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Hypertensive disorders in

Abdallah Al-Mawazreh
• Gestational hypertension.
• Preeclampsia .
• Eclampsia.
• Chronic hypertension with pregnancy.
• Systolic and diastolic blood
pressure (BP) typically fall early in
gestation and are about 5 to 10
mmHg below baseline in the
second trimester, declining to a
mean of about 105/60 mmHg 
•  In the third trimester, blood
pressure gradually increases and
may normalize to nonpregnant
values by term.

Atrial blood pressure is

never normally elevated
in pregnancy
Gestational hypertension
• Sustained elevation of BP ≥ 140 / 90 Hg after 20 weeks of pregnancy
without proteinuria .

• Gestational hypertension is a temporary diagnosis for hypertensive

pregnant . The diagnosis is changed to:
 Preeclampsia, if proteinuria or severe sympotoms develops
 Chronic hypertension, if blood pressure elevation persists ≥12
weeks postpartum
 Transient hypertension of pregnancy, if blood pressure returns to
normal by 12 weeks postpartum

• Thus, reassessment up to 12 weeks postpartum is necessary to

establish a final definitive diagnosis.
Relation to preeclampsia
• Preeclampsia develops in 15 to 25 percent of women initially
diagnosed with gestational hypertension .
• Women with early onset of gestational hypertension are more
likely to progress to preeclampsia than women with late
• Women who go on to develop preeclampsia have higher total
vascular resistance at presentation than women with
uncomplicated gestational hypertension
• Serial measurement of sFlt-1 levels reveals a substantial
increase over time in women who go on to develop
preeclampsia, but remain normal or only mildly elevated in
women who maintain a diagnosis of gestational hypertension
•  The diagnosis of gestational hypertension is clinical .
• The main goals in the initial evaluation of pregnant
women with newly developed hypertension are :
• to distinguish gestational hypertension from
preeclampsia, which has a different course and
prognosis .
• to determine whether hypertension is mild or severe,
which affects management and outcome .
• Determine the severity of hypertension .
• Evaluate for signs/symptoms of severe
preeclampsia .
• Measure protein excretion .
• Perform laboratory evaluation .
• Assess fetal well-being .

Mild VS severe
• Mild gestational hypertension :
• Most patients can be managed safely as outpatients
with weekly antepartum visits.
• Bedrest appears to reduce the risk of worsening
hypertension .
• but neither bedrest nor use of low  dose
aspirin prevent progression to severe preeclampsia,
nor do these interventions improve outcome .
• Patient education and counseling :
- instruct patients to report any symptoms suggestive of severe
disease .
- review signs suggestive of possible fetal/placental impairment ,
such as decreased fetal movement and vaginal bleeding .
• Fetal assessment :
• No antihypertensive therapy :
• data from randomized trials show that medical therapy of mild
hypertension does not improve maternal or neonatal outcome.
• No antenatal glucocorticoids .
• Timing of delivery : 
• induction of labor of hypertensive patients by 40 weeks is
associated with a lower rate of adverse outcome than expectant
• Severe gestational hypertension :

• Medical therapy : 
• Systolic blood pressure ≥160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure
≥105 mmHg is treated with antihypertensive agents to reduce
the risk of a maternal cerebrovascular event .
• magnesium sulfate ??
• Time of delivery :
• delivery of pregnancies at 34 to 36 weeks and administration
of a course of antenatal glucocorticoids to patients less than 34
weeks is a reasonable approach.
• Recurrence risk :
• Gestational hypertension tends to recur with subsequent
•  In two large studies, the prevalence of gestational
hypertension in a second pregnancy ranged from 22 to 47
percent among women with gestational hypertension in their
first pregnancy
The disease of theories
• Preeclampsia refers to the new onset of hypertension and
proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation .
• Clinically, preeclampsia can be classified as ‘severe’ when
severe hypertension, severe proteinuria, or other signs
/symptoms of end-organ injury are present .

