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Applying a Sodium Tracker Apps

at a Heart Failure (HF) Unit

Mojdeh Amini
HCIN 541 Intro to Health Care Delivery Systems
University of San Diego
Michael Manriquez
December 2019
• Reducing Readmission Rate 30 Days Post Discharge
• Addressed: Low Adherence to Low Sodium Diet

Admission Rate:
– > 1 million HF and 25% re-admission 30 days post discharge

Kobashigawa, J. (2018). Clinical Guide to Heart Transplantation. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
• Goals: Evidence Based Care for Patients with Heart Failure:

–Reducing HF re-admission Enhancing
–Self-Care Management in HF

Objectives Improving:
- Read Food Labels
- Able to use the App
- Adherence to Low Sodium Diet

– Food Diary - How to Keep Track of What You Eat. (2019, November). Retrieved from


Food Diary - How to Keep Track of What You Eat. (2019, November). Retrieved from
• Procedures/Scope of Work
How to Use the smartphone Application
Able to Read Food/Drink Labels
Teach Back Technique

Phase 1: At the Hospital

(starting low sodium diet)

Phase 2: At the clinic- Follow up

(maintaining low sodium diet)

Phase 3: Community
(managing low sodium diet)

Van Craenenbroek EM. Exercise training as therapy for chronic heart failure. E-Journal of Cardiology Practice.
therapy-for-chronic-heart-failure. Accessed June 5,2019.
Audit Re-Admission Rate
Re-Clinic/Office Visits
Increasing Dose of Diuretics
Food and Weight Gain Journalism
Managing Eating Out: Restaurant/ Party/Trips
Description of Work Cost
Phase One 7x(nurse) x $51 (per hour) x 30 (days) $10,710
Per hour 1x (Manage) x $65 x 4hr= one month $260
1x (Dietician) x $60x4hr= one month $240
1x(pharmacist) x $81x4hr= one month $1580
1x (HF Nurse) x $79 x 5hr (x4 weeks) $324

6x Mobile x $379 $2,274

Total =$15,388
Phase Two Without mobile prices $0
Phase 1 total price -mobile prices Total=$13114

Phase Three = Phase 2 total price Total =$13114

Total $ 39,342

– HF readmission days within 30 days for HF are about 6.4 days., and the
estimated mean cost per readmission is about $9,051.
– The Smartphone Application project is for keep tracking in amount of sodium
with a low cost, about $39.342
– It reduces readmission rate in HF patients
– It is a safe and friendly project and without any risk or harm to patients and the
clinical staff

Casey, T. (2017, January 23). Readmissions for acute MI, heart failure are expensive, lead to long hospital stays. Retrieved. December 3, 2019.
From acute-mi-heart-failure-are-expensive-lead-long-

Thank You

Hafezi, M. (2009, March 5). Marnan Bridge. Retrieved December 8, 2019,
Amini, M (2019, September). USD from

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