Depression: Disease of The Century

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disease of the century

Depression is considered to be the most common suffering
worldwide. According to the World Health Organization,
more than 350 million people suffer from depression
globally, reported cases.Depression is an emotional
disorder that is characterized by a state of increased
sadness, mood of inner emptiness, associated with somatic
and behavioral changes.

• From financial problems, the loss of a loved one,

major life changes, family tensions, stress at work,
and loneliness or drug and alcohol use, all are possible
triggers for depression. At the mental level, there is a
major suffering, deep anxiety and, especially,
personality disorders. Depressed people have a total
disinterest in activities that, in the past, would have
caused them a feeling of well-being. Physically, sleep
disorders, agitation, permanent fatigue, or difficulty
concentrating and making decisions often occur.
                         The first symptoms of

• ● Persistent sadness, associated with a state of inner emptiness

• ● Difficulty seeing in the future, even in the near future

• ● Lack of value and feelings of guilt

• ● Loss of interest in activities that until recently were considered enjoyable

• ● Tiredness and difficulty doing anything, even simple activities

• ● Difficulty in making decisions and having a point of view, indifference

• ● Sleep disorders, insomnia

• ● Weight loss or gain

• ● Thoughts about death, plans for suicide or even attempts

• ● Irritability

• ● Physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment (headache, digestive disorders, pain without a specific cause)
• Our demands and roles have changed a lot over the years, and the need to have meaning in life, when things happen
quickly and are within our reach, is hardly met - paradoxically, because we tend to believe that , if nothing is missing,

Why depression then we are happy.From time immemorial, man has struggled to get what he wants. The physical work of that time has
been replaced by the intellectual work of now, which is demanding and much less palpable.In the speed of daytime

occurs events, we hardly find a time to calm down, to stay with us and to enjoy peace.If before people rested after a hard day,
and in winter the activities were reduced and there was time to recharge the batteries and to restore physical resources,
now the pace is much faster and it happens constantly.

Society imposes certain standards and recipes in almost everything we do, and the non-adaptation to them or the difficulty in
keeping up with them, entails a feeling of maladaptation, emptiness, lack of meaning.Trying to meet many expectations, we
end up forgetting about ourselves, who we really are.

Depression seems to appear suddenly: I simply couldn't get out of bed. But it's not like that at all. It gradually sets in, but
being caught up in what we are doing and trying to keep up, we forget about ourselves and as such do not pay attention to the
small symptoms.

The motto "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" it is another type of thinking that puts pressure. So is the idea of
positivism.People try to look what they are not, they show a false smile when they suffer, because socially we are not
encouraged to express our real feelings, to cry, to be angry or sad.Scheduled, surface joy does not help at all. On the contrary,
it worsens, because it takes us away from our true feelings and, at some point, we end up lying so well that we can no longer
see the first symptoms of depression.
• In case of depression, the people who can offer
real help are the psychiatrist and the
psychotherapist alike. Untreated or inadequate,

Treatment depression recurs, sometimes more strongly than

the first time. Depression can be treated. It is

and important to persevere, intervene as early as

possible and find out the causes behind it, solve
complication them or learn to manage them differently in the
s • In addition to the psychiatrist and
psychotherapist, a real help in this case are
relaxation activities, exercise and support groups,
where people with the same difficulty work
together and support each other so that change
takes place in a healthy way.

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