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(Enteral Routes of Administration)
Effect Of Administered Drug

Systemic Local
(General) (Topical)
Routes of Administration

Enteral Others
Enteral Route

a- Upper rectum :
b- Lower rectum :
1- Oral Route:

Factors Affecting Oral Absorption:
3- Gastric Emptying:
a- Metoclopramide: (Primperan, Anti-emetic)

b- Atropine:

4- Gut Motility:
5- pH:
5- pH:

6- Presence of food & other drugs:

7- First Pass Effect (Pre-Systemic Metabolism):
↓ Bioavailability
a- Gut:

b- Hepatic:

8- Factors related to the drug:

? How to OVERCOME Hepatic First Pass Metabolism?

Enteral Route:
1- Oral.
2- Sublingual.
3- Rectal.
2-Sublingual (Pellet or Linguat)

3-Rectal Route
1- Solid (Suppository):

2- Fluid (Enema):
Evacuant (Cleansing) enema Retention enema
♣ Advantages:
Enteral Route:
1- Oral.
2- Sublingual.
3- Rectal.

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