Traffic Management Techniques

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Traffic Management Techniques:

S U B J E C T : C E - 6 3 5 - T R A F F I C A N D T R A N S P O R T AT I O N P L A N N I N G




M-Tech Urban Planning

Academic year 2020-21

 Introduction

 Need for Traffic Management

 Traffic Management Techniques :

 Traffic Management Measure in

 Regulation of traffic for vehicle,
driver & road users
 Traffic Control Devices

 Intelligent Transportation Systems

 Reference

Traffic management is the organization,
arrangement, guidance and control of both
stationary and moving traffic, including
pedestrians, bicyclists and all types of
vehicles. Its aim is to provide for the safe,
orderly and efficient movement of persons
and goods, and to protect and, where
possible, enhance the quality of the local
environment on and adjacent to traffic

Need for Traffic Management:
The regulation should be framed so as to achieve safe and efficient movement of traffic and
Traffic should be flexible with respect to changing condition and time.
Traffic should be reviewed and altered periodically in light of traffic condition and accident data
Design of streets and facilities and safe operation of traffic are vitally connected with the traffic

Traffic Management Techniques
Traffic Management can be done in two ways :

Traffic Management Measure in Road

Regulation of traffic for vehicle, driver & road users

Traffic Management Measure in Road

1.Restriction on Turning Movements
In India at a junction turning traffic include left and right-turned but at intersection only left
movement of vehicle allows (left hand traffic rule) Prohibition of Right turning movement can
stabilized only street.
Following are the three methods of Turning Regulation (one way):

T –Turn
G -Turn

T Turn

Diversion of right turning traffic may difficult to deal with traffic flow in major
Cross section some time it may deal with minor section

G Turn

Diversion of right turning traffic to left before the junction it may go to left
then to straight to reach the junction is very useful to deal with the traffic

Q Turn

Diversion of right turning traffic before the junction may Allow to go three
turn to reach the major section to manage the major traffic density and
traffic conjunction on road.

2) Traffic flow characteristics
As a traffic management measure intended to improve traffic flow, Increase the capacity and
reduce the delay.
Traffic flow lane characteristics is immediate and least expensive method alleviating the flow in
busy area.
Traffic movements at junction involve Number of point of conflicts on two lane roads meeting
at right angles.

No. Type of Traffic No. of Conflicting Points

1 Both the road two 32


One road two way &

2 One road one way 11

3 Both the road one 6


Conflicts on Cross Roads with one way Conflicts on Cross Roads with one-way
regulation on one road. regulation on both road.

3) Tidal Flow Regulation Technique
Tidal flow refers to a road where a lane
or lanes can sometimes carry more traffic
in one direction.

4) Lane service & Side streets:
Regulation and Control of
traffic, a lane is Part of a
Roadway (carriageway) that
is designated to be used by a
single line of vehicles, to
control and guide drivers and
reduce traffic conflicts.

Regulation of traffic for vehicle,
driver & road users

1)Traffic Laws
Rule of road safety law and motor vehicle act (1988) was brought in to effect from July 1,1989. it
serves the major guideline for the driver, motor vehicle license and control of traffic. It deals with
basic facts such as overtaking, traffic signals, speed limit.
The necessary document to be carried while driving. Preliminary Laws (M.V.A-1988): -
Valid driving license.
Licensing of conductors of stage carriages.
Vehicle registration certificate.
Valid vehicle's insurance certificate.
Permit and vehicle's certificate of fitness (applicable only to transport vehicles).
Valid Pollution Under Control Certificate

2) Rules of the Road (driver & road user)
Keep to Left.
Slow Down at road junctions.
Wear helmet.
Do not park at or near a road crossing or on top of a hill or on a footpath.
Do Not Cross the Yellow Line dividing the road even while overtaking.
Use The Horn only when essential and do not use it in a silence zone.
Do Not Carry Goods on a motor vehicle.

Traffic Control Devices

An area of road surface marked with cross hatching or solid object to means of separating traffic
or reducing speed or to provide a safe area to turn right or left side at junction. There are two
type of island:

Diverging island. Central island

2)Traffic signs (passive signs)
Regulatory or mandatory signs:
All Mandatory or Regulatory Signs are circular in shape.
Mandatory/Prohibitory Signs are to indicate the
prohibition upon certain kind of vehicle maneuver and
vehicle type.
They are with red circular ring and diagonal bars with
black symbols or arrows or letters on white background.
The red ring indicates prohibitory regulation; and the
diagonal red bar prohibits the action or movement
indicated by the black symbol.
Mandatory signs giving positive instructions are circular
with white symbol on a blue background. They indicate
what driver must do compulsorily.

