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 Cytology, the study of the structure and

function of cells
 The human body contains both somatic and
sex cells

• Histology is the science that

studies the microscopic structure of
normal tissues.
The cell theory states:
 Cells are the building blocks of all plants
and animals
 Cells are produced by the division of
preexisting cells
 Cells are the smallest units that perform all
vital physiological functions
 Each cell maintains homeostasis at the
cellular level
 Homeostasis at higher levels reflects combined,
coordinated action of many cells
The Diversity of Cells in the Human Body

Figure 3.1
General Subdivisions of a Cell
A. Nucleus B. Cell
(regulatory Membrane
center of the
cell) (selectively
C. Cytoplasm
the cell and
(everything the
between the environ-
cell membrane ment)
and the
nuclear Organelles are individual
compartment) compartments in the cytoplasm
Cell Membrane
 Cell membrane components
 phospholipid bilayer
 transmembrane (integral) and peripheral proteins
 interior protein network – elements of the cytoskeleton
 cell surface markers – glycocalyx (proteoglycans,
glycolipids, glycoproteins)
Fluid-mosaic model of membrane
Plasma or Cell Membrane

Fluid Mosaic Model
of Membrane Structure

Membrane Proteins

Cholesterol Cytoplasm
Functions of the cell membrane

 Selectively
isolates the cell’s contents
from the external environment and
serves as a barrier

 Regulate the exchange of substances

between the inside and outside of the
cell – transport function

 Receptor function
The phospholipid bilayer is the fluid
portion of the membrane

 Double layer
 Polar head group: hydrophilic exterior
 Non-polar hydrocarbon tails: hydrophobic interior
Cholesterol molecules are part of
the lipid bilayer

 Adds strength
 Adds flexibility
 Affects fluidity
Membrane proteins:
Classified by position: Classified by function:

• Anchoring proteins
 Integral proteins
• Recognition proteins
 Peripheral proteins
• Receptor proteins
• Carrier proteins
• Channels
Membrane proteins
Integral and peripheral proteins
Types of membrane proteins –
functional classification
 Transport proteins
 For passage of materials through the
plasma membrane
 Channel vs. carrier proteins

 Receptor proteins
 Bind molecules and trigger cellular
 Example: hormones

 Recognition proteins
 Self vs. non-self (glycoprotein-based)
 Markers during development
2. Movement of substances across
 Definitions
 Concentration
 Number of molecules in a given volume
 Gradient
 Differences in concentration between two regions of
 This causes molecules to move from one region to the
other (if no barrier to movement)
 Diffusion
 Netmovement of molecules from regions of high
concentration to regions of low concentration
 Considered as movement “down” its concentration gradient
Diffusion of Dye in Water
Dispersing Dispersal

Time 0 Time 1 Time 2

Steep Reduced No
Concentration Concentration Concentration
Gradient Gradient Gradient
Passive and active transport
 Passive transport
 Movement of molecules down their
concentration gradients
 Requires no net energy expenditure
 The gradients themselves provide energy
 Active transport
 Movement of molecules against their
concentration gradients
 Requires energy!
Passive transport
1. Simple diffusion
2. Facilitated diffusion
3. Osmosis
4. Filtration

 Remember that no energy is required, and

molecules move down their concentration
Passive transport
1. Simple diffusion
 Molecules simply cross cell membrane on their own,
down their concentration gradients

 Possible only for molecules that can cross the lipid

bilayer on their own
 Lipid-soluble molecules
 Examples: ethyl alcohol, vitamin A, steroid hormones
 Very small molecules
 Examples: water, carbon dioxide

 Rate depends upon

 Concentration gradient
 Size
 Lipid solubility
Passive transport
2. Facilitated diffusion
 Molecules move down their concentration
gradients (as for simple diffusion), but…
 Transport proteins assist these molecules in
crossing the membrane
 No net energy expenditure! (This is a type
of diffusion…)
Example: transport of glucose
Passive transport:
Facilitated diffusion via a channel
Passive transport:
Facilitated diffusion via a carrier protein
(Outside Diffusion Molecule in
Cell) Channel Transit

