Nursing Theory

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Kuhn, 1962; Capra, 1986
a constellation of
concepts, values, perceptions, and
practices shared by a community, which
forms a particular vision of reality that is
the basis of the way the community
organizes itself”
Nursing paradigm


Nursing Person

Watson 1999
• “health refers to unity and
• harmony within the mind, body, and soul.
• Health is also associated with the degree
• of congruence between the self as
• perceived and the self as experienced.
• Such a view of health focuses on the entire
• nature of the individual in his or her
• physical, social, aesthetic, and moral
• realms---instead of just certain aspects of
• human behaviour and physiology.
Nursing ‘ suatuprofesi yang dipelajari,
suatu ilmu tentang keunikan
manusia, dan seni dari suatu
’imaginative and creative use
of knowledge in human service”
(Roger 1980) : Nursing as art:
"both a human creative
skill or its application".
Goal: membawa dan
Interaksi dengan lingkungannya
Melalui partisipasi dalam
Proses berubah
Lingkungan disekitar manusia
‘irreducible, negenteropic
energy field’. Termasuk
Keluarga, komunitas

Manusia :
seseorang yang
unik, yang berbeda
satu sama lain
Knowledge from related
disciplines The dicipline
Administration of nursing

Research and


of nursing

Consultation Administration

Teaching Domain of Practice


Research Theory
Knowledge in
Nursing theorist
Needs Interaction Outcome
theories theories theories

Abdellah King Johnson

Henderson Orlando Levine
Orem Paterson Rogers
Peplau Roy

• Abdellah :use problem solving approach to deal with

21 problems related to needs of patients
• Henderson : helping 14 activities contributing to
health and recovery
• Orem self care to meet individual’s need
• King : a process of action, reaction and
interaction nurse and client share information.
*Orlando: interaction with patients who have
need or response to suffering individuals
*Peplau : Therapeutic interpersonal, serial goal
oriented process
* Wiedenbach : Sensing, perseiving, validating
patient need for help
Johnson : External regulation force acting to preserve the
organization and integration of patient’s behaviour.
Levine : Patient advocacy, self respect of patient,
perception and support for personal and individual needs
Rogers: Humanistic science for maintaining and
promoting heal th, preventing illness, caring for
rehabilitating and disabled.
Roy: Theoretical system of knowledge viewing client as
biopsychosocial illness who adapt to changing
Nursing as caring
• persons are caring by virtue of their
• persons live their caring moment to moment
• persons are whole or complete in the
• personhood is living life grounded in caring
• personhood is enhanced through
participating in nurturing relationships with
caring others
• nursing is both a discipline and a profession
(Boykin & Schoenhofer, 2001, p.11).
Hodges' Health Career Model
The health career model is
essentially concerned with the
person in a social context.

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