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Presented by

Abhay 19001
Abhijit 19002
What are Digital ID’s?

• Digital ID signature or certificate is an installed file

resident on a computer validates who you are.
• Digital signatures are used to confirm your identity
• Digital signatures have been confused with electronic
When do you need to verify identity?

• when there is personal information at risk.

• To ensure if you are dealing with peculiar suppliers of
• The transaction is guaranteed
Reasons for using digital security

• It insures by means of verification and validation

• Transaction has not been accidentally or maliciously
• Digital certificates ensure confidentiality and ensure
that messages can only be read by authorized
intended recipients.
The components that a digital signature

• Your public key: This is the part that any one can get
a copy of and is part of the verification system.
• Your name and e-mail address: This is necessary
for contact information purposes and to enable the
viewer to identify the details.

• Expiration date of the public key: To ensure that in

the event of prolonged abuse of a signature eventually
the signature is reset.
• Name of the company: This section identifies the
company that the signature belongs too.

• Serial number of the Digital ID: This part is a

unique number that is bundled to the signature for
tracking ad extra identification reasons.
• Digital signature of the CA (certification
Authority): This is a signature that is issued by the
authority that issues the certificates.
The process of checking the validity of digital

• User A sends a signed document to User B.

• To verify the signature on the document, user B’s
application first uses the certificate authority's public
key to check the signature on user A’s certificate.
• Successful de-encryption of the certificate proves that
the certificate authority created it.

• After the certificate is de-encrypted, user B’s software

can check if user A is in good standing with the
certificate authority and that all of the certificate
information concerning user A’s identity has not been

• User B’s software then takes user A’s public key from
the certificate and uses it to check user A’s signature.
If user A’s public key de-encrypts the signature
successfully, then user B is assured that the signature
was created using user A’s private key, for the
certificate authority has certified the matching public

• If the signature is found to be valid, then we know

that an intruder didn't try to change the signed
The importance of private key

• digital signature is revoked the user that is requesting

the revoke needs to be verified.
• key is wrongfully revoked legal action can follow. 
• Digital signatures deliver assurances in the role that
the other party will keep their part of the bargain

• Keys used for digital signatures are very long series

of bits, which can be represented as long series of
alphanumeric characters.
• Digital signatures unfeasible for an individual to

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