are
bad things for example I met with a person from Venezuela and he told me things I could
not believe but in general is good for me to know all this things.

I like talking to people from the other countries but I’m not good whit my
English either listen to it or speaking it, this situation makes me feel
I don’t like talking or making friendship with children because they are
questioning a lot and the most of them are very intense and I feel
desperate and of course I’m not good whit children but I tolerate them.

I think i like to talk with older people or people with the same age as me, we
have many things in common and that makes comunication easier.
The older people always can teach you many things and give you good
I like to talk with people of different countries, you can know about their
countries and traditions. Also make new friends.
Another thing I am good at its listening when people criticise me, I try to
listen to them and take it as constructive that helps me improve

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