Warning or cautionary signs:

Cautionary/Warning signs are triangular in shape with red border and

black symbol in white background used to caution and alert the road
users to potential danger or existence of certain hazardous conditions
either on or adjacent to the roadway so that they take the desired action.
These signs indicate a need for special caution by road users and may
require a reduction in speed or some other manoeuvre. Some examples
of these signs are Hairpin Bend, Narrow Bridge, Gap in Median, School
Ahead etc.

Informatory or guiding signs:
All Informatory signs and Guiding signs for facilities are
rectangular in shape. Informatory Signs for facilities indicates
location and direction to facilities like "fuel station" or "eating
place" or "parking" and shall be a symbol within a rectangular
board with blue background.
Information signs in rectangular shape are also used with
destination names and distances with arrows indicating the
These are used to give such information to road users which
will help them along the route in most simple and direct

3)Traffic Signals (active signs): -
Traffic control signals are
devices placed along, beside,
or above a roadway to guide,
warn, and regulate the flow
of traffic, which includes
motor vehicles, motorcycles,
bicycles, pedestrians, and
other road users.

4)Channelizing Devices
The function of channelizing devices is to warn and channelize the movement of road users
through changed path of movement due to the conditions created by work activities in or near
the roadway. Channelizing devices include cones, tubular markers, vertical panels, drums,
barricades, pavement markings and road studs.
Traffic cones
Traffic cones may be of the height of 500
mm, 750 mm and 1000 mm and of 300 to
500 mm in diameter or in a square shape.
They shall be of brilliant red/orange/yellow
and shall be made of a material that can
be struck without causing damage to the
impacting vehicle. For nighttime use, cones
shall be retro-reflectorized or equipped
with lighting devices for maximum
Tubular markers

Tubular markers is used effectively to divide opposing lanes of road

users, or to divide vehicular traffic lanes when two or more lanes of
moving vehicular traffic are kept open in the same direction, and to
delineate the edge of a pavement drop-off where space limitations
do not allow the use of larger devices. These tubular structures
shall be flexible plastic bollards. When a non-cylindrical tubular
marker is used, it shall be attached to the pavement in a manner
such that the width facing road users meets the minimum

Hazard markers

The hazard markers shall be alternating yellow and

black retro-reflective stripes, sloping downward at an
angle of 45 degrees in the direction of vehicular
traffic. With respect to the position of traffic
movement and road side hazard, it can be for either
left or right i.e. OHM (Left & Right). If traffic can pass
on both sides, it shall be Two Way Hazard Markers Hazard Markers OHM (Left & Right) & TWHM

Application of OHM (Left & Right) & TWHM


 Drums are generally of lightweight and with deformable

materials. They shall be a minimum of 800 mm minimum, in
height and have at least a 300 mm minimum width regardless
of orientation.
 The markings on drums shall be horizontal, circumferential,
alternating red and white retro-reflective stripes 100 to 150
mm wide.
 Each drum shall have a minimum of two red and two white
stripes with the top stripe being red. Any non-retroreflectorized
spaces between the horizontal red and white stripes shall not
exceed 75 mm wide. Drums shall have closed tops that will not
allow collection of construction debris or other debris.


Barricades are intended to provide containment without

significant deflection or deformation under impact and to
redirect errant vehicles along the barrier. They have four specific
functions such as to:
i) Prevent traffic from entering work areas including
excavations or material storage sites;
ii) Provide protection and perceived safety to both traffic as
well as construction workers;
iii) Separate two-way traffic; and
iv) Protect construction, such as form work for culverts and
other exposed objects, so as to avoid hazard to road users.

Direction indicator barricades

The direction indicator barricade in figure shall

consist of a one-direction large arrow sign
mounted above a diagonal striped, horizontally
aligned, retro-reflective rail. The direction
indicator barricade may be used in tapers,
transitions, and other areas where specific
directional guidance to drivers is necessary. If
used, direction indicator barricades should be
used in series to direct the driver through the
transition and into the intended travel lane.

New jersey barrier

 The New Jersey Barriers are 1 .5 m to 2.0 m

long pre-cast reinforced concrete modular
pieces with shaped ends that can be
interlocked and connected. Where the road
works are to be undertaken which would
continue for some time or where the space
is limited and there is a need for the
protection of the work force, particularly
where the speed of passing traffic may be
 New Jersey barrier is to be used to barricade
or segregate work space from traffic, where
traffic moves parallel to barricading. It is
intended to minimize damage in case of any

Water-filled barricades

 Water filled barricade is recommended

for segregating and barricading the
workspace and vehicular movement,
where traffic is expected to change
direction of movement on account of
temporary diversion plan.
 Forgiving type water filled barricade are
required in transition area, where
vehicles are likely to hit them if they fail
to negotiate the deflected pathway
provided as part of temporary diversion
 The water filled barricade shall be
conspicuous enough to be seen by
drivers under the headlight beam.

