Applied Physics Week 1

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Ayesha Anwer ul Haq Qureshi

MCS Karachi University(UBIT)



Presentation 20(10+10)
Midterm Examination

Final Examination

Total 100
Pictorial Represantation of charge

Rest motion

acceleration=0 accelrated
Only EF a=0 a≠0


Intro To Electro-Statics
It is the study of stationary electric-charges or electric-fields.

Electro(Greek) -> electricity

Static(Greek) -> stationary

 It is the branch of physics which deals with the phenomena due to the forces exerted by the electric
charges at rest.
 Electrostatics is the branch of physics, which deals with changes and its properties when charges are
at rest.
 Branch of physics that deals with dynamic charges(charges in motion).
 Electron qe = -1.6 ˣ C & me = 9.1 ˣ

 Neutron (no charge) mn ≈ mp

 Proton  qp = +1.6 ˣ C & mp = 1.673 ˣ

Note : mp ≈ 1836 me

mp ≈ 1800 me
 Electrostatics is a branch of physics in which static electrical
field produced by static electric charges are studied.
 Electrostatics plays a major role in everyday life. The various
applications of electrostatics include photocopiers, defibrillator, paint
spraying, electrostatic precipitator etc.
 The computer peripheral devices include liquid crystal display (LCD),
keyboard, touch pads works on the principle of electrostatics.
Electrostatics is used in the agricultural activities like spraying to plants,
sorting seeds etc. Electronic components such as capacitors, resistors
etc. function based on electrostatics.
Electric charge
 It is the physical property of matter, or a body (i.e. electron,
proton, etc) by which they exert forces of attraction or
repulsion on other bodies.
1 Charge is transferable
Defficeincy of electron (e+) Charge Q=+ne
Body will +vely charge BODY 1
M’ = M-∆m  ∆m =
me (mass of electrons) electron transfer
n(no of electrons transferred) transfer of charge

Excess of electron (e-)

Body will -vely charge Charge Q=-ne
M’ = M+∆m  ∆m = BODY 2
me (mass of electrons) NP =NE
n(no of electrons transferred)
Properties of Electric Charge
2 Additivity of charge

 The total charge in a system is obtained simply by adding charges algebraically.

 Charges add up like real numbers or they are scalars like the mass of a body.

system of three charges -3C, +6C and -2C will have a total charge (Qe)of 1 C.
3 Quantization of Charge
 Discrete quantity
 Continuous quantity

Quarks have +

0.001 coulomb = 0.001/ 1.6 x

Electrons missing Hence large values of
Charges are more or less continuous.
e = 1.6 x  electronic charge OR quanta of a charge

“Charge on a body must always exit as an integral

multiple of fundamental unit of charge e”.
fundamental unit e = 1.6 x

Hence Q= ne

Given below the following charges which are possible and which are not ?
1. 6.4 x
2. 8.0 x
3. 2.0 x
 Concept
  Q= ne

1. Sol  6.4 x = (n)(1.6 x ) => n=6.4/1.6 => 4 integer  possible

2. Sol  2.0 x =(n)(6.4 x ) => n = 2.0/1.6 => 5/4 =1.25  not possible
Conservation of Charge

q1 q2

q1 =10C 1C q2= -2C

By additive property q1 =+8C

q’1 =9C q’2 =-1C

qf =+8C
What causes Static Electricity?

• All objects are made of atoms. Atoms are made of electrons(-ve),

protons(+ve) and neutrons.
• Static electricity is caused as a result of imbalance between negative
and positive charges.
• They can build-up on an object’s surface until they find a way to be
released or discharged.
• Static Electricity is created buy rubbing of two objects, which causes
charges to build up on the surface of the objects. When we separate
them, the charges jump to the surface which attracts them strongly.
Causes of Static Electricity (contd…)
 Its not the rubbing, but the type of materials that are bought into
 One material attracts more electrons then the other, as a result one
material as gained some extra electrons and is now negatively
charged. When these negatively charged electrons jump to another
surface, they discharge, hence creating an electric shock, or spark,
as a result.
Charges on a Surface
 Since everything in the universe is matter, they are all made up of atoms and have charges on their
surfaces. Normally we do not feel any shock or spark while touching the surface unless under some
special environmental conditions e.g. winter.
 In winters, more static electricity is created on the surfaces because the air is drier. In the summer,
water in the air can help dissipate the electrons that we pick up as we move around, but when the air is
drier, the charge collects and clings to us, and keeps building up on surfaces until they find some other
surface to discharge on.
 − Latex
Below is a list of some object and their charge properties.
 + Air − Hard rubber
+ Skin − Copper
− Silver
+ Leather
− Gold
+ Nylon
− Platinum
+ Wool − Polyester
+ Silk
 Why does your hair stand-up when removing you hat?
 As you remove your hat, electrons are transferred from hat to hair.
Since objects with the same charge repel each other, the hair gains
more electrons, resulting in having the same charge and your hair
will stand on end. Your hair are simply trying to get as far away
from each other as possible!
Electrons leaving their orbits
 When the two object are being rubbed, they are actually energizing,
or charging the electron present on the surface of the objects.
 When an electron reaches a certain threshold of energy, it jumps to a
higher orbit and keep on jumping until it reaches its outer most orbit.
 If we keep on providing energy to the electrons, they escape their
orbits and to release their energies in the air, or on the surface of the
other object, and finally settle down inside a lower orbit of an atom.
 The other atom can be present in any of the two surfaces or even in
the air.
Coulomb’s Law
 Charles
  Augustin de Coulomb was a French physics who proposed the Law of
forces between charges now known as Coulomb’s Law. This law is very much
similar to Newton’s law of gravitation.
 Statement:
› The force of attraction or repulsion between two static charges is directly proportional to
the product of the magnitude of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
 Mathematically:
› => (i)

› => (ii)
 Combining equation (i) and (ii):
Coulomb’s Law (contd…)

 Where “K” is the constant of proportionality . Its value depends

upon the nature of medium between two charges. Since it is a force,
it is denoted by ‘N’ (Newton).
 K is the Coulomb’s Law constant = 9.0×109 N•m2/C2
  The resulting "+" and "-" signs on F signifies whether the force is
attractive (a "-" F value) or repulsive (a "+" F value).
 Two
  balloons are charged with an identical quantity and type of charge: -6.25
nC. They are held apart at a separation distance of 61.7 cm. Determine the
magnitude of the electrical force of repulsion between them.
 Date:
› Q1 = -6.25 nC = -6.25 x 10 -9 C
› Q2 = -6.25 nC = -6.25 x 10 -9 C
› r = 61.7 cm = 0.617 m
› K = 9.0×109 N•m2/C2

 Answer: 9.23 x 10-7 N

 Two
  balloons with charges of +3.37 µC and -8.21 µC attract each other
with a force of 0.0626 Newton. Determine the separation distance (r)
between the two balloons.
 Date
› Q1 = +3.37 µC = +3.37 x 10-6 C 1C=1000000 µC
› Q2 = -8.21 µC = -8.21 x 10-6 C 1 µC=0.0000001C
› Felect = -0.0626 N (use a - force value since it is attractive)
› K = 9.0×109 N•m2/C2

 Answer: r = +1.99 m
 Two like and equal charges are at a distance of d=5cm and exert a force of F=9×10-3 
on each other. 
(a) Find the magnitude of each charge?
(b) What is the direction of the electrostatic force between them?

𝑭=𝑲 𝟐

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