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LR Parsing

Picture So Far
 SLR construction:
based on canonical collection of LR(0) items –
CSE244 gives rise to canonical LR(0) parsing table.
 No multiply defined labels => Grammar is called

 More general class: LR(1) grammars.

Using the notion of LR(1) item and the canonical
LR(1) parsing table.

LR(1) Items
 DEF. A LR(1) item is a production with a marker
together with a terminal:
E.g. [S  aA.Be, c]
intuition: it indicates how much of a certain production
we have seen already (aA) + what we could expect next
(Be) + a lookahead that agrees with what should follow
in the input if we ever do Reduce by the production
S  aABe
By incorporating such lookahead information into the
item concept we will make more wise reduce decisions.
 Direct use of lookahead in an LR(1) item is only
performed in considering reduce actions. (I.e. when
marker is in the rightmost).
 Core of an LR(1) item [S  aA.Be, c] is the LR(0)
item S  aA.Be
 Different LR(1) items may share the same core.
Usefulness of LR(1) items
 E.g. if we have two LR(1) items of the form
 [ A  . , a ] [ B  . , b ] we will take
CSE244 advantage of the lookahead to decide which
reduction to use (the same setting would
perhaps produce a reduce/reduce conflict in the
SLR approach).

 How the Notion of Validity changes:

 An item [ A  1.2 , a ] is valid for a viable
prefix 1 if we have a rightmost derivation that
yields Aaw which in one step yields 12aw

Constructing the Canonical Collection of
LR(1) items

 Initial item: [ S’  .S , $]
CSE244  Closure. (more refined)
if [A.B , a] belongs to the set of items, and
B   is a production of the grammar, then:
we add the item [B  . , b]
for all bFIRST(a)
 Goto. (the same)
A state containing [A.X , a] will move to a
state containing [AX. , a] with label X
 Every state is closed according to Closure.
 Every state has transitions according to Goto.

Constructing the LR(1) Parsing Table
 Shift actions: (same)
If [A.b , a] is in state Ik and Ik moves to state
CSE244 Im with label b then we add the action
action[k, b] = “shift m”
 Reduce actions: (more refined)
If [A. , a] is in state Ik then we add the action:
“Reduce A”
into action[A, a]
Observe that we don’t use information from
FOLLOW(A) anymore.
 Goto part of the table is as before.

Example I
S’  S
S  CC
CSE244 CcC |d

S cd
C cd

Example II
S’  S
SL=R | R
CSE244 L  * R | id

S * id
L * id
R * id

LR(1) more general to SLR(1):
S’  S I0 = { [S’  .S , $ ] action[2, = ] ?
SL=R | R [S  .L = R , $ ] s6
[S  .R , $ ] (because of
CSE244 L  * R | id
[L  .* R , = / $ ] SL.=R)
[L . id , = / $ ]
[R  .L , $ ] }
I1 = {[S’  S . , $ ]}
I2 = { [S  L . = R , $ ] I5 = {[L  id. , = / $ ]}
[R  L . , $ ] } I6 = { [S  L = . R , $ ]
[R  .L , $ ]
I3 = { [S  R. , $ ]} [L  .* R , $ ]
[L . id , $ ] }
I4 = { [L  *.R , = / $ ] I7 = {[L  *R. , = / $ ]}
[R  .L , = / $ ]
I9 = {[L  *.R , $ ]
[L  .* R , = / $ ] I8 = {[R  L. , = / $ ]} [R  .L , $ ]
[L . id , = / $ ] } [L  .* R , $ ]
I10 = {[L  *R. , $ ]} [L . id , $ ] }
I11 = {[L  id. , $ ]}
I12 = {[R  L. , $ ]} CH4.9
LALR Parsing
 Canonical sets of LR(1) items
 Number of states much larger than in the SLR construction
 LR(1) = Order of thousands for a standard prog. Lang.
 SLR(1) = order of hundreds for a standard prog. Lang.
 LALR(1) (lookahead-LR)
 A tradeoff:
 Collapse states of the LR(1) table that have the same
core (the “LR(0)” part of each state)
 LALR never introduces a Shift/Reduce Conflict if
LR(1) doesn’t.
 It might introduce a Reduce/Reduce Conflict (that did
not exist in the LR(1))…
 Still much better than SLR(1) (larger set of languages)
 … but smaller than LR(1), actually ~ SLR(1)
 What Yacc and most compilers employ.
Collapsing states with the same core.
 E.g., If I3 I6 collapse then whenever the LALR(1)
parser puts I36 into the stack, the LR(1) parser
CSE244 would have either I3 or I6
 A shift/reduce action would not be introduced by
the LALR “collapse”
 Indeed if the LALR(1) has a Shift/Reduce
conflict this conflict should also exist in the
LR(1) version: this is because two states with
the same core would have the same outgoing
 On the other hand a reduce/reduce conflict may be
 Still LALR(1) preferred: table proportional to
 Direct construction is also possible.
Error Recovery in LR Parsing

CSE244  For a given stack $...Ii and input symbols s…s’…$

it holds that action[i,s
action[i, ] = empty

 Panic-mode error recovery.

