Intramuscular Injection

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• Intramuscular injection is a form of parental administration of
medication where a drug is injected into a deep muscle tissue.
• To obtain a quick effect of medicine than is obtained by oral
administration and subcutaneous.
• To give medicine those are irritating or ineffective when given by
another route.
Site for Intramuscular injection

Site for Intramuscular injection

Site for Intramuscular injection

3. Dorsogulteal
Site for Intramuscular injection

4.Vastus laterals
Site for Intramuscular injection

5.Rectus femoris
• Clean tray containing:
• Syringe with needle (1-2 inch in length)
• Medication (Ampule /Vile)
• Gloves
• Cotton ball-2pieces
• Rectified spirit
Procedure guideline:
SN Step Rational
1 Check the physician order. TO ensure the correct order.

2 Identify the patient. To ensure correct identification of patient.

3 Explain the procedure to patient, the To provide information which help in

purpose of medication, the site of cooperation understanding and reduce
injection, expected effect. anxiety

4 Perfect hand-washing. To prevent the spread of infection .

Procedure guideline:
5 Assemble equipment. To carryout procedure in easy and effective
6 Prepare medication from ampoule/vial To ensure correct medication and dose.
7 Help the patient assume the position It helps to ensure patient safety and comfort
depending on the site selected. by selecting suitable sites.
 If IM injection in to buttock
1. lay the patient on the side of a bed
2. measure site (avoid sciatica nerve)
3. Divide buttock into 4 quartants and give
injection in upper outer quadrant.
4. Maintain privacy
 If an upper arm selects deltoid muscle 2
inch below the shoulder joint.
Procedure guideline:
8 Assess the area for any kinds of lump Assessment is a prerequisite to the
nodules, hardness, swelling, itching, administration of medication.
inflammation in area

9 Don gloves if needed. To prevent from cross infection and spread of

10 Clean with an antiseptic swab in circular To prevent the infection from injection.
motion moving from the center to
periphery (moving outward up to 5cm)

11 Remove the needle cap with the non- It reduces the risk of accident needle stick
domination hand, pulling it straight off injury.

12 Pull the skin down or to one side (z track It decreases the risk of medication’s leaking
technique) with non-dominant hand into needle track and reduce complication and
Procedure guideline:
13 Hold the syringe in the dominant hand Inserting quickly causes less pain to the
between the thumb and fore finger. Insert patient.
the needle quickly at 90-degree angle

14 Aspiration by pulling back on plunger and Ensure that the needle is injected into muscle.
observe for blood.
15 Inject medication slowly if no blood To prevent backflow of blood and reduce the
appears. risk of air embolus.
16 wait 10 second after the medication has Allow the medication to diffuse through the
been injection. muscle
17 Withdraw the needle quickly at same angle It prevents tissues damage and increase pain
of insertion at the injection site.
18 Apply gentle pressure at the site with a dry Massaging is not necessary as it can damage
sponge and if bleeding is present continue underlying tissues
applying pressure till bleeding stops.
Procedure guideline:
19 Discard the needle and syringe in a sharp’s Prevents needle-stick injury.
container. Don’t recap the needle

20 Position client for comfort, encourage Promotes the absorption of medication.

client receiving ventrogluteal injection to
perform leg exercise (flexion and tension)

21 Remove gloves, wash hand. Prevent transmission of microorganism.

22 Record on the cardex and nursing report, Provide documentation that the medication
dosage, route, route site and time. was administration

23 Inspect the injection site within 2 to 4 Alters the nurse to hypersensitivity reactions.
hours and evaluate the client response to
 Brunner and Siddharths (2014). Text book of medical and surgical
nursing. (13th edition)
 Pathak S; Devkota R. (2011). A text book of fundamental nursing. (4th
 http;// injection

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