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North South University

Undergraduate Programme
PAD 201: Introduction to Public Administration

Course Teacher
Saifuddin Ahmed (SuA2)
Associate Professor & Chairman
Department of Peace and Conflict Studies
Dhaka University
Good Governance in Bangladesh

Based on the opinion on the of the indicators of GG

Good Governance in Bangladesh
7. 11. The
5. Supremacy Accountabili
6. Stable Developme government
3. Freely of judiciary economic 9. 10. ty of
nt of overall systems
and 4. and system and 8. Efficiency Enforcemen Protection executives
1. Political 2. Freedom society work under
  independentl Independen constitution to initiatives for of public t of of law and branch to a
freedom of speech through the control
y elected t judiciary protect social and service fair/legal human freely
education of elected
legislature individuals’ economic contract rights elected
development and health representati
rights legislative
services ves

Poor n 13 17 19 10 7 6 10 7 11 14 8 9

% 40.63 53.13 59.38 31.25 21.88 18.75 31.25 21.88 34.38 43.75 25 28.13

Moderate n 15 10 6 17 11 17 11 19 14 8 10 10

% 46.88 31.25 18.75 53.13 34.38 53.13 34.38 59.38 43.75 25 31.25 31.25

Good n 4 3 6 5 12 6 9 5 6 7 10 11

% 12.5 9.38 18.75 15.63 37.5 18.75 28.13 16.63 18.75 21.88 31.25 34.38

Very Good n 0 2 0 0 1 3 1 1 1 3 4 1

% 0 6.25 0 0 3.13 9.38 3.13 3.13 3.13 9.38 12.5 3.13

Excellent n 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

% 0 0 3.13 0 3.13 0 3.13 0 0 0 0 3.13

Total 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Good Governance in Bangladesh

6. Stable
7. 11. The 12.
5. Supremacy Developme governme Accountab
3. Freely system
of judiciary nt of 9. 10. nt systems ility of
and and 8.
4. and overall Enforceme Protection work executives
1. Political 2. Freedom independe initiatives Efficiency
Independe constitution society nt of of law and under the branch to
freedom of speech ntly for social of public
nt judiciary to protect through fair/legal human control of a freely
elected and service
individuals’ education contract rights elected elected
legislature economic
rights and health representa legislative
services tives branch

Poor % 40.63 53.13 59.38 31.25 21.88 18.75 31.25 21.88 34.38 43.75 25 28.13

Moderate % 46.88 31.25 18.75 53.13 34.38 53.13 34.38 59.38 43.75 25 31.25 31.25

Good % 12.5 9.38 18.75 15.63 37.5 18.75 28.13 16.63 18.75 21.88 31.25 34.38

Very Good
0 6.25 0 0 3.13 9.38 3.13 3.13 3.13 9.38 12.5 3.13

Excellent % 0 0 3.13 0 3.13 0 3.13 0 0 0 0 3.13

Good Governance in Bangladesh

Good Governance in Bangladesh, Previous Semester
  Poor Moderate Good Very Good Excellent

Political freedom 40 2 0 1 0
Freedom of speech 37 3 2 0 0

Freely and Independently Elected Legislature 40 2 5 0 0

Independent Judiciary 8 18 16 0 0

Supremacy of judiciary and constitution to

24 13 4 1 0
protect individuals’ rights

Stable economic system 14 14 12 2 0

Development of overall society through

15 10 14 3 0
education and health services

Efficiency of public service 23 13 3 3 0

Enforcement of fair/legal contract 20 14 7 1 0

Protection of law and human rights 32 6 4 0 0

The government systems work under the

18 8 6 0 0
control of elected representatives

Accountability of executives branch to a freely

26 11 5 0 0
elected legislative branch

Good Governance in Bangladesh, Previous Semester

Good Governance in Bangladesh

The Factors those affect the State of Governance in Bangladesh

Good Governance in Bangladesh

1. Nature of Polity
2. Political System
3. Widening Corruption
4. Lack of Accountability & Transparency
5. Increasing Politicization of Civil Bureaucracy
6. Increasing expenditure of Military
7. Control of Executive Head over everything
8. Week Local Government System
9. Poor civil society structure 9
Good Governance in Bangladesh

• Nature of Polity (a form or process of civil government or constitution.

an organized society; a state as a political entity.)
– Underdeveloped polity
– Democratic practice is not institutionalized
– Politics is dominated by money and muscle
– The politicians are lacked by training and
– Election is expensive to the contestant
– Power and authority is concentrated to the top
– There are economic disparity between rich and
– Social disparity among different strata of
population 10
Good Governance in Bangladesh

2. Political System
– Visible during election
– Other times they arrange procession either in favor or
against of government
– The nature of leadership is undemocratic and

Good Governance in Bangladesh

3. Widening Corruption

Corruption is widely identified as a governance problem

as a clear signal that something has gone wrong in the
management of the state, since institutions designed to
govern the interrelationships between the citizen and the
state are used instead for personal enrichment and

political goals (Ackerman, quoted in World Bank, 200:6)

Good Governance in Bangladesh

4. Lack of Accountability & Transparency

– Dysfunctioning of the parliamentary system
– It is a Prime Ministerial system of government
– Neither active nor passive accountability works
– Decision making in public sector is non-

Good Governance in Bangladesh

5. Increasing Politicization of Civil Bureaucracy

– Partisan interference of the political executives
– Servility to persons is preferred rather than institutions
and rules.

Good Governance in Bangladesh

6. Increasing expenditure of Military

– Violation of cost effective ideals of services
– Do not consider the role of military in the society

Good Governance in Bangladesh

7. Control of Executive Head over everything

i. Political Party - Executive

ii. Rule making - Legislature

iii. Rule adjudication - Judiciary

Good Governance in Bangladesh

8. Weak Local Government System

– Influence of local politics
– Influence of bureaucracy
– Inadequate fund tapped out from central exchequer
– Lack of capacity of the locally elected people
– Lack of commitment for local development

Good Governance in Bangladesh

9. Poor civil society structure

– Lack of professionalism among the civil society groups
– Political biasness of the civil society groups

Thank You

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