• Increase risk for life-threatening events, including placental

abruption, acute renal failure, cerebral hemorrhage, hepatic
failure or rupture, pulmonary edema, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, and progression to eclampsia. 
• Worldwide, 10 to 15 percent of direct maternal deaths (ie,
resulting from obstetric complications of pregnancy) are
associated with preeclampsia/eclampsia .
  In the United States, preeclampsia/eclampsia is one of four
leading causes of maternal death, along with hemorrhage,
cardiovascular conditions, and thromboembolism .
• Morbidity and mortality are also increased for the fetus
/neonate because of the greater risk of restricted fetal growth
and preterm birth in affected pregnancies. 

• past history of preeclampsia . (RR 7.19 )

• First pregnancy (nulliparity) .
• A family history of preeclampsia in a first degree relative .
• Twin pregnancies .
• Advanced maternal age .
• Preexisting medical conditions:
• Pregestational diabetes
• Blood pressure ≥130/80 mm Hg at the first prenatal visit .
• Antiphospholipid antibodies
• Body mass index ≥26.1
Multi-factorial !!
• involves both maternal and fetal / placental factors .
• abnormalities in the development of the placental vasculature early
in pregnancy,
• These abnormalities can result in placental underperfusion, and
possibly hypoxia and ischemia.
• release of circulating antiangiogenic factors (soluble fms–like
tyrosine kinase [sFlt-1], soluble endoglin [sEng]) and other
• cause widespread maternal systemic endothelial dysfunction
(increased vascular permeability, vasoconstriction, activation of
coagulation system, microangiopathic hemolysis), resulting in
hypertension, proteinuria, and the other clinical manifestations of
In the future ?!!
• Clinical applications for these observations have not been
• Measurement of serum sFlt-1 is still investigational and its
ability to predict development of preeclampsia needs to be
determined in prospective, longitudinal studies.
• Measurement of sFlt-1:VEGF (or sFlt-1:PlGF) ratio in urine
appears to be a better test to identify those women at high
risk of developing preeclampsia, and also for confirming
clinical diagnosis of the disorder. A high sFlt-1:PIGF may also
identify women at risk of requiring delivery within two weeks
because of severe preeclampsia .In the future, apheresis or
drugs that bind to sFlt-1 may be used to reduce sFlt-1 levels
and thereby to prevent or treat preeclampsia .

• In most women it first become apparent after 34 weeks of

gestation, including when the woman is in labor “late onset
preeclampsia” .
• In about 10 percent of women, hypertension and proteinuria
develop before 34 weeks of gestation “early onset
preeclampsia” .
• and in about 5 percent, preeclampsia is first recognized
postpartum “postpartum preeclampsia” . usually within 48
hours of delivery .

• The degree of maternal hypertension and proteinuria, and

the presence/absence of other clinical manifestations of the
disease are highly variable .
• Most patients have only mild preeclampsia .
• About 25 percent develop severe preeclampsia .
Signs and symptoms

• Severe hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥160 mm Hg or diastolic

≥110 mm Hg on two occasions at least six hours apart)
• Persistent and/or severe headache,
• Visual abnormalities (scotomata, photophobia, blurred vision, or
temporary blindness [rare])
• Upper abdominal or epigastric pain
• Nausea, vomiting
• Oliguria
• Dyspnea, retrosternal chest pain
• Fetal growth restriction
• Oligohydramnios
• Altered mental status
Laboratory abnormalities

• Hemoconcentration
• Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (abnormal peripheral
smear, elevated bilirubin, or low serum haptoglobin
levels U/L)
• Thrombocytopenia (<100,000/microL)
• Elevated serum creatinine concentration (>1.3 mg/dL)
• Elevated liver enzymes (twice the upper limit of normal)
• Severe proteinuria (≥5 grams in 24 hours)

