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Business Research

Research Process
1. People immediately relate research to collection of quantitative or
qualitative data
2. Collection of data is important, however, there are many important stages
before and after the data collection
3. We need to understand the elements within the process, and the relationship
between the elements
4. All researchers need to have an idea of “Big Picture”, before starting to work
on the research project
Research Process Stages
1. Problem Identification
2. Literature Survey
3. Research Strategy
4. Methods of Data Collection
5. Sample Design
6. Analysis Design
7. Field Data Collection
8. Data Analysis
9. Conclusions and Suggestions
General Approach to Research Process
1. In reality, the process is much less ‘neat’ and many might not follow the process
stage by stage
2. Might need to move back and forth between the elements
3. May carry out two or more elements concurrently especially if it is a qualitative
4. Research process generally has eight elements
5. These are not isolated, discrete stages, but are actually part of one overall process
6. For example, a qualitative research may involve a continual integration of Review of
Literature and Data Collection
7. For research that includes well developed theoretical and conceptual frameworks,
Data Collection starts at a much earlier stage
1. Problem Identification
 Selection of the topic
 The stage that will take up most of the time
 Develop a preliminary research question and set of objectives
 This is a crucial stage, as an inappropriate topic might lead to irretrievable
differences later
 Need not develop final set of objectives
 Narrowing down to single topic is quite difficult
Development of Theoretical and Conceptual
1. Development of theoretical and conceptual frameworks
2. This is a continuous process
3. Often overlooked in a haste to collect the data
4. A vital part of the research process
5. Can alert to potential problems before they occur
6. Defines and organizes the concepts important within the study
How to Develop a Research Question?
1. Choose an interesting topic
2. Gather background information
3. What subtopics relate to the broader topic?
4. What questions do these sources raise?
5. What do you find interesting about the topic?
6. Consider your audience
7. Ask open ended questions such as “how” and “why” about your general topic
8. Why does this topic matter to you or even the others?
Sample Research Questions
1. Why are social networking sites harmful?
2. How are online users experiencing or addressing privacy issues on social networking sites
such as Facebook and Twitter?
3. What is effect on the environment due to global warming?
4. How is glacial melting affecting penguins in Antarctica?
Simple Vs. Complex
5. How are the traffic police officer managing the Bangalore traffic?
6. What are the common problems of Bangalore traffic and how can these commonalities be
used to address the issues present?
2. Review of Literature
1. Reading, evaluating and organising existing literature on the topic
2. Need to assess the state of knowledge in the area
3. You should try to become an expert in the particular field
4. Done along with the development of the theoretical and conceptual frameworks
5. Need to verify whether similar research has been carried out
6. Might show you the types of findings that you could expect
7. Provides description of the theoretical frameworks and previous adopted by others
doing similar research
Importance of Early Stages
1. Can take longer than expected
2. Easily discouraged by lack of success
3. No easy methods to come up with an appropriate question
4. Once you have developed a good research question, the rest of the process is
about finding answers for the specific question
5. Clear focused question with set of research objectives is important
3. Research Strategy
1. This can also be called as Research Design
2. Once the focused research question is obtained, the next stage is to consider two questions:
3. What data do I need to collect?
4. What is the best way to collect the data?
5. What overall should I use?
6. Will I collect primary data or can I use secondary data?
7. What methods such as interview, questionnaire surveys will be best to collect primary data?
8. Who should participate in research and how will I gain access to them?
9. What are the exact procedures that needs to be considered in data collection to ensure reliability and validity?
Methods of Data Collection
1. Primary Data
a) Questionnaires
b) Interview
c) Case Study
d) Observation
2. Secondary Data
a) Annual Reports of Company
b) Press releases
c) Journals
d) Books
Sampling Design
1. Probability Sampling
a) Simple Random
b) Systematic Random
c) Stratified Random
d) Cluster (Area) Random
e) Multi – stage sampling
2. Non – Probability Sampling
a) Convenience
b) Quota
c) Judgmental
d) Snowball
Data Collection and Analysis
Data Collection
1. Clear idea on what data needs to be collected
2. How to collect the data
3. Which method of data collection is chosen
Data Analysis
4. Data collected in previous stage needs to be analysed
5. Should be related to the objectives of the research question or hypothesis
6. A common fault is to discuss the findings with no relation to the literature
7. Analysis can be quantitative or qualitative
1. Does this help in understanding the research question better?
2. Answer to the research question should be clearly stated
3. Evaluate how successful the research in achieving the objectives
4. Highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the research
5. Make recommendations for further research

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