Compound Nouns and Noun Phrases

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Compound nouns and noun


 Common compound nount patterns:

Noun + noun: climate change
Ing form + noun: recycling scheme
Noun + ing form: energy saving

 The first noun, always singular. (even if you mean plural) e.g. Decision-making, not decisions-making.
 Instead of a compound noun, we can use:
‘s + noun, when the first noun is the OWNER of the second noun. E.g. Women’s clinic.
Noun + preposition + noun. E.g. A book about energy.

 We can also use noun + ‘s + noun OR noun + of + noun, and they have similar meaning.
E.G. Charity’s aim OR The aim of the charity.
NOTE: We use noun + ‘s when it refers to a person, group of people or to talk about time.
Mike’s job, next year’s trip.

 We use NOUN + OF + NOUN with:

Inanimate secong noun. (title of the CD)
Process of change over time. (destruction of the rainforest)
Long noun phrase. (Mike is the brother of someone I went to school with.)
Subject-verb agreement

 Some subjects, can be used with a plural or singular verb, although in formal conversations it’s better used
the singular form.
They are: army, association, audience, club, college, committee, community, company, crowd, electorate,
enemy, family, generation, government, group, jury, opposition, orchestra, population, press, public, school,
Singular verbs

 With a phrase referring to a measurement, amount or quantity. (Only a few miles separates the villages)
 After percent referring to a singular or uncountable noun. (10% of the energy comes from wind power)
 But if percent refers to a plural noun, we use plural verb. (60% of people are involved with drugs somehow.)
Plural verbs

 After: the majority, minority of, a number of, a lot of, plenty of, all of, some of + plural noun or pronoun.
(The majority of people there, are farmers)
 But, with: the number of, we use singular. (The number of people suffering from malnutrition is increasing.)
Countable and uncountable nouns

 Uncountable nouns are not used with a/an or in the plural. (advice, equipment, information...)
 Some nouns, when are used with plural or singular form, have different meanings.
She gave A speech about global warming.
Children usually develop speech in their second year.
The charity’s project was a success.
Financial success isn’t everything.
Articles - THE

 With singular, plural or uncountable nouns, when you want the reader to identify what you are referring to.
 When we talk about things that are unique.
Articles - A

 When a singular countable noun is introduced for the first time.

 To talk about an unspecified person, thing or event.
 To describe someone or something.
 To say a job, profession.
When not to use articles

 With uncountable noun.

 Plural nouns with general meaning.
 Singular nouns referring to institutions. (school, college, hospital, work, university, prison)
 Countries
 Meals
 With BY (transportation or comunication)

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