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Future Transportation


Transport infrastructure refers to the framework that supports our transport system.
This includes roads, railways, ports and airports. Because of the intensive use of
infrastructures, the transport sector is an important component of the economy and a
common tool used for development. Road Infrastructure Railway ,Infrastructure
Airport Infrastructure,Port Infrastructure.

The most common problems of transportation infrastructure are the:

● Traffic congestion and parking difficulties
● Larger Community
● Public transport inadequacy
● Difficulties for non-motorized transport
● Loss of public space
● High infrastructure maintenance costs
● Environmental impacts and energy consumption
● Accidents and safety
● Land Footprint
● Freight distribution
● Congestion
● Urban Transit challenge
● Air Pollution
Important Decision of Future Planning of

The future of transportation involves moving into new, smarter sources of

energy, modes of transport and physical and technological infrastructure to
support these transportation innovations.
Three concepts driving the future of Transportation

Three common themes in transportation innovation are:

● Smart technology
● Electrification
● Autonomy
New transportation innovations

● Autonomous aerial vehicles (AAVs)

● Self-driving taxis
● Hoverbikes
● The Hyperloop
Planning for the Future of Transportation

Now is the time to start planning for the inevitability of this life-saving innovation.
Planning agencies should begin to consider how their local transportation systems will
function in a connected vehicle environment. The biggest trend in transportation right
now is connectivity. Wirelessly connecting our vehicles, roads, and mobile devices will
provide tremendous benefits in the improved safety, mobility, and environmental
sustainability of our transportation system. When defining the goals and objectives that
will drive decision making, planners should be aware of and consider the impact of
connected vehicles.
The End

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