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Pakistan Studies

Course Code- DPS-612

Doctor of Physical Therapy
Credit hr-2
Instructor: Miss Hina Rasul
Historical Perspective

Ideological rationale with special reference to

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad
Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali

By the end of the class you will be able to:

 Know about Ideological rationale of Pakistan
 Learn the contribution of different great
personalities towards the ideology
Ideology of Pakistan in the light of
 Quaid-e-Azam was the liberator of the Muslim nation in Sub-
Continent. He struggled for the separate state on the bases of
Islamic Ideology. He himself explained this basic ideology.
1. Foundation of Muslim Nation
Once Quaid-e-Azam said,
 “Pakistan came into being the very day when the first Hindu
became a Muslim.”
2. Pakistan and the Holy Quran:
 In the annual meeting of 1943 at Karachi Quaid-e-Azam said while
clarifying the relation of Pakistan and Islam:
 “What is that relation which has made Muslim a single body?
What is that rock on which the structure of Muslim Nation is
restored? What is that base which has secured the safety of the
boat of this Muslim Nation? That relation, rock and base is the
Holy Quran.”

3. Islam is a complete code of life:

While addressing the students, in March, 1944 he said,
“Our guide is Islam and this, is the complete code of
our life. We neither need any red or yellow flag nor do
we need any Socialism. Communism, Nationalism”
4. Elimination of differences:
On 21 March, 1948 while addressing the people in Dhaka
and said,
“I want not to see you to talk as a Sindhi, Balochi,
Punjabi and Bengali. What is the fun of saying that we
are Punjabi, Sindhi or Pathan? We are only Muslims.”

5. Need of division of India:

While addressing at Aligarh he clarified the ideology of Pakistan in
these words:
“What was the motive of the demand for Pakistan and a
separate electorate for Muslims? What was the cause of the division
of India? Its cause is neither the narrow mindedness of Hindus nor
the tactics of The British but is the basic demand of Islam”
6. National Identity of The Muslims:
In the light of the history of the subcontinent Quaid-e-
Azam argued that Muslims have never been a minority.
They are a perfect nation and have the right to establish an
independent state in those areas where they are in majority.

7. Pakistan, A practical laboratory for Islamic system:

While addressing the students of lslamia College, Peshawar
on 13 January 1948 Quaid-e-Azam said,
“We did not demand Pakistan just to own a piece of
land but we infact wanted to have a Laboratory for
experimenting the true teachings of Islam.”
8. Protection of Muslim culture:
Addressing the army officers, in October, 1947, Mr.
Jinnah said,
“Our object was to create such a state where we can live
freely, our culture and civilization get flourished, and where
Islamic concept of social justice can flourish exactly.”

9. Promotion of Islamic Ideology:

On 1st October 1947, while addressing the
officers of the Government of Pakistan, he
“Their mission is the establishment of a
state where they could live like free people in
their own socio-cultural set up necessary for
the promotion of social justice and Islamic

10. National Solidarity

 Quaid-e-Azam wanted to establish such a Pakistan which is
strong & united from every respect. Once he said after the
creation of Pakistan.
“The people who think that they will
demolish Pakistan they are foolish & not in their senses. There
is no any power in the world who demolishes Pakistan. The
roots of Pakistan are very deep & strong”
 In the light of above mentioned facts we can easily conclude
that the Quaid-e-Azam was truly aware of the basic demands
of an Islamic state and he struggled for it. According to his
ideas Islam was the only base of The Ideology of Pakistan.
Ideology of Pakistan in the light of
Allama Iqbal
Allama Iqbal & Ideology of Pakistan
 Allama Iqbal was the person who for the first time gave the
concept of a separate state for the Muslims keeping in view the
Two Nation Theory. He clearly explained the Ideology of Pakistan
in his sayings and poetry. Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan:
1. Separate Recognition of Muslims:
 Allama lqbal made it clear that the Muslims have the separate
recognition from the Hindus on the base of religion and culture. In
this regard he said:
“India is not a country, it is a Sub-
continent of human beings belonging to different languages and
practicing different religions. Muslim nation has its own religious
and cultural identity.”
2. Islam is complete code of life
 In the annual meeting of Muslim League on December 29, 1930 at
Allahabad, he said,
“Islam is not the name of some beliefs and
customs but it is a compete code of life. In, Europe, religion is every
one’s personal matter which divides the human oneness into two
opposite parts i.e. body and soul. In contrast to that in Islam, God,
Universe, soul, matter, sate and religions are bound to each other or
in other words Muslims are one nation”
3. Islam is a lively power
 In his Allahabad address he said:
“Islam is a lively power which frees
human mind from thoughts country and race. If we understand this
thing then we can be the leaders of prominent Indian civilization.”
4. Condemnation of Western Democratic Concepts:
 Allama lqbal was strongly against the western concept of
Democracy. Despite flourishing all over the world, this system
cannot provide solution of the problem of Islamic world. Iqbal was
of the view that all social and political problems can be solved with
the help of Islamic system. He said, (Western democracy is devoid of
depth, it has merely an attractive out look.
5. Islam is the way to success
Allama Iqbal said in relation to Islam:
“The lesson which I
learnt from history is that Islam always helped the Muslims.
Even today, Ideology of Islam can save your being from
destruction by uniting your divided powers”.

