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Price line Date line and edition




Central image

Cover line


Cover lines

Feature article

This feature conforms to the typical magazine
conventions where you have one central image who
seems to have only one purpose: to sell the magazine
as they are not attached with any stories. It seems The verb “Packed” makes it seem that the
that among the chaos of real-life stories, the main
magazine has a lot to offer for the audience to get
thing that gets these magazines their money is the
beauty of their models
By capitlising “Gold-Digger”, they know it will
lead to further conversations as it is a term that
divides people’s opinions, perhaps trying to The use of the noun “family” reinforces their
improve people’s social interaction (Blumler and primary target audience (18-80, probably married
Katz’ Uses and Gratifications theory). with children)
Furthermore, it is in a yellow font to connote
wealth In the image, the man is represented as the
This story will make women feel emotional as there is a villain and the woman is portrayed as a
photograph of young children who are smiling however, princess (Propps’ Character types) due to the
they are put with the emphasis on “MURDERED” which fact there is light glowing above the woman to
makes it feel poignant as early life and death should not make her seem angelic
be seen together
The colloquial term “fella” reinforces the
C1C2DE target audience as it is a term that
Although this magazines is aimed at 18–80- would be a part of their everyday vocabulary
year-olds, only the younger proportion of
that may understand this cover line when it
comes to the use of the word “sick” as it is
used in a colloquial context, not the feeling The word “PREGNANT” is not only capitalised, but also
of being sick in a different colour to stand out from the rest of the
Sibilance is used to attract the audience to this feature article due to the fact pregnancy (as a topic)
feature within the magazine, and makes them would attract the primary demographic
remember it
It represents diversity within their real-life stories
By using the buzzword “easy”, it makes however, usually the main model is white so you
women feel relaxed as if it will be could argue that there is not enough diversity
achievable for them due to the fact, within real-life magazines
through stereotypes, women are the
However far you scroll down the page, the
navigation bar remains at the top which
emphasises how much they want you to
Red background for the navigation bar to match the masthead of the explore their website as there is more to
magazine- demonstrates a successful brand identity offer in comparison to the magazine

The advertisement would appeal

to the C1C2DE target audience as
it enables them to save money
for their busy household

The buzzword “free” would

attract the audience as they
don’t have to pay anything to
take part in the magazine

“Brain in gear” – colloquial idiom to

emphasise the primary demographic
“help you lose weight” – a
“home DIY” reinforces stereotypical mindset amongst
stereotypes that the women women (as they aspire to be
stays at home, and she has all smaller) which could lead to
the time in the world to do severe eating disorders
DIY crafts

The homepage showcases “sneak peaks” of the Issues

ahead which keeps the audience excited for the
release of it
Links to their social
media pages can be
found at the bottom of
their homepage which
include Facebook,
Twitter and Pinterest
which signifies why their
magazine does not
reach an under-18
audience as they don’t
advertise their
Instagram page (this
does exist with 3.8k
followers) and is very
Another place you
can find some
video content is
their Instagram
page which uses
highlights to
showcase events
they have attended
such as
national awards”
which represents
them as a brand
who cares about
On their Facebook page, they are not very active when it societies issues
comes to promoting video content for their magazine
however, I found one video from November 2019 that
advertises their ”Christmas Bumper Issue” – it involves
members of the TAB team discussing certain features
within the magazine. They are dressed in Christmas attire
to make the audience feel festive and excited for this
“bumper issue”. Furthermore, they are less active on
Twitter, and they are completely inactive on Pinterest
with 0 posts.

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