5)Temporary Pavement Markings &
Road Studs
Pavement markings shall be
maintained along paved streets and
highways in all long- and
intermediate-term stationary work
All pavement markings shall be in
accordance with IRC:35.
The colour of pavement markings
shall be white or yellow

Road studs
The pavement markings shall be reinforced with road studs and the color of the road studs shall be
amber. Where it is essentially required to divide the two streams of traffic, and bi-directional road
studs shall be provided at 1 .5 m to 9 m spacing. Roads studs shall be used at acute temporary
diversions to reinforce the temporary continuous marking and also where contra-flow situation is

6)Lighting Devices & Variable Message
Lighting devices when used to supplement channelization, the maximum spacing for warning
lights should be identical to the channelizing device spacing requirements.
Four types of lighting devices are commonly used in work zones. They are floodlights, flashing
warning beacons, warning lights, and steady-burn electric lamps.
Lighting devices may be used to supplement retro-reflectorized signs, barriers, and
channelizing devices.
During normal daytime maintenance operations, the functions of flashing warning beacons
may be provided by high-intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights on a
maintenance vehicle.


 Utility, maintenance, or construction activities

on highways are frequently conducted during
nighttime periods when vehicular traffic
volumes are lower. Large construction projects
are sometimes operated on a double-shift
basis requiring night work.
 When nighttime work is being performed,
floodlights should be used to illuminate the
work area, equipment crossings, and other

Flashing warning beacons

 Flashing warning beacons are often used to

supplement a traffic control device.

 Flashing warning beacon shall be a flashing yellow

light with a minimum nominal diameter of 200
mm with rotating amber lights equipped to be
operated over the entire 24 hour duration.

 The temporary terminus of an expressway is an

example of a location where flashing warning
beacons alert drivers to the changing roadway
conditions and the need to reduce speed in
transitioning from the expressway to another
roadway type.

Warning lights

Warning lights are portable, powered, yellow, lensdirected, enclosed

lights. When warning lights are used, they shall be mounted on signs or
channelizing devices in a manner that, if hit by an errant vehicle, they will
not penetrate through the windshield. The maximum spacing for warning
lights should be identical to the channelizing device spacing
 Type A low-intensity flashing warning lights are used to warn road
users during night time that they are approaching or proceeding in a
potentially (isolated) hazardous area. Type A warning lights may be
mounted on channelizing devices.
 Type B high-intensity flashing warning lights are used to warn road
users during both daylight and nighttime hours that they are
approaching a potentially hazardous area.
 Type C steady-burn warning lights and
 Type D 360° steady-burn warning lights may be used during night time
to delineate the edge of the traveled way and channelize traffic.

Temporary traffic control signals

 Temporary traffic control signals used to control road

user movements through work zones and in other
work zone situations shall meet the applicable
 Temporary traffic control signals may be portable or
mounted on temporarily fixed supports.
 Temporary traffic control signals should only be used
in situations where temporary traffic control signals
are preferable to other means of traffic control, such
as changing the work staging or work zone size to
eliminate one-way vehicular traffic movements, using
flaggers to control one-way or crossing movements,
using STOP or YIELD signs, and using warning devices

Arrow boards

 An arrow panel shall be a sign with a matrix of

elements capable of either flashing or sequential
displays. This sign shall provide additional warning
and directional information to assist in merging
and controlling road users through or around a
work zone.
 If used, an arrow panel should be used in
combination with appropriate signs, channelizing
devices, or other traffic control devices.
 Type 'A’ arrow panels are appropriate for use on
low-speed urban streets. Type 'B' arrow panels are
appropriate for intermediatespeed facilities and
for maintenance or mobile operations on high-
speed roadways. Type 'C arrow panels are
intended to be used on high-speed, high-volume
motor vehicle traffic control projects. Type 'D'
arrow panels are intended for use on authorized

Intelligent Traffic Management System
Intelligent Traffic Management System is also called Intelligent Transportation System.
ITMS could be achieved by using units like Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Base Station(BS), Traffic Control Box
(TCB) and algorithms like Traffic System Communication Algorithm(TCSA) and Traffic Signal Time Manipulation
Algorithm (TSTMA)
Benefits of ITS
 Secure, safe and comfortable movement of road users
 Reduce Delay and congestion
 Reduce Travel time
 Reduce Waiting time at signals
 Reduce Queue length at signals
 Reduce Fuel consumption

Siddamma. G. Pashupatimath and Prof. Shilpa. Madhavanavar 2018, Different Techniques Used
in Traffic Control System : An Introduction
Indian roads congress 2014, Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones
Indian roads congress 2012, Code Of Practice For Road Signs
Metrasys 2012, Traffic Management Guideline and manual to Best Practice
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Role of Transportation Systems Management &
Operations in Supporting Livability and Sustainability.
K. O. Olayiwola, A. M. Olaseni and O. Fashina 2011, Traffic Congestion Problems in Central
Business District
Vijai Krishnan V, Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITS

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