Rite of Passage - Illyrian Blood Rite

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Umar Govani and Faraaz Mustafa
The Illyrians are a collection of warrior tribes. Illyrians are feared as formidable enemies due to
their aggressive and warmongering acts. To become a true warrior, however, an Illyrian must go
unarmed into the wilderness and endure two weeks of harsh winter weather. The objective of the
Rite is to reach the top of Mount Ramiel and prove yourselves as elite warriors. While they are
unrivalled warriors with a culture rich in stories and traditions, they are barbaric and backward,
particularly when it comes to how they treat females. It's common practise for them to cripple their
females in order to prevent them from becoming strong warriors. Illyrian women are in charge of
everything in Illyria, including business/keeping the economy running, hunting, and the
upbringing of society. Illyria is a hunter-gatherer society.
Geological Location Of the Illyrian Tribes
Mount Ramiel
The mountain Ramiel holds a lot
of significance to the Illyrians
and is the location where the
Illyrian Blood Rite takes place

Modern-Day Russia
The vast Illyrian tribes spread out
from East Russia all the way to
West Russia
Illyrian Blood Rite
The Illyrian elders decide to hold the Illyrian Blood Rite on a new day every winter.
Every year warrior novices are kidnapped from their home in the middle of the
night and stripped of their weapons, and belongings. As the sun sets the warrior
novices are released 100 km away of Mount Ramiel. The warrior novices have to
survive 2 weeks of harsh winter weather, wild animals, and each other when racing
against the clock. Many Illyrians who participate in the rite often kill each other for
food, clothing, revenge, or glory. . It is common for an Illyrian teen to challenge
someone they may have fought with in the past to fight during the Blood Rite.
Where they are when it ends categorises them into one of three warrior echelons
named after their holy stars: Arktosian, who do not make it to the mountain but
survive; Oristian, who make it to the mountain but do not reach the peak; and
Carynthian, who reach the summit and are called elite warriors. In Illyrian history
only 3 males have claimed the title of Carynthian.

What takes place in what order?

1. Illyrian Elders decide on a day during the peak cold of winter every year.
2. Warrior novices who reach the age of 17 have to complete a qualifier challenge to qualify to
enter the Blood Rite. Failures or no shows are automatically considered Arktosians.
3. On the night before the Blood Rite novice warriors are kidnapped and stripped of their
4. Novice warriors are planted 100 km away from Mont Ramiel with nothing but thin clothes.
Novice warriors have to injure or kill other to pile on clothes to survive the cold.
5. Novice Warriors have to make their way to the base of Mount Ramiel
6. Only a select few have actually managed to climb the treacherous slopes of Mount Ramiel and
etch their names into the Titanium Monolith called Azrial to claim the name of Carythian.
7. Surviving warriors are categorized into their various ranks and tattooed.
How do the How do the
participants see this people prepare
ritual in their lives? for the ceremony?
Illyrians see the Blood Rite as an honor to undertake. Male children were taught to be warriors
The Blood Rite categorizes Illyrians into their various from the age of eight, when their mothers
social rankings. It is the most anticipated event in many threw them into the sparring arena and
young Illyrians lives. Adult Illyrians tell tales about left to fend for themselves. Children were
their bravery during the Blood Rite. It is common an separated from their families and were
Illyrian teenager to challenge another Illyrian male who raised at the war camps where they
he has fought with to have a fight to death during the trained to complete the Blood Rite. Any
Blood Rite. Illyrian teens who are killed during the Rite children who stayed behind with their
body are left for wild animals to eat and are a cause of parents were instantly labelled as
shame for their families. Arktosians.
What is the new status, role or experience that initiates
are entering through the ritual?
Where Illyrians are when the Blood Rite ends categorises them into Illyrian Hierarchy
one of three warrior echelons named after their holy stars: Arktosian,
who do not make it to the mountain but survive; Oristian, who make Carythian
it to the mountain but do not reach the peak; and Carynthian, who
reach the summit and are called elite warriors. In Illyrian history only
3 males have claimed the title of Carynthian. Arktosians are
considered expendable in Illyrian society. They are often tasked with Oristian
manual labor and undesirable work. Oristan’s in contrary are
considered formidable warriors and have ample choice in the
direction of their life. Carythian is the highest in the Illyrian
hierarchy. All three previous Carythians were once commanders of Arktosian
the Illyrian army.
Does the ritual serve a function?
Although, the Illyrian Blood Rite may seem like senseless killing it does serve an essential function in
the survival of the Illyrians. Illyrians open their Blood Rite to neighboring enemies to participate in.
Every year the strongest candidates from across Modern-day Europe are sent in to compete in the Illyrian
Blood Rite. Not one candidate remained alive at the end of two weeks to claim the lowly title of
Arktosian. This tactic renews the fear of the Illyrian tribes in enemies hearts. As a result when Illyrians
go to war enemy soldiers moral is quavered when facing the mighty Illyrians. Illyrians reputation as
formidable soldiers precedes them and as a result Illyrians manage to defeat enemy after enemy on the
battlefield. This is also useful when convincing countries to ally. Secondly, the Blood Rite is essential in
distributing power and position in Illyrian society. It is an easy way to award individuals with high social
class who have shown intelligence, perseverance, and strength during the Blood Rite. The Blood Rite
also weeds out individuals who are deemed useless and weak. Thirdly,The Blood Rite provided a safe
haven for the dangerous tensions that existed within the Illyrian tribes. It was preferable to resolve it in
the Rite rather than face civil war between the various Illyrian tribes. Finally the most obvious function is
for novice warriors to progress to true warriors.
Arnold Van Gennep’s: 3 Stage Transition Process

