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Effectiveness Compound

Components of Turmeric, Salt and

Lime Paste as Diarhea Medicine

Created By :
Syarovina Maulida
1. To know compound components of
turmeric, salt and lime paste.
2. To know benefit of turmeric, salt and lime
paste mixing to diarhea sufferer.
Theory Base
Turmeric or Curcuma longa Linn. is a plant that originated from the kingdom Plantae,
Spermatophyta division, class Monocotyledoneae, Zingiberales orders, and including family
Zingiberaceae. According to the Center for Information Science and Technology (2005), the
turmeric plant native habitat includes the regions of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. Turmeric
plant can be grown in tropical and subtropical regions, up to a height of 200 meters above sea
level . Conditions were optimum temperature for growth of this plant ranges between 19 ° C-
30 ° C with an average rainfall of 1400 to 1500 mm a year. Turmeric can adapt in all types of
soil, but the soil is best for growing saffron sandy clay loose, fertile, and have good watering.
• Chemical Compound of Turmeric
The content of chemical substances contained in turmeric are as follows:
a. kurkuminoid dye which is a compound diarilheptanoid 3-4% consisting of curcumin,
dihidrokurkumin, desmetoksikurkumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin.
b. 2-5% volatile oil consisting of seskuiterpen and derivatives fenilpropana turmeron (aryl-
turmeron, alpha and beta turmeron turmeron), kurlon kurkumol, atlanton, bisabolen,
seskuifellandren, zingiberin, aryl kurkumen, humulen.
c. Arabinose, fructose, glucose, starch, tannins and resins
d. Namely iron minerals magnesium, manganese, calcium, sodium, potassium, lead, zinc, cobalt,
aluminum and bismuth
Salt is a mineral that is commonly eaten by humans. The form of
white crystals, often produced from sea water. Usually salt provided in
general is sodium chloride (NaCl). Salt is often used as medicine for
diarrhea that is known as ORT ( Oral Rehydration Therapy). The main
content of ORT is a mixture of NaCl with sugar (glucose or sucrose). ORT
whose main function is to maintain the balance of the amount of fluids and
minerals in the body. ORT is the only drug recommended for treating
diarrhea caused much loss of body fluids. ORT does not stop diarrhea, but
replace fluids lost with feces. By replacing the body fluids, dehydration
can be avoided
The main contains of limepaste iscalcium hydroxide or Ca(OH)2.
These compounds are easily soluble in water and alkaline. Used for
"nyirih" by parents because it is a base that can neutralize acid on the teeth
that can potentially damage the enamel. Whiting when mixed with water
will give the effect of neutralizing the acid produced by bacteria
Tools and Materials

Tools Materials
1. Knife 1. Turmeric
2. Board of scraping 2. Salt
3. Bowl 3. Lime Paste
4. Spoon 4. Water
5. Sieve
6. Glass
1. Prepare the tools and materials that will be used for lab
2. Washing 5 turmerics and peeled until the skin is clean.
3. Scraping all of turmerics with board of scrapping then move
in small bowl.
4. Add ¼ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of lime paste in
turmeric that has been shredded, then stirred with a spoon to
mix evenly.
5. Observe the change of color in turmeric before adding salt
and lime paste.
6. Move the mixture of turmeric, salt and lime paste on a filter
and then refine them to a separate filtrate with juice.
Observational data
No 2 Hours First 2 Hours 2 Hours Third
1 Stomachache
Heartburn Do not feel
reduced but not heartburn
heartburn before is reduced.
Gone limp-body
drinking a mixture
of turmeric.
-Frequence to the
toilet is reduced

Stomachache Heartburn is Recovered from

A cold sweat somewhat diarrheal diseases
Frequence to
the toilet rarely
Cold sweat
Mixture of turmeric, salt and lime paste have been trusted for generations as a
traditional medicine to cure diarrhea. The people generally just lower mix recipe is hereditary
and has not been scientifically researched any content contained in the mixture so as to treat
diarrhea. Today many journals and articles and thesis that reveals the content of turmeric, and
salt but the content contained on lime paste is not known with certainty. In journals and papers
I have in the content analysis that can cure diarrhea turmeric is curcumin and essential oil.
Curcumin and essential oils function as an anti-microbial. The content of curcumin in turmeric
reaches 50-60%. Besides these substances also serves as an astringent which can be screwed
intestinal mucous membrane, thereby reducing the discharge of diarrhea and dysentery, but it
has the effect as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.According to the research of herbal
extracts are effective in inhibiting the bacteria Escherichia coli are turmeric that is equal to
5.64 ± 0.25 mm. According to Davis and Stout (1971), diameter between 0-5 mm clear zone
has moderate inhibition. This is because turmeric has active compound curcumin has broad-
spectrum antibacterial activity, namely antibacterial active against various types of gram-
positive and gram-negative, antivirus, and inducers of apoptosis. This suggests that turmeric
has high potential as a substitute for antibiotics. Cikrici et al., (2008) adds that the antibacterial
activity of curcumin can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli causes acute diarrhea.
Curcumin can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli cause diarrheal disease
by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (cox-2) that turn sour
arakhidonat to prostaglandins that cause pain. Curcumin is a phenolic compound
that can inhibit the growth of bacteria by denaturation and damage the cell
membrane so that the cell metabolism will be disturbed. While useful as an oral
rehydration salt that can replace body fluids during diarrhea. But in lime paste yet
known exactly what the functions and their role but according to the article has
been read as we know that whiting is alkaline and will make lime paste used to
when mixed with water will give the effect of neutralizing the acid produced by
Potential obtained from the lab that have been done Effectiveness Test
Mixture of turmeric, salt and lime paste for patients with diarrhea is true. This
course will add to knowledge society in general not just the area that often make
mixture the ingredients that can treat diarrhea. In addition, people in the area that
used to make the mixture can know the content of what is contained in all three of
these materials so that they can treat the diarrhea so that people not only make the
solution is hereditary but also know compounds using on these materials.
Conclusions and recommendations

Conclusions Recomendations
1. The content in turmeric, salt and 1. Should the practitioner be more
lime paste to cure diarrhea is careful when doing practical
contained in turmeric essential oil work.
and curcumin, the salt contained
minerals that can replace body fluids 2. Equipment and materials derived
lost during diarrhea. While alkaline from nature should be washed
lime paste will give the effect of thoroughly in order not carry
neutralizing the acid produced by germs and bacteria that can be
bacteria. harmful.
2. A mixture of turmeric, salt and
whiting can treat diarrheal diseases
because it contains compounds that
can reduce or cure diarrhea.

The tools and Process of scrapping

Grated turmeric
materials needed. all of the tumerics
Mixing of tumerics, Juice of mixing
Freshly results
salt and lime paste turmerics, salt and lime

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