Panic Recovery Strategy I
 Scan down the stack till a state Ij is found
 I moves with the non-terminal A to some state
CSE244 Ik
 I moves with s’ to some state I
k k’
 Proceed as follows:
 Pop all states till I
 Push A and state I
 Discard all symbols from the input till s’
 There may be many choices as above.
 [essentially the parser in this way determines that a
string that is produced by A has an error; it
assumes it is correct and advances]
 Error message: construct of type “A” has error at
location X
Panic Recovery Strategy II

 Scan down the stack till a state Ij is found

CSE244  Ij moves with the terminal t to some state Ik
 Ik with s’ has a valid action.
 Proceed as follows:
 Pop all states till Ij
 Push t and state Ik
 Discard all symbols from the input till s’
 There may be many choices as above.
 Error message: “missing t”

E’  E
EE+E| action goto
CSE244 |E*E
|(E) id + * ( ) $ E
| id 0 s3 e1 e1 s2 e2 e1 1
1 e3 s4 s5 e3 e2 acc
2 s3 e1 e1 s2 e2 e1 6
3 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4
4 s3 e1 e1 s2 e2 e1 7
5 s3 e1 e1 s2 e2 e1 8
6 e3 s4 s5 e3 s9 e4
7 r1 r1 s5 r1 r1 r1
8 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2
9 r3 r3 r3 r3 r3 r3 CH4.15
E’  E
Collection of LR(0) items
| id

I0 I2 I5 I8
E’  .E E  (. E ) EE*.E EE*E.
CSE244 E  .E + E E  .E + E E  .E + E EE.+E
E  .E * E E  .E * E E  .E * E EE.*E
E  .( E ) E  .( E ) E  .( E )
E  .id E  .id E  .id

I1 I3 I6 I9
E’  E. E  id. E  ( E . ) E(E).
EE.+E EE.+E
EE.*E I4 EE.*E
E  .E + E I7 Follow(E’)=$
E  .E * E E  E + E . Follow(E)=+*)$
E  .( E ) E  E . + E
E  .id EE.*E
The parsing table
id + * ( ) $ E
0 s3 s2 1
CSE244 1 s4 s5 acc
2 s3 s2 6
3 r4 r4 r4 r4
4 s3 s2 7
5 s3 s2 8
6 s4 s5 s9
7 s4/r1 s5/r1 r1 r1
8 s4/r2 s5/r2 r2 r2
9 r3 r3 r3 r3

id + * ( ) $ E
0 s3 e1 s2 1
CSE244 1 s4 s5 acc
2 s3 s2 6
3 r4 r4 r4 r4
4 s3 s2 7
5 s3 s2 8
6 s4 s5 s9
7 s4/r1 s5/r1 r1 r1
8 s4/r2 s5/r2 r2 r2
9 r3 r3 r3 r3

I0 I2 I5 I8
E’  .E E  (. E ) EE*.E EE*E.
E  .E + E E  .E + E E  .E + E EE.+E
E  .E * E E  .E * E E  .E * E EE.*E
E  .( E ) E  .( E ) E  .( E )
E  .id E  .id E  .id

e1 Push E into the stack and move to state 1

“missing operand”
e1 Push id into the stack and change to state 3
“missing operand”

id + * ( ) $ E
0 s3 e1 e1 s2 e1 1
1 s4 s5 acc
2 s3 s2 6
3 r4 r4 r4 r4
4 s3 s2 7
5 s3 s2 8
6 s4 s5 s9
7 s4/r1 s5/r1 r1 r1
8 s4/r2 s5/r2 r2 r2
9 r3 r3 r3 r3

id + * ( ) $ E
0 s3 e1 e1 s2 e2 e1 1
1 s4 s5 e2 acc
2 s3 s2 6
3 r4 r4 r4 r4
4 s3 e1 s2 7
5 s3 s2 8
6 s4 s5 s9
7 s4/r1 s5/r1 r1 r1
8 s4/r2 s5/r2 r2 r2
9 r3 r3 r3 r3


CSE244 e2 remove “)” from input.

“unbalanced right parenthesis”

Try the input id+)

Error-handling state 1
id + * ( ) $ E
0 s3 e1 e1 s2 e2 e1 1
1 e3 s4 s5 acc
2 s3 s2 6
3 r4 r4 r4 r4
4 s3 s2 7
5 s3 s2 8
6 s4 s5 s9
7 s4/r1 s5/r1 r1 r1
8 s4/r2 s5/r2 r2 r2
9 r3 r3 r3 r3


I1 I3 I6 I9
E’  E. E  id. E(E.) E(E).
CSE244 EE.+E EE.+E
EE.*E I4 EE.*E
E  .E + E I7
E  .E * E EE +E.
E  .( E ) EE.+E
E  .id EE.*E
e3 Push + into the stack and change to state 4
“missing operator”

Intro to Translation
 Side-effects and Translation Schemes.
CSE244 E’  E attached to the symbols
E  E + E {print(+)} to the right of them.
| E * E {print(*)}
| {parenthesis++} ( E ) {parenthesis--}
| id { print(id); print(parenthesis); }
 Do the construction as before but:
 Side-effect in front of a symbol will be
executed in a state when we make the move
following that symbol to another state.
 Side-effects on the rightmost end are executed
during reduce actions.
Do for example id*(id+id)$ CH4.25

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