3. Incorporation and
1. Segregation 2. Transition
Reintegration Stage:
State of transition from Process of
Period of segregation
one status to another introduction to the
from previous way of
(liminal phase)
life (preliminary phase); new social status
and the new way of
life (postliminal
1. Segregation
During the stage of segregation, a boy in search
to become a warrior proceeds to embark on a
harsh and cold journey to become the newest
Illyrian warrior. He gets kidnapped by the elders
and is stripped of his clothes and personal
belongings. The only belongings he has when
he is released into the Blood Rite is a thin white
Segregation: A person undergoing cloth which is not suitable for 2 weeks of
the rite of passage is separated survival in the winter. He begins the journey of
from the the rest of society and being accepted as a proven warrior as opposed
from his or her original status to being an unproved novice warrior.
During the Illyrian Blood Rite the transition stage is less
about learning a new role and more is proving your
worthiness as elite warrior. During the transition the warrior
novice have to survive in the harsh winter weather for two
weeks while fighting other Illyrians, wild beasts. Illyrians
Transition Stage: In this have to fight other Illyrians to survive because they are sent
stage the person going into the Blood Rite without warm clothes. Illyrians have to
through the Rite of pile on clothes of injured Illyrians to survive. The goal of
Passage is becoming his the Blood Rite
or her new self and
learning their new role.
3. Incorporation And
This is the final stage, and all of the surviving warriors have been
reintegrated into Illyrian society. Warriors who survived the Blood
Rite now command a degree of respect that non-warriors must
Incorporation and respect. At the conclusion of the Blood Ritual, all surviving warriors
Reintegration: The have their shoulders tattooed.Carythians have three stars tattooed on
individual is reintegrated their bodies. Oristians have two tattoos, whereas Arktosians have one.
into society with his or her A warrior commands the most respect in his tribe, but the carythian
new role commands the most of the three. The Oristians are next, followed by
the Arktosians.
Part 2 : Artifact Creation
Significance of the Artifact
Azrial is the name of the onyx monolith situated at the peak
of Mount Ramiel. It is rumored to be erected by the first
Illyrian: Josephial. The site of Azriel is only accessible to
Carythians and is revered and considered holy.

Significance of the Artifact in the Blood

During the Blood Rite, every Warrior novice's aim is to enter
the site of Azriel and etch their name alongside the names of
other Carythians. They can then claim the title of Carythian
and be considered elite warrior capable of leading the Illyrian
Connection to Textbook
- Body Modifications: All surviving participants of the Blood
Rite are tattooed based on the rank they have achieved
during the Blood Rite.
- Gender Expectations:In Illyrian society there are
expectations on how men and women should look, act, and
behave. Boys are brought up with the sole purpose of
becoming a warrior. The Blood Rite is what Illyrian males
train to compete in from a young age. Their performance in
the Blood Rite goes on to decide everything in their life

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