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Motivation Today

Some titles of Discussion Text

Have you heard about his crime case about five
years ago?
What do you think about the owning handguns regulation?

Is Indonesian law allowed it?

So, which ones do you agree?

Social Function of Discussion text

To present arguments from different points of view

about issue or problem
3.6 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
pembahasan ilmiah (discussion) tentang orang, binatang, benda, gejala dan
peristiwa alam dan sosial, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.6 Menangkap makna dalam teks pembahasan ilmiah (discussion) tentang orang,
binatang, benda, gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial.

4.6. 1 Menyunting teks pembahasan ilmiah (discussion) tentang orang, binatang,

benda, gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial , dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.6.2 Menyusun teks pembahasan ilmiah (discussion) tentang orang, binatang, benda,
gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial , dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
Giving and Match
New Vocabulary

Understanding the Information

in Discussion Text

Problems Statement (Group Discussion)

Data Collection
Verification and
and Processing
Generalization (The
(The students
students and the
search some
teacher match the
information from
information they get)

Giving written Post Test about the

information in discussion text
Match the words with the appropriate meaning!
1.Owning A.Berpendapat
2.Handguns B.Pembunuhan
3.Raises C.Menimbulkan
4.Violent D.Kejam
5.Probably E. Menjaga
6.Murders F. Kemungkinan
7.Right G.Kepemilikan
8.Defend H.Pistol
9.Argue I. Menurunkan/ melahirkan
10.Breeds J. Hak
Match the words with the appropriate meaning!

1.Allowed A.Mencoba
2.Drastically B.Membobol
3.Tries C.Diijinkan
4.Break into D.Di dalam
5.Inside E. Tidak sah/ Dilarang
6.Meanwhile F. Sementara itu
7.According G.Sesuai dengan
8.Recent H. Secara drastis
9.Nearly I. Hampir
10.Outlawed J. Terbaru
Match the words with the appropriate meaning!

1. Immediately A.Pertimbangan
2. Involving B.Dengan segera
3. Thieves C.Menegakkan
4. Consideration D.Melibatkan
5. Law E. Dgn sungguh-sungguh
6. Upheld F. Pencuri
7. Firmly G.Hukum
The question of owning handguns always raises a lot
of discussion in this country. Some
people are pros and some are cons. Here are some pros
and cons of the topic.
Owning handguns is something important for people
living in this country. It is a very violent country. There
are many crazy people out there. There would probably
be just as many murders even if we did ban handguns.
That is why people should have the right to defend or
protect themselves.
On the other hand, some people think it
unnecessary for people to have handguns. They argue
why the people have to defend themselves. That is
what the police do for. Violence breeds more
violence. If people are allowed to have handguns, the
murder rate goes up drastically every year.
However, the people still have the right to protect
themselves. If someone tries to break into a house –
and that happened – they never know what the guy
plans to do once he gets inside. That is they need a
Meanwhile, according to the recent surveys show
that there are nearly 40,000 people every year who are
murdered with handguns. Guns should be outlawed
Moreover, there is something like 16,000 accidents
in homes every year involving handguns. It is not the
thieves who get killed. It is mothers, fathers, and kids.
Based on the facts, to sum up, the owning of
handguns needs a careful consideration to apply in
public and needs more law system to be changed and
upheld the regulation firmly.
Discuss with your friends! Find Some information
about Discussion text!

1. What are the social function of discussion text?

2. What is the special characteristic of discussion text?
3. What information can we get after reading discussion
4. How is the language features in discussion text?
5. What are the structures of discussion text?
The special character of discussion text is
argument for (Positive ) and against (Negative)/
raises pros and cons opinion
We can gets positive and negative opinion
about our life problematic

Present tense is used in Discussion text

The generic structures of discussion text 
1. Issue : stating the issue which is to discussed
2. Argument pro : presenting the point in supporting the
presented issue
3. Argument cons : presenting other points which
disagree to the supporting point
4. Elaboration : explanation/ evidence to support the
5. Conclusion / recommendation : stating the writer’
recommendation of the discourse
Analyze this text based on the generic structures!

The question of
owning handguns
Issue always raises a lot of
discussion in this
country. Some
people are pros and
some are cons. Here
are some pros and
cons of the topic.
Owning handguns is
something important for
people living in this country.
It is a very violent country.
Arguments For There are many crazy people
out there. There would
probably be just as many
murders even if we did ban
handguns. That is why
people should have the right
to defend or protect
On the other hand, some
people think it
unnecessary for people to
have handguns. They
Arguments Againts
argue why the people have
to defend themselves. That
is what the police do for.
Violence breeds more
violence. If people are
allowed to have handguns,
the murder rate goes up
drastically every year.
However, the people still
have the right to protect
themselves. If someone
Arguments For tries to break into a house
– and that happened – they
never know what the guy
plans to do once he gets
inside. That is they need a
Meanwhile, according to the
Elaboration recent surveys show that there
are nearly 40,000 people
every year who are murdered
with handguns. Guns should
be outlawed immediately.

Elaboration Moreover, there is something like

16,000 accidents in homes every
year involving handguns. It is not
the thieves who get killed. It is
mothers, fathers, and kids.
Based on the facts, to sum
up, the owning of
Recommendation handguns needs a careful
consideration to apply in
public and needs more law
system to be changed and
upheld the regulation
Answer these questions based on the text above!

1. What does the text tell us about?

2. Why should people have a right to defend themselves?
3. Why do people think that it is unnecessary to have handguns?
4. Why should handguns be outlawed immediately?
5. What is the pros and cons about handguns issue?
6. What does the writer suggest us about handguns?
7. Which one do you agree about handguns? is it allowed or
8. Does the text give an evidence to support the opinion? What are
9. What is the purpose of discussion text?
Look for the synonym of these words! You can find the synonym in
the text!
10. A. Fight : B. Rule

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