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02 04

Provide the Vietnamese meanings for the words
No. Word Meaning
1 Judgement
2 Determine
3 Recognize
4 Discuss
5 Opportunity
6 Arrange
7 Effective
8 Implement
9 Positive
10 Negative
11 Straightforward
12 Reinforce
13 Realistic
14 Considerable
15 Reasonable
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
No. Sentence
1 Primary education is the first stage of compulsory education. It is preceded by pre-school of nursery education and is
followed by secondary education.
2 In the past, strong arguments were put forward for the practice of dividing classrooms into activity/ curriculum area bays.
This has the advantage of ensuring that the resources related to a particular curriculum area are located conveniently for the
3 However, thought needs to be given after the appointment about the ways in which the new teacher becomes acquainted
with the school climate and ways of doing this. Moreover, this partly the role of a mentor in the case of the newly qualified
teachers and for all new teachers there should be formal opportunities to learn about how things are done in the school.
4 First of all it is important that there is a clear commitment to teaching, as some people do occasionally try and hedge their
bets "I really want to be a social worker but I am quite interested in teaching” is unlikely to get you an interview
5 Children were seen as "empty vessels” ready to be filled with knowledge, and parents were seen as a potential hindrance to
that process. Things are very different these days: there is recognition that parents know important things about their
children and can be partners in their child's learning

Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
No. Sentence

6 Checking means” assessing children as they are doing it – watching them” or briefly examining children’s efforts againt
particular criteria they had in mind and making as instant judgment about whether children were on the right lines.

7 In nursery, and reception, children are rarely required to be involved in chalk and talk.

8 When a teacher wanted to judge whether children were going astray in their learning strategies, they would usually work
individually with the child.

9 One way to find out what interests children is to ask them directly. Questions like “Are you enjoying this?” “What’s
your favorite subject?” “ What would you like to learn about?” are all ways of getting feedback from children.

10 In Maths, when children had made mistakes teachers, in order to diagnose error, often asked them to  demonstrate how
they had been doing the work.
1. Primary education is organized into sets of subjects:
- core subjects: they guarantee the knowledge and skills which allow the acquisition of a solid education as well as to continue
successfully through the following stages in those subjects that must be common for all students
- specific subjects: they allow greater autonomy when establishing the subjects being offered, as well as the number of hours
and the contents of the subjects.
2. The curriculum of primary education is organized into successive levels of concretion, which progressively adapt to the
specificities of the school environment and the pupils being attended.
3. Accordingly, schools also play an active role, developing and adapting the curriculum to the pupils' needs and to their
environment. To this end, they prepare a series of tools for formulating their pedagogic and curricular organization.
4. The teaching methodology is the set of strategies, procedures and actions consciously and thoughtfully organized and
planned by teachers with the aim of guaranteeing student learning and the attainment of the stated objectives.  It comprises the
description of teaching practices as well as the organization of teachers’ work.


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