6. Unity of Muslim World

 Allama Iqbal was a great supporter of Muslims Unity. He gave the
message to the Nation of unity, equality, fraternity & tolerance. He
also declared that there is no any concept of discrimination on the
base of colour, cast and creed in Islam. The message of unity of the
Muslim World can be seen in his poetry as.
7. Opposition of Nationalism
 He described the reason of opposition of nationalism in the words:
 “I am opposed to nationalism, not because if it is allowed to
develop in India. It is likely to bring less material gain to Muslims. I
am opposed to it because I see in it the germs of atheistic
materialism which I look upon as the greatest danger to modern

8. Concept of separate Muslim State:

 Dr. Muhammad Allama lqbal was great supporter and
preacher of separate Muslim state. He gave this idea of
separate state for the Muslims in 1930 while addressing
the annual meeting of All India Muslim league in Allah
 “I want to see the Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Balochistan
in the form of one homogenous state. Whether India gets
independences under the crown of England or out of it, I
think independent state of western provinces is the
destiny of the people living there.”
Concept of Nationalism
 Allama iqbal preached an idea of nationalism based on
Islamic unity and brotherhood.
 He was the opinion that the individual is not linked with
the geographical boundaries but with spiritual
 Iqbal’s writings, poetry and sayings kindled a new light,
aroused a sense of respect, self realization and
determination in the Muslim Masses.
 The new Muslim generation particularly responded
vigorously to Allama Iqbal’s call and took active part in
the freedom for the creation of Pakistan.

9. Geographical Limitations of Mankind

 According to Allama Iqbal, Islam is a practical way to eliminate
the artificial distinctions of race and nation and to transcend
beyond the geographical limitations of mankind. He wanted to
established Muslim nationality on ideological lines:
Allama lqbal categorically stated that the Hindus and the
Muslims can’t live together in one state, and that the Muslims
would succeed in making their own separate state sooner or later.
He advocated the separate nationhood of Muslims. Declaring
Islam a complete code of life Allama lqbal in the annual Session of
All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930, demanded a
Muslim state in the North West of the sub-continent.
Ideology of Pakistan in the light of Sir
Syed Ahmed Khan
 Sir Syed’s first and foremost objective was to modernize the
Muslims following the Western cultural values that could
create friendly atmosphere for the two communities. He
motivated his community to learn the Western philosophy
and English literature to get along with the ruling people.
Therefore, in order to fulfill this desire he started the Aligarh
movement. He had two immediate objectives in view:
1. To remove the state of tension between the Muslims and the
British government
2. To induce them to get jobs and other facilities under the new

The ideas of Sir Syed may be summed up as

1. To create an atmosphere of mutual
understanding between the British government
and the Muslims.
2. To motivate the Muslims to learn Western
3. To persuade Muslims to abstain from
agitational politics.
Urdu – Hindi Controversy

 Urdu grew as common language of all the Indians

regardless of origin or religion but in 1867 the
Benarsi Hindus started campaign to replace Urdu by
 They declared numerous organizations, which
discouraged Sir Syed who said that now both the
nations could not live together. Later the followers of
Sir Syed tried their level best to save Urdu language.
Mohsin ul Mulk was the outstanding person who
organized the Muslims in defense of Urdu.
Muslim as a Nation

 Sir Syed used the word ‘nation’ for the Muslims.

Some writers criticize that he declared Hindus and
Muslims one nation. But as a matter of fact, he
advocated the Hindu-Muslim unity that meant ‘the
working relationship’ between the two nations as
once he said: “Hindus and Muslims should try to
be of one mind in matters which affected their
progress.” He favored separate electorate for the
Muslims in 1883 saying that the majority would
override the interests of the minority.
The role of Ali Garh Movement for the uplift of

Aligarh Movement
 Sir Syed was interested in Muslims. He wanted to improve
relations with British and the positions of Muslims.
The central aims of the Aligarh Movement were to:
 improve relations between the British and Muslims
communities by removing British doubts about Muslim loyalty
and Muslim doubts about the British intentions.
 improve the social and economic position of Muslims by
encouraging them to receive Western education and take up
posts in the civil service and army.
 - increase their political awareness to make them aware of the
threat to from the Hindu policy of cooperation with the British.
Salient features of the political, educational and
religious contributions of Syed Ahmed Khan are as
given below

1. In 1863 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established a Scientific

Society. The purpose of this society was translation of
English books into Urdu language.
2. During his stay at Aligarh he issued a weekly Gazette called
“Aligarh Institute Gazette”.
3. In 1869 Syed Ahmed Khan visited England. There he studied
the system of Education. Moreover he wrote Khutbat-e-
Ahmedya in reply to Sir William Muir’s book “Life of
4. In 1870 he issued his famous magazine named “Tehzib-ul-
Ikhlaq” This magazine promoted Urdu language immensely.

 In May 1875, Syed Ahmed Khan founded

Muhammadan Anglo Oriental High School at
Aligarh. Two years later in 1877 this school
was elevated to the status of a college by
Lord Lytton the British Viceroy himself.
 In 1921 M.A.O College was raised to the
status of Aligarh University. 
Mohammandens Educational
 Sir Syed founded the Mohammadens Educational
Conference whose objective was to discuss and solve the
education problems of Muslims in the sub-continent. His
efforts for Muslim education served double purpose.
 It helped the Muslims to get good jobs and raised their
status in society.
 It also helped in removing the mistrust between the
British and the Muslims.
 Therefore education was the most important aspect of
Sir Syed’s services in the Muslims of India.
 Sir Syed’s advice to Muslims in the political field is also
 He believed   that under the European system or democratic
government the Muslims of India would always be at the
mercy of Hindu majority.
 He suggested separate electorate for Muslims. He advised the
Muslims not to join Congress.
 He opposed the system of competitive examinations for
government posts because Muslims were much behind the
Hindus in education. Sir Syed strongly opposed the
replacement of Urdu with Hindi as court and official

 InReligion Sir Syed united the Muslims by

supporting the “Two Nation Theory” and the
Hindi-Urdu controversy of 1867 in which
Hindus wanted Hindi to be the official
language while the Muslims wanted Urdu. He
realised the threat to Muslims so united them
and gave them good education.   
Lecture end

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