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ELT Curriculum


Group 1
1. Dennisya Marwa 20178004
2. Epi Stiyo Pujowati 20178006
3. Liedya Thauva Nasrul
4. Wen Wahyudi 20178024
The Concept and
Purpose of Need
The concept of Need
Analysis (Brown, 1955)
Need analysis is also called need assessment.
Need Analysis includes keywords:
- Systematic process
- valid data
- Curriculum purposes
- Context of teaching and learning
The Purposes of Need Analysis
(Richard, 2001)

what language skill a students’ attitudes

students need

identify a gap students use language

students in need of training Students’ achievement

Step of Analysis:
Making Basic Decision
about Need Analysis
(Brown, 1955)
Four Categories involved in
Need Analysis
1. Target Group 2. Audiences
people who information will people who will eventually
ultimately be gathered be required to act upon the

3. Need Analysts 4. Resources Group

People who responsible for People as serve as sources
conducting the need of information about the
analysis target group
The Fact of Philosophies

Analytic Philosophy
Discrepancy Philosophy
a need for students naturally
a desired performance from lead next based on what is
students and what they are known
actually doing

Democratic Philosophy Diagnostic Philosophy

which a need is defined as any anything that would prove
change harmful
Three Dichotomies in Need Analysis
Objective needs vs. subjective needs
Objectives needs are those needs
determined on the basis of clear-
cut. Subjective needs are determine
what they want

Situation needs vs. language needs

Situation need is circumtances which is Linguistic content vs. learning process

needed. While, language need is target Linguistic content tends from a language
linguistic behavior needs perspective. Learning process
leans the environment of learning
Step of Analysis
Gathering Information
Richards, Plat, and Weber (1985) Suggest that a need assessment seeks
information on:
1. The situation in which a language will be used (Including who it will be used with)
2. The objective and purposes for which the language is needed
3. The types of communication that will be used (written, spoken, formal, informal)
4. The level of profeciency that will be required
Types of Questions
1. Problems
Question of this type tend to be very open ended and exploratory like the following
 What problems have you been having with your english when you talk to native speakers at
work ?
 What do you think the most pressing problems are for your language students?
 What do you feel is the greatest sources difficulty with english among the foreign students in
 What do you think are greatest fiscal, organizational, and or physical implements to learning
for students in your language program?
2. Priorities

Questions of priority investigate which topics, language

uses, skills, and so on are considered most important
for the target group to learn.
3. Abilities

Ability questions focus on the students themselves, usually to

determine the abilities of the students entry.
4. Attitudes
Attitudes questions are created to uncover information about participants
feelings and attitudes toward elements of the program
5. Solutions
Solutions that are perceived as having come from within the
program will tend to have greater backing and continued support
than solutions that are perceived as imposed from above or form
outside the program
Types of instruments
1. Existing Information
Existing information can include data sources within a program (such as files or
records that may be on hand when the need analysis begins)
2. Test
Test are in indispensable source of information in a need analysis ( in addition to
being in integral part of the curriculum that will result)

3. Observation
This category of instrumentation usually involves watching an individual or a
small number of individuals, and recording the behaviors that occur
4. Interview
Interview procedures are a fairly open-ended type of instrumentation. Individual
interviews allow for the gathering personal responses and views privately.

5. Meetings
Whereas group interview may help to the need analysit to gather information from
group, meetings are more likely to be structured so that the participants can
accomplish certain task
6. Questionnaire
Interview and meetings reveal issues and question
need to pursed on a broader scale.

 Biodata Surveys
 Opinion surveys
 Self ratting
 Judgmental rating
There are 3 characteristic of

Reliability Validity
1. Reliability

Will be defined here as the consistency with which

a procedure obtains information. Any procedure
whether it be a ruler for measuring length a scale for
determining weight, or a questionnaire for
ascertaining attitudes should obtain approximately
the same result every time it is used to measure the
same person or object.
2. Validity

Procedure will be defined here as the degree to

which it is measuring what it claim to measure. If a
questionnaire purposes to be a measure of the level
of students motivation, it is important that it be just
that, not a reflection of something entirely diferent.
3. Usability

This issues has to do with the degree to which a

procedure is practical to use. Is it relatively easy to
administer, to score, and to interpret? Asking such
question in the early stages of a need analysis can
save a great deal of trouble later.

