3.3 The Animals

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The Animals

Kingdom Animalia
What separates animals from plants?
 are multicellular
 have eukaryotic cells
However, they differ significantly:
 Animal cells have no cell walls
 Animals are heterotrophic
Kingdom Animalia
 The animal kingdom is quite complex, and as
such, has been divided into two groups:
 Vertebrates (have a backbone (notochord)- 5%
of animals)
 Invertebrates (do not have a backbone
(notochord)- 95%of animals)
Kingdom Animalia
 Aside from that major defining characteristic of the two
groups within Kingdom Animalia, there are several other
major characteristics used to classify animals:
 Number of body (germ) layers
 Coelom (body cavity)
 Body symmetry
 Digestive tract or gut
 Levels of body organization
Classification and Phylogeny
 The common ancestor was a colonial flagellated protist that lived 700
million years ago
 Which protist group was this found in?
 The animal-like protists called choanoflagellates
 How is it theorized to have happened?
 The colonial cells arranged into a sphere that formed a hollow cavity
 The hollow cavity was able to capture and digest food
 This basic arrangement is seen in embryonic development of animals
This figure shows 10 of the phyla in the animal kingdom,
however there are a total of 17 phyla
 Porifera- sponges, the only animals that don’t have nerves AND they don’t move
 Cnidaria- jellyfish, have tentacles that can sting
 Platyhelminthes- flat worm, can be parasites
 Rotifera- don’t worry about it
 Mollusca- clams/snails
 Annelida- earth worms (“normal worms”)
 Nematoda- heart worms
 Arthropoda- insects, exoskeleton made of chitin
 Echinodermata- starfish
 Chordata- the only phyla with a BACKBONE (vertebrates)- bird, mammal, fish, reptiles,
Classification and Phylogeny
 Over time, cells in the colony became specialized
(take on special roles)
 The colonies evolved into multicellular organisms
with specialized tissues
Look at the phylogenetic tree. Which animal phyla holds the oldest related ancestors?
Phyla porifera- the sponges.
Look at the diagram, explain to me what it is telling you
Sponges use flagellated cells called choanocytes to draw water and nutrients into the inner cavity of the
What does each individual choanocyte look like?
 Which organism do you
think undergoes this
development in its
embryonic stages?
 Look back at the cavity
formed by the
 See how similar they
 Evolution…you are SO
The simplest animal
Phyla porifera
8000 species of sponges
Simple body with flagellated cells (choanocytes)
Flagella create a current of water that passes through the pores of the sponge
This draws food and nutrients into the body cavity, which gets trapped on the mucus
found in the collars of the choanocytes
Amoebocytes deliver nutrients from choanocytes to other cells within the sponge
Do not move as adults
Most are marine
Sexual reproduction in porifera
 Choanocytes produce sperm
 Specialized cells called archaeocytes produce eggs and release them into the mesophyll layer
of the sponge
 The sperm travels through the mesophyll to fertilize the egg, and travels through the pores of
the sponge to get released out from the choanocyte and out through the sponge’s body cavity
By looking at the phylogenetic tree, which traits emerged next?
 The development of nerves was an innovation
 Nerves are specialized cells used to coordinate
movements and sense changes in the
 The phylum Porifera (modern sponges) is the

Another classification is symmetry

 symmetry refers to the number of ways the body can be divided
into equal halves
 body symmetry directly relates to an animal’s lifestyle and brain
development, and is therefore very important
 There are two types of symmetry used in classifying animals:
 bilateral symmetry
 radial symmetry
Radial symmetry
 Animals whose bodies are arranged around a central
axis (ex: jellyfish)

Bilateral symmetry
 Animals that have left and right sides that are mirror
images of each other (ex: humans)
 Animals with radial symmetry are not well suited to
rapid movement
 One explanation for this is that these types
organisms lack a head region, so there is no “leader”
to organize movement
 Examples of these organisms include:
 Hydra
 Jellyfish
 Starfish
 Animals with bilateral symmetry do have a true
head region (anterior region)
 The anterior region tends to enter new environments
first (before the rest of the body), therefore, nerve
cells are concentrated here
 This concentration of nerve cells is called
cephalization (enables rapid processing of stimuli)
 Bilateral symmetry is advantageous for animals that
move forward
Body cavities (coelom)
Some animals have their digestive tract and their organs suspended in a
fluid-filled body cavity called the coelom.
Why is it important?
Filling your body cavity with fluid ensures that organs and muscles have
something to lie against, and that they don’t collapse on themselves.
Since the body is not “flat”, the cavity provides the room for more
complex organs to develop
See the flatworm below? It doesn’t have a place for complex organs to
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_KPfbaXduc (2:30)
 Number of body layers: this is also referred to as germ layers
 Germ layers: layers of cells in the embryo that give rise to specialized
tissues in the adult
 Germ layers appear very early in the development of the organism
 There are three types of germ layers:
 Ectoderm (ecto: outer, derm: skin)
 Mesoderm (meso: middle)
 Endoderm (endo: inner)
Ectoderm cells form:
the nervous system
In complex organisms:
feathers, scales, hair, and nails are also formed

Mesoderm cells lie in between the ectoderm and endoderm, and they form the organs of the following systems:

Endoderm cells form:

the lining of the gut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UKnJqTN-58 (2 mins)
Bilaterally symmetrical animals are divided further into (use the diagram to help

