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drg. Bertha E. Setio, SpPros

 There are several types of cement available for the

permanent retention of indirect restorations
 These include zinc phospate, zinc silicophospate,
polycarboxylate (zinc polyacrylate), glass ionomer,
and composite resin cements
 Cement based on zinc oxide and eugenol are not
indicated for permanent cementation
Cementation with Zinc
Phospate Cement
 The quadrant containing the tooth being restored is isolated
with cotton rolls and suction device
 Use the spatula to divide the powder into small increments
approximately 3 mm on a side
 Move one increment across the slab and incorporated it into
the liquid, mixing it for 20 seconds across a wide area
 Continue to add small increment of powder, mixing each for 10
to 20 seconds using a circular motion and covering a wide area
of the slab
•Small increments of powder are introduced into the liquid
•Cement is mixed with a circular motion over a wide area
 Check the consistency by slowly lifting te
 When the consistency is right, it will string
out about 10 mm between the spatula and
slab before it runs back onto the slab
 Quickly load the clean, dry restoration with
 Brush or wipe cement on the inner surfaces
of the restoration
 Seat the restoration on the tooth and, if it posterior
tooth with uniform occlusion, have the patient apply
force to the occlusal surface of the restoration by
closing on a plastic wafer or orangewood
 Anterior crowns are better to apply force with a finger
padded by a cotton roll
 After the restoration is completely seated, keep the
field dry until the cement has hardened
While the cement hardens, the patient mantains pressure
by bitting on a resilient plastic wafer(A) or a wooden stick
Kegagalan GTC

 Kegagalan penyemenan
 Karies servikal
 Poket periodontal
 Konektor patah
 Facing pecah
 Pulpitis
 Perubahan warna
Kegagalan penyemenan

 Waktu pengadukan
 Kadaluarsa
 Rasio bubuk dan cairan
 Terlalu sedikit
Karies servikal

 Karies pada gigi pegangan

 Batas crown terbuka
 Crown terlalu besar
Poket periodontal

 Iritasi batas crown

 Over loading
 Iritasi sisa makanan
Konektor patah

 Over loading
 Desain gtc
 Kualitas bahan
 Bruxism
Facing patah

 Kualitas bahan
 Ketebalan preparasi
 Trauma

Preparasi terlalu dekat pulpa

Karies awal

Iritasi semen
Perubahan warna

 Kualitas bahan
 Jenis makanan
 Jenis minuman
 Ketebalan bahan
 Kebocoran

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