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Anatomy of Oral Cavity

Dr Farhan Fader
Oral Cavity
• Bounded by
• Roof-palate
• Floor-mylohyoid muscle
• Lateral-cheek
• Posterior-palatoglossal arch
• Subdivide into
• Vestibule
• Oral cavity proper
Hard Palate
• Formed by
• Palatine process of
• Horizontal plate of
palatine bone
• Mucoperiosteal lining
Soft Palate
• Mobile flap
• Consist of
• Palatine aponeurosis
• Muscles
• Lymphoid tissue
• Glands
• Nerves
• Vessels
Palatine aponeurosis
• Fibrous sheath
• Muscles attachment
• Tensor veli palatini
• Levator veli palatini
• Palatoglossus
• Palatopharyngeus
• Musculus uvulae
Sensory Nerve Supply
• Hard palate-mostly by
maxillary nerve (CN
V2) branches
• Greater palatine nerve
• Lesser palatine nerve
• Nasopalatine nerve
• Soft palate
• Glossoparyngeal nerve
Motor nerve supply
• All muscles supplied by pharyngeal plexus (IX, X,
sympathetic) except Tensor veli palatine
• Tensor veli palatine is supplied by nerve to medial
pterygoid (a branch of Mandibular division of
Trigeminal nerve V3)
Blood Supply
• Branches of maxillary
• Greater palatine
• Lesser palatine
• Sphenopalatine
• Ascending palatine artery
(facial artery)
• Ascending pharyngeal
artery (external carotid
• Layers
• Skin
• Buccinator
• Buccal mucosa
• Pterygomandibular raphe
• Buccinator
• Superior constrictor
• Stensen duct opening
opposite to second upper
Floor of mouth
•Sublingual papillae
•Whartons duct opening
•Deep Lingual vein
•Sublingual fold
Nerve Supply
• Sensory
• Floor of mouth-Lingual nerve (branch of maxillary nerve)
• Cheek-Buccal nerve (branch of maxillary nerve)
• Motor
• Obicularis oris and buccinators (branches of facial nerve)
Palatine Tonsil
• Part of Waldeyers Ring of
lymphoid tissue
• Located at tonsillar fossa
• Boarder
• Palatoglossus
• Palatopharyngeaus
• Soft palate
• Tongue
• Superior constrictor at tonsillar

• Organ of deglutition, taste and

• Muscle mass covered with mucous
• Parts
• Dorsal surface
• Ventral surface
• Tip
• Root of tongue
• Parts
• Anterior 2/3rd
• Posterior 1/3rd
• Base of Tongue
• Foramen caecum-site of
embryonic thyroid
diverticulum which gave raise
to thyroid gland
• V shaped sulcus terminalis
• Intrinsic
• Longitudinal
• Transverse
• Vertical
• Extrinsic
• Hyoglossus
• Genioglossus
• Styloglossus
• Palatoglossus
Movement of tongue
• Protrusion
• Genioglossus
• Retraction
• Styloglossus and hyoglossus
• Depression
• Hyoglossus and genioglossus
• Elevation
• Palatoglossus and styloglossus
Sensory nerve supply
• Anterior 2/3rd
• Somatic: Lingual nerve (CN V3)
• Taste: Chorda Tympani (CN VII)
• Posterior 1/3rd
• Somatic and taste:
Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)
• Base: Internal laryngeal nerve
(CN X)
Motor nerve supply
• Intrinsic muscle: Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
• Extrinsic muscles:
• all Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) except palatoglossal
• Palatoglossal supplied by pharyngeal plexus (IX, X, sympathetic)
Blood supply
• Arteries
• Lingual arteries
• Tonsillar branch of facial
• Ascending pharyngeal artery
• Veins
• Lingual vein->IJV
Lymphatic drainage
• Tip
• Submental nodes->deep cervical
• Anterior 2/3rd
• Deep cervical nodes (Jugulodigastric)
• Posterior 1/3rd
• Submandibular->deep cervical
Thank you
• Reference
• Scott Brown 7th edition
• Instant anatomy 2rd edition

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