1. Protostomes
2. Deuterostomes
These groups are differentiated by different patterns of embryonic development

 Protostomes: mouth forms before the anus(contains only invertebrates)

 Deuterostomes: anus forms before the mouth (contains vertebrates and
The Protostome Invertebrates
 Organized into six phyla (made up of animals such as: worms, insects, snails, clams)
 The majority of animals species are protostome invertebrates
 Can be found in almost every environment
 Diverse body plans and life cycles

Humans interact with protostomes in various ways:

 Competition over resources
Pathogens and Vectors
 Parasitic diseases
 Biting animals act as vectors (spread disease)
Food and Economic Benefits
 Source of food and products for humans
The Deuterostomes
 Less diverse group
 Made up of two groups:
1. The Echinoderms (invertebrates)
 6500 species of invertebrates
 Display same pattern of early embryonic development as vertebrates
 Unique body plan: complete digestive system, simple circulatory
system and no respiratory or circulatory system
 Ex: starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers
The Deuterostomes
2. The Chordates (vertebrates)
 The most complex living organisms
 Over the course of evolution, chordates evolved vertebrae, paired
appendages, bony skeleton
 Vertebrates on land evolved a waterproof amniotic egg that make
it resistant to water loss
 Ex: fish, amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds
The Simplest Invertebrates
Made up of two phyla (use the diagram on the previous slide to help you guess):
1. Porifera
 (mentioned above)
 NERVES- yes
 Symmetry- radial
 Coelom- no
 Germ layers- don’t have mesoderm
 Simplest animals that have specialized nerve, muscle, digestive and reproductive tissues
 All have tentacles that contain nematocysts, which are capsules that contain toxins that can
sting or paralyze attackers and prey
 Examples: hydras, anemones, jellyfish, coral
The protosome invertebrates:

Nerves- yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Coelom- no
Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers
Embryonic development- protostome
Examples: tapeworms, flatworms
Many are parasites of animals
Have no circulatory or respiratory systems
The protosome invertebrates:

Nerves- yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Coelom- yes
Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers (however their coelom is not lined by mesoderm)
Embryonic development- protostome
Examples: rotifers (I could name them but we just usually call them rotifers since there are 1800 different
species of them!)
Small aquatic animals (less than 2mm) that use cilia to direct food into their mouths
No respiratory or circulatory system
The protosome invertebrates:
Nerves- yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Coelom- yes- HOWEVER- it is usually just a small space around the heart called a “hemocoel”
Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers
Embryonic development- protostome
Examples: snails, clams, squid
Have complete digestive and circulatory systems, and gills
FOR INTEREST- YOU DON’T NEED TO MEMORIZE THIS- Most can secrete ammonia (derived
from urea found in their urine). When ammonia reacts it forms ammonium, causing the Ph of solution
around the mollusc to increase, favoring the deposit of calcium carbonate onto their bodies, forming
the shell
The protosome invertebrates:
Annelida (segmented worms)
Nerves- yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Coelom- yes
Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers
Embryonic development- protostome
Examples: earthworm, feather duster worm
Most of their internal organs are segmented.
Gas exchange occurs through skin, gills or other specialized organs.
Many are marine and have bristles on their surface to help with movement
The protosome invertebrates:
Nerves- yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Coelom- yes
Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers
Embryonic development- protostome
Examples: heartworms
Have unsegmented bodies
Some females can produce more than 100 000 eggs in 1 day!
The protosome invertebrates:
Nerves- yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Coelom- yes
Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers
Embryonic development- protostome
Examples: insects and crabs, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles
Segmented bodies.
Complex sensory systems which include antennae
Hard exoskeletons made of chitin.
Can use gills or airways for respiration.
These are the only invertebrates that can fly
Do you see a mistake in this phylogenetic tree based on the info
from the previous slide?
The deuterostomes
Invertebrate deuterostome- echinoderms
Nerves- yes
Symmetry- radial- around 5 or more arms
Coelom- yes
Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers
Embryonic development- deuterostomes
Examples: starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers
Have a digestive and circulatory system, but NO respiratory or excretory system.
They do not have a head region, and their nervous system begins at the mouth and
extends into the arms
How do echinoderms move?
Echinoderms primarily use their tube feet to move about. The tube feet
typically have a tip shaped like a suction pad in which a vacuum can
be created by contraction of muscles.
Echinoderms move by alternately contracting muscles that force
water into the tube feet, causing them to extend and push against the
ground, then relaxing to allow the feet to retract.
This can generate enough force to allow starfish to pull apart clams!
Think about it, could we be strong enough to do that with out hands?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9JE4qkI45s (4 min)
 Vertebrate deuterostome- chordates
 Nerves- yes
 Symmetry- bilateral
 Coelom- yes
 Germ layers- have all 3 germ layers
 Embryonic development- deuterostomes
 Examples: fish, amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds
 The chordates are thought to have evolved from ancestors that had segmented bodies and were
bilaterally symmetrical.
 The primitive form of these chordates had gills slits, a dorsal nerve cord, and a notochord (spinal
cord) that served to attach the body wall muscles
 How vertebrates began to conquer land was said to be the development of the amniotic egg which
is surrounded by an outer shell that makes it resistant to water loss
 These are the new derived features of chordates that were derived from their most recent
common ancestor
 Chordates evolved from some deuterostome ancestor (such as the
echinoderms) since they have similarities in embryonic development, type of
coelom and larval stages.
 Fossils of the earliest vertebrates have been found from about 400 million years
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