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Classification of Crimes
Is the act committed or omitted in violation of law, commanding or
forbidding it.

 Act or commission – pertains to crimes which involve the

performance of an unlawful act

 Act of omission - is the failure of an individual to perform an act

which should be lawfully done.
Acquisitive Versus Extinctive
Acquisitive Crimes – is one which when committed the
offender acquires something as a consequence of his
criminal act.

Extinctive Crimes – when it results to destruction.

Seasonal Versus Situational
Seasonal Crimes – those that are committed only at a
certain period of the year.

Situational Crimes – those that are committed only

when given the situation conducive to its commission.
Episodic Versus Instant
Episodic Crimes – crimes that are committed by a
series of acts in a lengthy space of time.

Instant Crimes – those that are committed in the

shortest possible time.
Static Versus Continuing
Static Crimes – crimes that are committed only in
one place.

Continuing Crimes – crimes that are committed in

several places.
Rational Versus Irrational
Rational Crimes – those that are committed with

Irrational Crimes – those that are committed by

offenders who does not know the nature of their
White Collar Versus Blue Collar
White Collar Crimes – those that are committed by persons of
responsibility and of upper socio economic class in the
course of their occupational activities.

Blue Collar Crimes – crimes committed by ordinary

professionals to maintain their livelihood.
Upper World Versus Under World

Upper World Crimes – those committed by individuals

belonging to the upper class of the society.

Under World Crime – those committed by lower or under

privilege class of society.
Crimes by Imitation Versus Crimes by
Passion Crimes

Crimes by Imitation - crimes committed by merely

duplicating those done by others.

Crimes by Passion – crimes committed because of

the fit of great emotion.
Service Crimes – crimes committed by rendering
service to satisfy the desire of another.

Copycat Crime – copycat is a slang expression for

• .
• Service Crimes – crimes committed by rendering
service to satisfy the desire of another.

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