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( because of, Due to, and thanks
G rup 9
1. Ikhwanul (2019040)
2. Muhammad Khaidir (2019046)
3. Indhyra Eka Putri (2019068)
A type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns perso
nal matters and it is sent from one individual to another such as famil
y members, relatives and friends, and love letters. People write and se
nd personal letters for only a small number of people to read — usuall
y one or two. Writers can send personal letters for lots of different re
asons: short memos for business strategies, love letters between long
-distance sweethearts or even pen pal messages to foreign exchange
students. Senders usually handwrite personal letters, which emphasiz
es the personal nature of the note.
Format of a Personal Letter
a. Date – This is the date when the letter is written.
b. Name, Address, City and Zip Code – these are name, address, city and zip code
of the sender.
c. Salutation and Name of Recipient – The greeting usually starts with the word
‘Dear’ followed by the given name of the recipient or relationship and it ends
with a comma. Two examples are shown: ‘Dear Ronald,’ ‘Dear Uncle,’
d. Introduction– This is the opening of a letter. It may include greetings like ‘How
are you?’ Sometimes, you may refer to a previous letter.
e. Body– This is the main part of the letter. It includes the message that the writer
wants to tell the recipient. It is often divided into. It is often divided into
f. Closure– This part indicates the letter is going to end. The writer may ask the
recipient to reply here.
g. Complimentary Close– This short expression includes a few words on one
line. It ends with a comma. Some examples are shown below. ‘Yours
sincerely,’ ‘Best regards,’ ‘Love,’
h. Signature– the signature of the writer
Language Feature
1. Sentence Structure  Accuracy of grammar may be more important than an email. Most of the time, complete se
ntence are expected
2. Style
Language use may be personal. For example, first and second person pronouns may be frequently used. May no
t be as formal as official letter writing.
3. Allowed to use contractions
Example : he’s, she’s, haven’t, they’re
4. Altough the tone of your letter is informal, please take note
  •Do not use offensive language
  • Use gramatically correct sentences
Example Of Format Letter
( because of, Due to, a
nd thanks to)
What's the difference among “because of,” “due to” and “thanks to”?All
three phrases have a position in conversation and in writing. If they carry
same meaning , the language masters would
Have restricted to one phrase.
because of phrase because of
on account of; by reason of .There is Cause and Effect relationship w
hile using “ Because of“ Here actions initiated due to the cause is hig
hly analysed and well
thought and executed.

Due to

This phrase is used to modify the nouns. In other words, due to is used to
present the reason for a noun.
Thanks to phrase.
If you say that something happens thanks to a particular person or thing, you
mean that they are responsible for it happening or caused it to happen.

What are the Key Take-Away Messages

- Use ‘due to’ only to modify nouns.

- Usage of ‘due to’ is correct, if the sentence makes sense when ‘due to’ is replaced
’caused by’.
- Use ‘because of’ to modify verbs.
- ‘Due to’ & ‘because of’ are not interchangeable.
Due To :
“The traffic jam was due to a terrible accident at the intersection.”
“This stomachache is due to unhealthy food”

In the above-mentioned sentence, the phrase due to has been used to present the reason for the noun traffic jam. The reason
for traffic jam, grammatically a noun entity, is a terrible accident. Hence, usage of due to correct in this sentence.

Because Of :
“The traffic jam happened because of a terrible accident at the intersection.”
“Samantha can’t go out because of the bad weather”
In the above-mentioned sentence, the phrase because of has been used to present the reason for the action happened. The
reason why the traffic jam took place is that there was a terrible accident. Hence, usage of  because of is correct in this

Thanks To :
“Thanks to God, I could be life in this world“ - positive
“Thanks to you, we're late for the movie.”- negative
What Difference between two pharase?

Technically speaking, “due to” should only be used an adjective and come after
a noun. For instance, you could say: The cancellation was due to rain.
“Cancellation” is a noun, and “due to” is describing it.
“Because of,” on the other hand, should modify verbs. So you might want to
say: The game was canceled because of rain. “Was canceled” is a verb phrase,
which makes “because of” the right choice.
Thank you

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