Basic Introduciton Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduction Using Information Technology, 10e

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Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

Using Information Technology, 10e

Basic Introduction
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

DEFINITION: Information Technology (IT)

describes any technology that helps to produce,
manipulate, store, communicate, and/or
disseminate information.

• Part 1: Computer Technology

• Part 2: Communications Technology

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: A computer is a programmable,

multiuse machine that accepts data—raw facts and figures —and
processes, or manipulates, it into information we can use, such as
summaries, totals, or reports.

- Its purpose is to speed up problem solving and increase


Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

Communications technology , also called telecommunications
technology , consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for
communicating over long distances.

The principal examples are telephone, radio, broadcast


In more recent times, there has been the addition of communication

among computers—which is what happens when people “go
online” on the internet.

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

- Online: means using a computer or some other

information device, connected through a network, to
access information and services from another computer
or information device.

- A network is a communications system connecting

two or more computers; the internet is the largest
such network.

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Information technology is essential on college

• IT is used in teaching, labs, and in course
• Many college classes are either taught online or
have a class website.

DEFINITION: Distance learning is online


Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Problem: Computers in the classroom can be

used or misused.
• What should they be used for?
• Following the lecture
• Working along with the instructor
• Performing instructor-assigned Internet searches
• Completing assignments for this class
• What is misuse?
• Text messaging or emailing friends
• Surfing the Internet for entertainment
• Doing assignments for other classes
Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• DEFINITION: Virtual means something that is

created, simulated, or carried on by means of a
computer or a computer network.
• Virtual money
• Cash-value cards
• “Electronic wallets” (e.g., PayPal)
• Online bill paying
• E-Commerce:

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Cash-value cards:
• Online bill paying : it has been possible to pay bills online, such
as those from phone and utility companies, with special software
and online connections to your bank.

• A digital wallet  allows an individual to make electronic

commerce transactions. This can include purchasing items on-line
with a computer or using a smartphone to purchase something at
a store.

• E-commerce The buying and selling of products and services by
businesses and consumers through an electronic medium, without
using any paper documents.
Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Videogames
• Photo sharing
• Downloading
• Music
• Movies

Downloading: transferring data from a

remote computer to one’s own
Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Hotels: use computer reservations

• Law Enforcement: Officers use computers
• On patrol
• To check stolen cars
• To check criminal records

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Office careers: Budget, payroll, letter-writing,

• Fashion: Sales/inventory control systems,
ordering, personnel
• Job-hunting:
• Use word processor to create résumés
• Post résumés online
• Online job searches

Discussion Question: Can anyone think of a career that does not

require computer skills at all?

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

The Telephone Grows Up

•1973: First cellphone call
•Mobile phone use estimated to rise to 3.9 billion
users by 2013
•Today’s cellphones:
• Can connect to Internet & web for all sorts of
• Can send and receive text messages
• Can take and send pictures, download music &
• Can obtain news and TV programs
Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Introduced in 1981
• Reached 10 million users in about one year
• Has been the fastest-growing technology
• 1998 surpassed hand-delivered mail
• In business, at least, email requires writing

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Cyberspace
• Term coined by William Gibson in Neuromancer
• Described a futuristic computer network people
“plugged” into directly with their brains
• Now the term cyberspace encompasses:
• The Internet & the World Wide Web in particular
• The wired and wireless communications world in general
• Thus, cyberspace includes chat rooms, blogs, ATMs,
conference calls, texting, etc.
• Two most important aspects: Internet
and web

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• Internet
• The worldwide computer network that links
thousands of smaller networks
• Links educational, commercial,
nonprofit, and military entities,
plus individuals
• Originally developed to share
only text and numeric data;
through the web now also
supports multimedia
Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton
Introduction to Information Technology: Your Digital World

• World Wide Web

• The multimedia part
of the Internet
• An interconnected system of servers that support
specially formatted documents in multimedia
• Includes text, still images, moving images, sound
• Responsible for the growth and popularity of
the Internet

Using Information Technology, 10e Basic Introduciton

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