Carrier protein
has binding site Molecule enters Carrier protein changes Carrier protein resumes
binding site shape, transporting original shape
for molecule molecule across membrane

(Inside Cell)
Passive transport
3. Osmosis
 Movement of water from a high [water] to an
area of low [water] concentration across a semi-
permeable membrane
 Note here that water can pass through, but glucose
The effects of osmosis

 Compare solute and water concentrations

outside vs. inside the cell (sketches)

Active Transport
1. Movement via active transport proteins
(sodium-potassium pump)

 Remember that energy is required, and

molecules are moved against their
concentration gradients
Bulk (vesicular) transport
 Exocytosis - movement of materials out of the cell by fusion of
vesicles with the plasma membrane
 Example - export or removal of wastes in single-celled organisms
 Example – cells exporting proteins
 Endocytosis – Infolding of the plasma membrane to bring large
materials into the cell
 Pinocytosis, "cell drinking"– extra cellular fluid and materials
suspended in it (water and solutes) are enclosed in invaginating vesicle
 Used in digestive tract
 Receptor-mediated endocytosis – more specific with receptor binding
to molecules, bringing them in and concentrating into a coated pit
 The way insulin gets into your cells.
 Phagocytosis "cell eating" – brings large materials into a cell by
wrapping extensions of the plasma membrane around the materials and
fusing the extension together.
 How the human immune system ingests whole bacteria or one-celled
creatures eat
 pseudopodia “false feet” – plasma membrane extensions
Bulk (vesicular) transport
1. Endocytosis
 Three types of endocytosis
 Pinocytosis
 “cell drinking”
 Extracellular fluid taken in

 Receptor-mediated endocytosis
 Specific for particular molecules
 Molecules bind to receptors.
 Receptor-molecule complex taken in

 Phagocytosis
 Large particles engulfed
Mmm...yummy bacteria!!

Help! I’m to be broken

down to mere macro-
Bulk (vesicular) transport
2. Exocytosis

3. Transcytosis
Transcytosis in endothelial cells of the
•Can see this phenomena
in continuous capillaries
•Muscle, connective tissue,
exocrine glands and nervous

•Transport lumen

macromolecules in both

•Pinocytotic vesicles can

cross cell in about
2-3 minutes.
Tight Junctions
 Seal tissues and
prevent leaks
 Link epithelial cells
 Prevent things from
moving through the
intercellular space
 Restrict migration of
proteins and
Tight junctions
 Extracellular surfaces of two adjacent
plasma membranes are joined
together so there is no extracellular
space between them
 Occurs in a band around the entire cell
Belt desmosome
 Zonula adherens
 Another belt around
the cell
 Below the tight
 An anchorage
 Associated with
actin filaments
 Space between
membranes can be
 Like spot welds!

 Dense plaques with

fibers attached-
Anchor cells together
from one side to the

 These cells withstand

lots of abuse!
Spot Desmosomes
 A region between two cells where
membranes are separated by 20nm
 Dense accumulation of protein at the
cytoplasmic surface of the membrane
Desmosomes, cont’d

 Keratin fibers extend from

the cytoplasmic surface
to other side of cell to
next desmosome
 Holds adjacent cells
together in areas of
 skin, cardiac muscle

 Assymetrical structures
 A plate anchors the basal part of cell to the
basal lamina
 This plate contains IFs called keratins or
 Membrane plaque linking hemidesmosome
to basal lamina via anchoring filaments
 Contributes to overall stability of epithelia
Gap junctions

 Protein channels link the cytosols of cells

 Passage of small molecules and ions (Na+, K+)
 Excludes large molecules
 Transmits electrical activity between cardiac
and smooth muscle cells
 Allows chemical messengers to cross from
one cell to another
 Coordinates activities between cells
Gap junction connexons

 A connexon is a cylinder with a central

open pore
 One gap junction connexon is made up
of six connexins
 The pore is a hydrophilic channel
between two cytoplasms
 Plasma membranes come within 2-4nm
of each other
Gap junctions
Put Them All Together…
Cellular Junctions
Occluding jxns

zonula adherens

macula adherens

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