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Creating Regional OSH Networks in

Pursuit of Zero Accident

Zero Accident Program:

Vision and Goals
Ma. Teresita S. Cucueco, MD, MOH
OIC-Executive Director
Occupational Safety and Health Center
The National Zero Accident
Program (ZAP)
Objective: To promote safety and health
of all workplaces and all workers

1. Advocacy including the GKK
2. Capability building
3. Networking
4. Voluntary compliance
5. Productivity link-up
Regionalizing the Zero Accident

 ZAP integration into the programs

of DOLE’s regional offices and into
the initiatives of their partners
target clientele in the regions.
 Memorandum 679 on regionalizing
 Consultations and Regional Planning
Workshops with various partners
and stakeholders 2006-2008
Expectations from the OSHC
(from MO)
 To develop and provide technical
assistance and monitoring/evaluation to
the ROs in the implementation of
Regional ZAP activities
 OSHC shall coordinate the
implementation of ZAP in the regions
(with the support of the ZAP Network)
 OSHC shall orient the ROs on ZAP and
on their roles in the regions.
Expectations from the Regions
(from MO)
 All ROs shall designate focal persons for
the implementation of ZAP in their
respective regions
 ROs shall institutionalize the ZAP by
prioritizing the ZAP components in their
work and financial plans.
 ROs shall actively participate in the
planning and implementation of ZAP
ZAP Seminars and Planning
Workshops in 4 Clusters

 August 31– Sept. , 2005, Camiguin, for

ROs IX, X, XI, XII and XIII- 31
 November 9-11, 2005, Bohol, Regions
V,VI, VII and VIII- 22 participants
 January 25-27, 2006, La Union, Regions
I, II, III and CAR, 28 participants
 February 20-23, 2006, Regions 4A. 4B
and NCR, 15 participants
ZAP Master Plan
 OSH can be integrated in existing
R.O.plans and programs.
◦ such as: TAV, Self-assessment; WISE;
livelihood programs; TESDA courses; labor
education programs; informal sector; child
labor; gender programs, other training
 Specialized trainings are needed for labor
inspectors, economic zones, and other
selected or priority sectors on OSH,ZAP
and Productivity
ZAP Master Plan
 ZAP can be enhanced by the use of mass
media- to strengthen information/ advocacy
 networking with workers’ and employers’
association, LGUs, professional organizations
and the academe in OSH activities
 Better OSH inspection activities can be carried
out through: registration of establishments;
safety audits and conduct of Work Environment
Measurements (WEM); encourage and assist
health and safety committees in economic zones,
among others
 Need for mini-OSHC in the Regions
Emerging Concerns
• Emerging and Re-emerging Occupational
• Biologic Agents:
• Influenza A (H1N1)
• Asbestos control
• Nannotechnology
• Climate change
• Resource efficiency (green technology)
• Pollution control and Waste minimization
• Disaster Preparedness (natural and man-
made –including economic crisis)
Regional ZAP Mechanisms

RTIPC Other Partners



Regional Dev’t Board OSH Networks

The Problem Tree

numbers Workers’
of work Increased inability to
related Lost Time cope with
productivity of
injuries/ Accident increasing
illnesses (LTA) medical costs

Inadequate protection and coverage of workers
from potential workplace hazards and risks with
prevention and enforcement of OSHS and related


Non- Inadequate Highly inadequate Poor

harmonized resources number of enforcemen
system at for implementors and t of OSH
national, prevention expertise who can services
and understand, recognize and related
regional and
and manage policies
establish- enforcement
ment levels
hazards and risks
Framework of Action for an Integrated and
Comprehensive National OSH-MTP (2006-2010)

All workers enjoy a better quality of life through OSH
policies and programs

With the enabling capacity of DOLE, unions,
employers and other stakeholders translate the vision into
harmonized policies, programs and standard operating procedures
on OSH through effective partnerships

Feedback Feedback
By 2010, all OSH stakeholders have the capability to carry out cost-
effective OSH preventive programs of the highest quality reaching out to
the majority of workers in the formal and informal sectors in all regions of
the country; and to reduce work-related injuries and illnesses.

-harmonize OSH systems and programs, mechanisms with focus on
prevention through policy, training, information, research,
technical services
- deliver quality OSH services, and mobilize resources

Indicative Plans of agencies and stakeholders

Development Objective

By 2010, all major stakeholders have the capacity

and capability to carry-out OSH preventive
programs reaching out to the majority of
workers in the formal and informal sector
in all regions of the country.
Immediate Objective 1

To achieve harmonized policies,

systems, structure and programs
on OSH.

Outcome: Strengthened OSH system, structure and

programs encompassing prevention and
compensation of work-related injuries and illnesses.
Immediate Objective 2

To raise the level of resources from public

and private sectors.

Outcome: Sustained funding for expanded preventive OSH

programs available from the SIF, GAA and other sources,
specially from LGU
Immediate Objective 3

A wider coverage of workers with preventive

Programs and quality services on
occupational safety and health would
have been attained.

Outcome 3: Institutional capacities and delivery

mechanisms at national, regional and establishment
levels have been strengthened
Immediate Objective 4

To increase compliance with OSH policies

and Standards

Outcome: A sustained improvement in compliance to

OSH Standards and related policies and laws
Immediate Objective 5

Carry out studies and researches as basis

for policy formulation and the design of
programs and provision of services

Outcome: Knowledge-based policies to support

the OSH system and its programs
ZAP’s Progress
 Partnerships were strengthened and
widened through networks which
specifically integrated OSH in and TIPC
agenda as in RO VII, X, and XI;
ZAP’s Progress
A first Branch Office of the OSHC was
inaugurated in Cebu in July 2008 to serve
the regions of the Visayas.
ZAP: Networking with LGUs
ZAP Summits
Regional Summits were held in
Mindanao Summit on OSH
ZAP Summit: 1st OSH Summit in the Visayas in
ZAP Seminars and Regional
Planning Workshops

Strengthen capability and skills

development on OSH
ZAP Regional Planning Workshops:
Facilitate the extension of technical assistance
Regional and National ZAP Plans based on:

The availability of OSH resources:

human, financial, infrastructure,
materials and equipment;
Conclusions and
Guiding principle of ZAP

• respect for human lives

• an optimal mix between measures
to need of employees for healthy
and safe workplaces, and
• legitimate expectations of the
establishments for sustained
productivity and competitiveness.
Conclusions and

Almost all work-related accidents

and illnesses are preventable
subject to awareness, attitudes and
appropriate processes and
compliance with established OSH
policies and program.
Creating Regional OSH Networks in
Pursuit of Zero Accident

Thank you

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