Discourse Analysis
Text Analysis
One way of using discourse analysis to study students' needs is described in
the elaborate model provided in Munby (1978, pp. 190-98). He suggests
the nine parameters as the framework for a needs analysis:
1. participant: biographical facts and language background
2. purposive domain: the specific purposes for which the language will be used
3. setting: physical and psychosocial characteristics of the setting
4. interaction: the social relationships involved
5. instrumentality: medium, mode, and channel of communication
6. dialect: regional, class, and temporal
7. target level: language characteristics required and under what conditions _
8. communicative event: events and functions
9. communicative key: attitude and tone.
Text Analysis
Many different genres and types of texts may come under scrutiny (for example, scientific discourse,
newspaper editorials, or social science journal articles) in this form of analysis. Again, the units of
analysis chosen (for instance, cohesive devices, rhetorical features, readability, or vocabulary) will
tend to reflect the needs analysts' understandings of the nature of different kinds of texts and the
analysts' belief systems with regard to the nature of language and language learning.

van Dijk 1977 or de Beaugrande & Dressler 1981

Example of need analysis
01 Existing Information

05 Questionnaires

02 Tests

Existing Information
try to find information from all means and find many articles that
can be used in the source and share literature especially scientific
discourse and about exiting English for science and technology
tests are related in content, themes and topics to particular
disciplines, and involve a higher degree of language specificity. 

tests are more concerned to present learners with tasks that involve

them in reading, listening to, speaking or writing the target language,
and evaluating how well they can do this.
Prosess involved doing interview and holding meetings with engineering professor
and students.

Teacher analyse the interactive discourse recorded in a set video discussions by

scientist on various science topics.

All available EST textbooks collected an analyzed in term of what would now call
approaches, syllabuses, techniques, and exercises to determinate with ones would be
appropriate for program
tests are related in content, themes and topics to particular
disciplines, and involve a higher degree of language specificity. 

tests are more concerned to present learners with tasks that involve

them in reading, listening to, speaking or writing the target language,
and evaluating how well they can do this.
tests are related in content, themes and topics to particular
disciplines, and involve a higher degree of language specificity. 

tests are more concerned to present learners with tasks that involve

them in reading, listening to, speaking or writing the target language,
and evaluating how well they can do this.
Meeting a dominant and useful part of gathering information on needs of our students.

Functions of meeting
•Helps us to efficient garther information of student view in their language and situation needs
•Disseminting information to students include the teachers views on various curriculum issues
•Provided a vehicle foe vanting any student discontect and anger before it could become
1. GELC ecample have described suggests a series of orderly and organized need assasment activities. We wanted to determine
the students language needs and also unusually aware of situation needs.

2. Some mistakes that make waited for almost six mounts before trying to shape the analysis information into tentative sets of
goals and objectives.

3. We realized determination of students’ needs ongoing proses and that a wide variety of different information sources would
prove importaunt
English language institute university of hawaii at mannoa

01 03
Case studies

Literature review

05 meetings

02 Initial survey

Literature review
A literature review is a scholarly paper that presents the current knowledge
including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological
contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources and do
not report new or original experimental work
Initial survey
Before they actually began extensive research conducred a quick survey during the spring to identify the types of content of
content area courses the student were taking in addition requirement
Case studies
Case studies were conducted in each course in order to specify the listening, note
taking and discussion skill needed for these particular types of classes and fields
of study

During the case studies the need

1. The actual difficulties boththe instructiors and their foreign students may
have in content classes
2. Students preferred learning styles
3. Students coping strategies analysis in detail for variousanalyzed in detail for
various aspect od=f language need of aur students.

This case study approach in conjuncting tobe useful for gaining insight into the
lecture listening prosess involved in a variety of setting
A questionnaire is a data collection technique by asking written questions to be
answered in writing by the respondent as well. The purpose of distributing
questionnaires is to find complete information about a problem, without feeling
worried if the respondent gives an answer that does not match
a particularly importand meeting proved to be one attendence by the need
analysts .The primary purpose of this meeting to discuss tentative goals,
microskills and objectives as they had been for mulated from all of the
Be important...

The final product of need analysis process was a list of goals, organized, listed in
great detail, were meant to be the means by which microskills could be
operationalized would have been possible without the hard work who put their
souls into try figure out the langguageand situation need of student
Brown, J.D. 1995. The Elements of Language Curriculum. Boston,
Massachusetts: Heinle&Heinle Publishers.
Nation, I.S.P. and J. Macalister. 2010. Language Curriculum Design. New
York: Routledge.
Richards, J.C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Thank you

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