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Hasil refleksi

kegiatan Pembelajaran modul 2

Group 5
Members :

1. Ulfah
2. Mala
3. Ai
4. Ani
5. Ika
6. monica
7. Peru
Learning Activity

Observing 1. Teacher activity

- inform students about online learning through
Zoom meeting
- Giving video and text of personal letter
2. Students Activity
- after students joined Zoom meeting students watch
and observe the video and personal letter given.
Questioning 1. Teacher activity
• Teacher give chance to the students to ask
questions relate the video and text.
• Teacher give some questions about the video and
the text.
2. Students Activity
- Students answer the questions given
Learning Activity

Collectiong Data and 1. Teacher activity

Processing Data - Making groups and Ask the students to collect data to
find definition, generic structure, social function and
languange feature of personal letter from internet or
- After finding the data students asked to arranged the
data in a good order and finds an example of personal
2. Students Activity
• In a group students find information and data of
generic structure, social function and languange
feature of personal letter from internet or book
• Student discuss about the material and find some
example of personal letter.
Communication - each of group present about the information as the
result in their discussion while showing the example of
personal letter
- Making a personal letter by their own word to his/her

1. Some of students doesn’t has a device used.

2. Low of signal in certain area of students
3. It is still difficult to compose the sentences because the vocabulary limitations.
4. Less of teacher observe and Parent support/ guidance in learning process
5. Some of students are their busy so they cann’t joint to the online class


1. Analyze the students who doesn’t has cell phone and allow them to come to school.
2. The day before, Inform head teacher to ask the students’ parent to control their children
in learning process.
3. The day before, Inform the students prepare for the lesson.
Thanks for your

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