•  International guidelines generally agree that the diagnosis of

preeclampsia should be made in a previously normotensive
woman with new onset of hypertension and proteinuria after
20 weeks of gestation
• Criteria for diagnosis are:
• Systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood
pressure ≥90 mmHg, and
• Proteinuria ≥0.3 grams in a 24-hour urine specimen or
protein:creatinine ratio ≥0.3 mg/mg or >30 mg/mmol
• For women with chronic / preexisting hypertension who have
proteinuria prior to or in early pregnancy, superimposed
preeclampsia is difficult to diagnose definitively, but should be
suspected when there is a significant worsening of
hypertension (especially acutely) in the last half of pregnancy
[ systolic ≥ 30 or diastolic ≥ 15 ] or development
of signs/symptoms associated with severe preeclampsia .
Post-diagnostic evaluation 

• The purpose of the post-diagnostic evaluation is :

• to determine the severity of disease .
• assess maternal and fetal well-being.

 These factors, as well as gestational age, guide

Post-diagnostic evaluation 
• Severity of hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥160 mm Hg
or diastolic blood pressure ≥110 mm Hg on two occasions at
least six hours apart)
• Severity of proteinuria (≥5 grams/day) .

•  the history and physical examination should evaluate the patient

•Persistent and/or severe headache
•Visual abnormalities (scotomata, photophobia, blurred vision, or
temporary blindness)
•Upper abdominal or epigastric pain
•Nausea, vomiting
Post-diagnostic evaluation 

• post-diagnostic laboratory/imaging evaluation should include:

• Platelet count
• Serum creatinine
• Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or alanine
aminotransferase (ALT)
• Obstetrical ultrasound (fetal weight, amniotic fluid volume)
• Fetal assessment (biophysical profile or nonstress test)
Management of PE
• The definitive treatment of PE is delivery to prevent
development of maternal or fetal complications from disease
• Patients with mild or severe PE at or near term should be
• Evidence of serious maternal end-organ dysfunction or non-
reassuring tests of fetal well-being are indications for prompt
delivery at any gestational age.
• On the other hand, when mother and fetus are stable, a
conservative approach is reasonable in order to achieve further
fetal growth and maturity
Management of mild PE
•Women with mild PE delivered at ≥37 weeks of gestation.
•Expectant management include :
-Inpatient maternal monitoring initially to establish disease
severity, then follow as outpatient.
-Lab follow-up: plt count, serum creatinine, and serum AST.
(Repeated once or twice weekly).
-Fetal wellbeing can be assessed weekly (ultrasound for fetal
growth, AFI, NST) .
-Antenatal corticosteroids.
-The use of antihypertensive drugs to control mildly elevated BP
does not alter the course of the disease.( not recommended)
Management of sever PE

 Hospitalization until delivery.

 Bed rest.
 Monitor BP every 2 to 4 hours.
 Assess maternal symptoms every 2 to 4 hours.
 Strict fluid intake /output.
 CBC, LFT, KFT (twice weekly if not daily).
 Administer antenatal corticosteroids
 Assess fetal well-being daily with NST and BPP.
 Delivery should occur after 32 to 34 weeks gestation.
Management of sever PE

 Severe hypertension should be treated to prevent maternal

vascular complications ( stroke, heart failure).
• Acute therapy :
- labetalol: 20 mg IV over 2 minutes, repeat after 10-minute by
doses of 20 to 80 mg up to a maximum total cumulative dose
of 300 mg.
- Hydralazine :5 mg IV over 1-2 minutes; if the BP goal is not
achieved within 20 minutes, give 5-10 mg bolus depending upon
the initial response.
Management of sever PE

• Nifedipine :10 mg orally, with repeat doses every 30 minutes

as needed.
For maintenance dosing, 10 to 20 mg can be given every 3 to 6
• Seizure prophylaxis with magnesium sulfate

• Low-dose aspirin is the only drug for which

there is some evidence of benefit in reducing
the risk of preeclampsia. ??
• Ca supplement ?

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